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高中英语课外学习辅导:词序颠倒 意义则变
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/15 16:05  英语辅导报


  1. at work在工作,在运转;work at从事于,钻研,研究

  The machines are at work.机器在运转。

  He's working at a new invention.他在从事一项新的发明。

  2. at level……级的; level at瞄准,对准

  The talk took place at a high level.会谈在高层中进行。

  The hunter leveled his gun at the prey.猎人把枪对准猎物。

  3. at play在玩耍; play at假装,做事不认真

  The children are at play.孩子们在玩耍。

  Let's play at being pirates.我们装扮海盗玩吧。


  1. in all总共,总之; all in筋疲力尽,一切包括在内

  In all, we did very well.总之,我们干得很出色。

  At the end of the race he was all in.赛跑结束时他已筋疲力尽了。

  2. in advance预先,事先; advance in在进步,提高,发展

  Please send your luggage to the station in advance.请你预先把行李送到车站去。

  Great advances in medicine have been made in this century.本世纪在医学方面取得了很大进展。

  3. in bed卧床; bed in嵌入

  The man is in bed with cold.这人因感冒卧床。

  The bullet bedded itself in the wall.子弹射入了墙内。

  4. in flood泛滥; flood in蜂拥而来,涌进

  The century was in full flood of invention.这一世纪有层出不穷的创造发明。

  Letters of congratulations flooded in.大批祝贺信蜂拥而来。

  5. in hand掌握住,在进行; hand in交上,提出

  The work is now well in hand.此事正在积极进行。

  He solemnly handed in his application.他庄严地递交了申请书。

  6. in order整齐,情况良好; order in命令(某人)进入

  The motion is in order.这项协议是符合会议日程的。

  The teacher ordered the children in.老师命令孩子们进来。

  7. in place适当的,相称的; place in安排,放置

  The proposal is not quite in place.这提议并不十分合乎时宜。

  The manager has placed him in a job.经理已给他安排了工作。

  8. in sail张着帆; sail in热心做,攻击

  The ship was in full sail.该船正满帆而行。

  He sailed in and finished the job.他一鼓作气完成了任务。

  9. in step同步,和谐; step in插手干预,顺便访问

  I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion.我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。

  You must not step in our business.你决不能干预我们的事。

  10. in trust由人代管,受托的; trust in相信,依靠

  The estate is to be held in trust until the heir reaches the age of 21.继承人年龄未满21岁,遗产要由他人代管。

  He is a man you can trust in.他是一个你可以信赖的人。

  11. in turn依次,轮流,转而; turn in就寝,上交,放弃

  Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论的基础是实践;又转过来为实践服务。

  I am turning in right now.我马上睡觉。

  12. in work有工作,在进行中; work in进入,搀入,穿插进

  Is her husband in work?她丈夫有工作吗?

  He worked in a few jokes in his speech.他在演说中引用了几个笑话。


  1. on call随时可用,随叫随到; call on拜访,号召,请求

  The nurse is on call tonight.今天晚上护士随叫随到。

  I called on him to keep his promise.我请求他履行诺言。

  2. on hand在手头上,即将发生; hand on依次传递,转交

  It was reported that there was trouble on hand.据说将会发生麻烦。

  The runners handed on the torch in turn.赛跑运动员们依次传递火炬。

  3. on fire着火,急切地; fire on攻击,射击

  They were all on fire to support the disaster area.他们都急切地要支援灾区。

  The enemy fired on the town.敌人炮击那座城镇。

  4. on high在高空,在天堂; high on热衷于,热心于

  I saw a plane flying on high.我看见一架飞机在高空飞翔。

  He is high on computers.他对电脑感兴趣。

  5. on leave在休假; leave on穿着不脱,让(电灯等)开着

  He told us that he had been on sick leave.他告诉我们他已请了病假。

  Please leave on the light.请让灯开着。


  1. for all虽然,尽管; all for完全赞成

  The country, for all the crises it had, remained strong.尽管经历了重重危机,这个国家还是强大的。

  We are all for your ideas.我们完全赞成你的想法。

  2. for good永远,一劳永逸地; good for适于,对……有益,有效期间

  We'll remember our first teacher for good.我们将永远记住我们的启蒙老师。

  The license is good for two years.这张执照有效期为二年。

  3. for fear惟恐,以免; fear for为……而担心

  I locked up the document for fear that it (should) be stolen.我把文件锁好,以免被盗。

  You needn't fear for our work.你不必为我们的工作担心。

  4. for long长久地,很久地; long for渴望

  I will not remain for long.我不会呆得很久。

  There is no one but longs for success.没有人不希望成功。

  5. for now暂时,目前; now for现在就谈

  Are you all right for now?你这会儿好了吗?

  The matter is settled. Now for the next question.那件事解决了,现在我们就来研究下一个问题。


  1. as such本身,理应; such as诸如

  The gift, as such, was of little worth.这礼物本身没什么价值。

  I only like small animals, such as cats and dogs.我只喜欢猫狗之类的小动物。

  2. as much同样地,同量; much as很像,尽管

  Don't thank me; I would do as much for anyone.别谢我;我对任何人都会同样做的。

  Much as I like it, I can't afford it.尽管我很喜欢它,却买不起。

  3. as regards关于,就......而言; regard as把......当作

  As regards that matter I agree with your opinion very much.关于那件事,我很同意你的意见。

  Waste is regarded as a crime.浪费被认为是一种犯罪行为。


  1. above all首先,尤其; all above以上都是

  What I need, you know, above all, is knowledge.你知道,我尤其需要的是知识。

  The answers all above are right.以上答案都正确。

  2. all over到处,全部,结束; over all全长,总的来说

  He has traveled all over the world.他曾到世界各地旅行。

  Over all, we support birth control.总的来说,我们赞成控制人口增长。

  3. before long不久以后; long before很久以前

  The book will be published before long.这本书不久就要出版了。

  He saw the film long before.他很久以前就看过这部电影了。

  4. date to始于,追溯到; to date直到现在

  The manuscript dates back to the 8th century.这部手稿写于8世纪。

  To date, the project has cost $15,000.到目前为止,这项工程已耗资15,000美元。

  5. of all在所有......当中最为; all of实足,至少,全体

  It's my favorite dictionary of all.这是我最心爱的词典。

  He is all of 35 years old.他至少有35岁了。

  6. off day不幸的日子; day off休假日

  This is one of his off days-he usually plays better.这是他倒霉的一天,他通常打得要比现在好。

  This is my day off.今天是我的休假日。

  7. only if只有......才,只要; if only但愿,要是......就好了

  Only if you study hard can you get good grades.只有努力学习才能获得好成绩。

  If only Tom knew about it.但愿汤姆知道此事。

  8. much too太,过分,非常; too much过多,过度

  He works much too hard.他确实干得很努力。

  The trip will be too much for me.这次旅行我吃不消。


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