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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 初中英语辅导篇:中考易混同义词语辨析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/23 21:35  英语辅导报


  as, when, while这三个词都有"当……时候"之意,但用法有所不同,使用时要特别注意。


  When I got home, he was having supper.我到家时,他正在吃饭。

  When I was young, I liked dancing.我年轻时喜欢跳舞。


  They talked as they walked.他们边走边谈。


  While I slept, a thief broke in.在我睡觉时,盗贼闯了进来。


  ①when从句与主句动作先后发生时,不能与while, as互换。如:

  When he has finished his work, he takes a short rest.每当他做完工作后,总要稍稍休息一下。(when = after)

  When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun.当我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。(when=before)


  When he came yesterday, we were playing basketball.昨天他来时,我们正在打篮球。


  ③当从句的谓语是表动作的延续性动词时,when, while和as才有可能互相替代。如:

  While / When / As we were still laughing, the teacher came in.正当我们仍在大声嬉笑时,老师进来了。


  He came just as (or when) I reached the door.我刚到门那儿,他就来了。


  We must strike while the iron is hot.我们应该趁热打铁。


  Mike is tall while his brother is short.迈克的个子很高,然而他弟弟很矮。

  Mary was on her way home when two big boys stopped her.玛丽正走在回家的路上,这时两个大个子男孩拦住她。

  二、spend;cost;take;pay;pay for

  spend, cost, take, pay和pay for都可以翻译成"花费"的意思,但各自的含义不同。


  He spends too much money on books.他平时将很多钱用在买书上。

  He spent a lot of money (in) buying a new car.他花了很多钱买了一辆新车。

  Every morning he spends half an hour on English.每天早晨他用半小时读英语。(句中on English可与(in) reading English替换)

  ②cost的主语必须是"物"或"事",表示"费用"、"耗费",后接life, money, health, time等,侧重于"花费"的代价。如:

  That one mistake almost cost him his life.那个错误几乎让他丧命。

  The book cost him one dollar.这本书花了他一美元。

  It costs you twelve pounds to go to London by ship.乘船到伦敦要12英磅。

  Making experiments like this costs much time and labour.做这样的实验要花很多钱。


  It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.我到邮局用了十分钟。

  It takes a lot of money to buy a house as big as that.买一座像那样的房子要花很多钱。

  The journey took me three hours.这次旅行用了我三个小时。

  Painting the picture took me all week.画这幅画用了我整整一周的时间。

  说明:take... to do sth.句型侧重完成该动作花费的时间,而spend...doing sth.有时并不说明动作是否完成。如:

  It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小时读完了这本书。

  He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他用了一小时读这本书。(是否读完并未说明)


  He paid the taxi and hurried to the station.他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。

  They had to pay two hundred francs.他们得付二百法朗。

  We'll pay you in a few days.几天后我们会给你钱。

  ⑤pay for的宾语为"物"和"事",for表示支付的原因。如:

  You'll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.你每周得付给我十美元饭钱。

  三、used to; would used to;would

  ①used to与would都可表示过去的习惯动作或行为,常可换用。如:

  When we were children,we used to/would go skating every winter.我们小的时候,每年冬天都去滑冰。

  ②但used to含有较强的"今昔对比"的意味,表过去总是那样,而现在不是那样了;would则无此种对比意味,只表示说话人对过去的一种回想心情。如:

  People used to think that the sun went round the earth.以前人们总认为太阳是围绕地球转的。(表示现在"人们"不这样认为了。)

  He would sometimes work into the night.以前他常工作到深夜。(并不表示"他"现在不工作到深夜。)

  I do not swim so often as I used to.我不像过去那样常游泳了。(此句中used to不能用would代替,因为would不含有"现在不再这样了"之意。)

  ③would之后要接表示动作的动词,不接表示认识或状态的动词,而used to则没有这个限制。如:

  I used to like playing football when I was at middle school.我上中学时总喜欢踢足球。

  He used to be nervous in the exam.他以前考试时总是感到紧张。

  ④用would有时应有时间状语来加以限制;而used to则可无须有时间状语。如:

  He would go to see his mother every vacation.(那时)他每个假期去看望妈妈。

  He is not what he used to be.他不再是过去的他。


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