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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 英语辅导报大学教师版:一些国家和城市的雅称

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/28 13:16  英语辅导报


  Japan (日本)→the country of cherries(樱花国)

  Singapore (新加坡)→the country of gardens(花园国)

  Brazil (巴西)→the country of coffee (咖啡国)

  Panama (巴拿马)→the butterfly country(蝴蝶国)

  Egypt (埃及)→the country of the pyramids (金字塔国)

  Canada (加拿大)→the country of maple leaves (枫叶国)

  Tunisia (突尼斯)→the olive country (橄榄国)

  Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)→the equatorial country (赤道国)

  Ghana (加纳)→the country of cocoa(可可国)

  Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚)→the barefoot country (赤足国)

  Malaysia (马来西亚)→the rubber country (橡胶国)

  Cuba (古巴)→the country of sugarcane (甘蔗国)

  Mexico (墨西哥)→the cactus country (仙人掌国)

  London (伦敦)→the city of fog (雾都)

  Washington(华盛顿)→the city of snow (雪城)

  Venice (威尼斯)→the city of water (水城)

  Wellington (惠灵顿)→the city of wind (风城)

  Berne (伯尔尼)→the city of clocks and watches (钟表城)

  Lusaka (卢萨卡)→the city of copper (铜城)

  Lima (利马)→the city of drought (干旱城)

  Mexico City (墨西哥城)→the city of frescoes (壁画城)

  Jerusalem (耶路撒冷)→the holy city (圣城)

  Athens (雅典)→the city of jasmines (茉莉花城)

  New York (纽约)→Big Apple (大苹果城)


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