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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第二十四法则:喜欢美国英语的原因!

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/03 10:03  新浪教育

  I like American English because there are some reasons.

  1) Americans pronounce words loudly and clearly.

  2) Their accents vary from people to people. Never boring. Once you get used to listening their accents, you'll enjoy listening to them.

  3) No hard and fast grammar rules. For example, They use "will" with all subjects in expressing views in the simple future tense『美国人可以将"will"用于所有的一般将来时的表述上』.

  4) Their spelling of words are quite simple and easy to remember.

  For example: Center, (instead of 'centre'), color, (instead of ' Colour ').


  1、Their accents vary from people to people. /人与人的发音各不相同。

  2、His speech is very exciting and never boring. /他的发言很激动人心而且从不令人厌烦。

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