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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/06 08:43  英语辅导报



  science and technology科学技术

  theory and practice理论与实践

  advantage and disadvantage优缺点

  positive and negative正负

  at home and abroad国内外

  action and reaction作用和反作用

  import and export进出口

  up and down上下

  seas and oceans海洋

  open and close开合


  north and south南北

  rich and poor贫富

  back and forth前后(来回)

  rain and shine晴雨

  old and new新旧

  back and belly腹背

  loss and gain得失

  mind and body身心

  hard and soft软硬

  backward and forward来回,忽前忽后

  iron and steel钢铁

  flesh and blood血肉(之躯)

  land and water水陆

  track and field田径

  fire and water水火

  right and left左右

  by twos and threes三三两两

  contradiction between ourselves and enemy敌我矛盾

  heal the wounded, rescue the dying救死扶伤



  Since the reform and opening, a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises have been set up.改革开放以来,一大批中小企业建立起来了。

  Even taking into account possible new discoveries of oil deposits, there may be little or no oil left by the end of next century.即使把可能发现的新油田考虑进去,到下世纪末石油也可能全部用尽或所剩无几。


  Under the guidance of Mao Zedong's "Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Art and Literature", he produced many works of art that reflected real life.在毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的指导下,他创作了许多反映现实生活的美术作品。

  The broadcasting equipment forces electrons to rush back and forth in the antenna at very high speed.广播设备使得电子在天线里以很高的速度急剧往返。


  Further, radioactive materials can help doctors diagnose and cure different diseases.放射性物质进而能帮助医生诊治各种不同的疾病。


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