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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/27 15:18  英语辅导报


  1. abandon oneself to放纵,沉溺于……

  Don't abandon yourself to despair.不要陷入绝望之中。

  2. be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于

  The boy was too absorbed in the book that he didn't hear me.这孩子读书入了神,没听到我说什么。

  3. calculate on预期,指望

  (1)We had calculated on a quiet Sunday.我们原打算过一个安静的星期天。

  (2)Don't calculate on his help, he is too selfish.别指望他的帮助,他很自私。

  4. carry about随身携带

  It is too valuable to carry about with you.它太贵重了,你不便随身携带。

  5. come between妨碍,分开

  (1)I'm not going to let such a small thing come between my sleep.我不想让这样的小事影响我的睡眠。

  (2)The lovers swore to let nothing and nobody come between them.这对恋人发誓不让任何人、任何事物拆散他们。

  6. die away渐渐消失,平息,变弱

  I dared not go back home until my mother's anger died away.直到妈妈气消了以后我才敢回家。

  7. eat one's heart out因忧虑(或渴求)而变得憔悴,忧伤

  For months after her husband's death, Mary simply ate her heart out.在玛丽的丈夫去世的几个月里,她一直非常悲痛。

  8. enter for报名参加

  I shall enter for the CET-6 examination.我要报名参加六级考试。

  9. entrust ...to把……委托给某人

  He entrusted his children to a baby sitter.他把他的孩子托给一个临时保姆照看。

  10. fuss around瞎忙一气,忙得团团转

  He fussed around, preparing the meal.他为这顿饭忙得团团转。

  11. get to (口)开始,着手处理

  I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can.我将尽早着手理这些帐。

  12. go against违反,反对

  This action goes against my conscience.这一行动违背了我的良心。

  13. go at着手干,卖力干

  The students are going at their studies.学生们正在拼命地学习。

  14. go by根据……做出判断

  You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy.你可不能把他的话当真,他这人很不可靠。

  15. hear out听某人把话说完

  Don't make a conclusion so fast, hear him out.别那么快下结论,听他把话说完。

  16. hurry through匆匆完成

  He hurried through the book and handed it to me.他匆匆看完书然后递给了我。

  17. keep an eye on (口)照看,留意

  Please keep an eye on my baby when I'm out.我不在家时请帮我照看孩子。

  18. keep to遵守,坚持,局限于

  No matter what changes you make you must keep to the policy.不管你做什么改变,你必须得遵守政策。

  19. land on猛烈抨击,责骂

  Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。

  20. leave out省略,不理会

  (1)An important word was left out in the news.新闻中的一个重要词语被遗漏了。

  (2)Leave his affair out for a while, we have other important things to do now.先别去考虑他的事,我们现在还有其他重要的事要做。

  21. let on (俚)泄露(秘密),假装

  He knew everything about her, but he didn't let on.她的事他都知道,但他就是不说。

  22. live up to遵守,符合,与……相配

  You should live up to your promise.你应当遵守诺言。

  23. make at扑向,袭击

  He made at the thief with a stone.他拿了块石头朝小偷扑去。

  24. put off推迟,去掉,关掉,离岸,阻止

  (1) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天。

  (2)Don't forget to put off the radio.别忘了关掉收音机。

  (3) Nothing would put her off once she had made up her mind.她一旦作出决定就什么也阻挡不了她。

  25. sit down to (使)坐下来从事,着手进行

  Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks.双方都准备进行长时间的谈判。

  26. take on从事(某工作),雇佣,获得,被接受

  (1)The factory was taking workmen on.这家工厂正在招工。

  (2)This old term has taken on a new meaning.这个旧词有了新的意义。

  (3)The song took on overnight.那首歌于一夜之间流行起来。


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