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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian的英语学习理念

Brian's English Strategy
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/29 13:56  新浪教育

  Every beginner『初学者』has their fear in conversation. The key is to get the words out of your system anyway『关键是一定要把话说出口』. You may be incorrect『不正确的』in grammar, you may be wrong in pronunciation. You just can't worry about it too much. Try not to come up with the perfect sentence before you say it. Say it anyway without thinking too much. But afterwards『但说过以后』, you have to remember what you've done wrong and correct it in your head『你一定要记住哪些说的不正确,并在脑海里更正过来』.

  As long as people can understand what you mean, you are half-way there『你已经成功一半了』. Communication is about understanding each other. You may say "I go church yesterday." It's wrong, but guess what? People will understand. I'm not encouraging not trying to be correct. There is a big difference between being ignorant『无知的』and learning from mistakes. Don't be embarrassed『感到尴尬』by making mistakes. I've heard native speak say "it don't work."

  Accept mistakes. Everyone learns language by making errors -- lots of errors. We try out new sounds, new words, new phrases『习语』, and new grammar; we see how the language feels and how others react. It's difficult but it's fun.



  经典例句:Afterwards, you have to review your mistake and then make a difference. /过后,你要研究一下自己的错误,然后避免再犯。


  经典例句:you just can’t do things half-way. /你做事不能半途而废。


  经典例句:Ranning into the woman bathroom made Bill embarrassed. /误闯女厕所让比尔感到很尴尬。

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