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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/06 08:48  英语辅导报

  在SEFC第二册课文中有这样的两个句子:There is not enough land by the sea.在海边没有足够的土地。So cars will be sent abroad by sea.因此,汽车将通过海路运往国外。其中by the sea和by sea两者的不同之处在于名词前有无冠词,它们的意思截然不同,分别为"在海边"和"走海路"。因此,我们在学习中要特别注意。现将中学课本中所出现的类似情况归纳如下:

  1、at school在校上课at the school在某一特指学校

  My brother and I are both at school.我和弟弟都在学校读书。

  My father teaches at the school.我父亲在那所学校教书。

  2、in class在课堂上in the class在班上

  One afternoon some boys made a lot of noise in class.一天下午,有几个男孩在课堂上吵闹。

  Everyone in the class can speak English.这班上的每个人都会说英语。

  3、in office执政,当权in the office在办公室

  He is no longer in office.他不再任职了。

  Did you see your teacher in the office?你在办公室里看见老师了吗?

  4、in front of在……前面(在外面)

  in the front of在……前面(在里面)

  There is a big tree in front of our classroom.我们教室前有一棵大树。

  There is a blackboard and a desk in the front of our classroom.我们教室前有一块黑板和一张桌子。

  5、out of question不成问题out of the question不可能

  He is out of question the greatest authority on this subject now living.他无疑是这一科当代最伟大的权威。

  I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question.我要做这么多的事,因此,今年我的休假是根本不可能的。

  6、take place发生take the place (of)代替

  Great changes have taken place in China since 1980.自1980年以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。

  Mr Wang is ill. I'll take the place of him.王老师病了,我给他带课。

  7、three of us我们中的三个人(指部分) the three of us我们三个人(指全部)

  Three of us are admitted by Beijing University.我们中有三个人被北大录取了。

  The three of us are admitted by Beijing University.我们三个人都被北大录取了。

  8、go to church做礼拜go to the church去教堂

  On Sundays they often go to church.星期天他们常去做礼拜。

  They decided to go to the church for wedding.他们决定去教堂举行婚礼。

  9、keep house料理家务keep the house家居不外出

  Her mother keeps house.她妈妈料理家务。

  Her mother keeps the house.她妈妈足不出户。

  10、by radio通过无线电by the radio在收音机旁

  You can learn English by radio.你可以通过收音机学英语。

  There are a lot of tapes by the radio.收音机旁有许多磁带。

  11、in charge of负责(表主动) in the charge of负责(表被动)

  The ward of the hospital is in the charge of Dr Green.医院的这个病房由格林医生负责。

  Mary was in charge of the baby.玛莉负责照料这个婴儿。


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