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英语辅导报高二版:up to 的常见用法
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/06 08:49  英语辅导报

  up to是本单元的重点词组,它的意义和用法有很多,你都知道哪些呢?看过此篇文章你就会对它有个透彻的了解。

  1.表示程度或数量,表示"达到……程度或数量",相当于as far as, to。如:

  Up to ten people can sleep in this tent.这个帐篷至多能睡十人。

  Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the president.从办公室勤杂员到董事长,每个人都有自己的事做。

  Our football team played up to its best in the last League matches.我们的足球队在上届联赛中发挥了最高水平。

  2.表示时间限制,"直到……为止",相当于till(也可用up till)或until。如:

  He was here up to a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿呢。

  The No. 5 bus runs up to 9 o'clock in the evening.五路公共汽车一直开到晚上九点。


  I'll wait for you until / till ten o'clock tomorrow.我将等你到明天十点钟。

  3.表示"够……;合格做……;有资格做……",相当于good/well/clever enough for或fit for。如:

  Michael is not really up to the job.迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作.

  My German isn't up to translating that letter.我的德语还不行,翻译不了那封信。(to为介词,接V-ing形式)

  Do you feel up to going out, or have you still got a headache?你觉得可以出去还是仍觉得头痛?

  4.表示"责任"、"义务",相当于the duty or responsibility of。如:

  It is up to us to do our best now.我们现在务必要尽最大努力。(sb.后接动词不定式)

  5.表示"该……做出决定,取决于",相当于decided or chosen by。如:

  -Shall we go out for dinner or eat at home?

  -It's up to you.


  -那要由你决定。(you后省略了to decide).

  6.表示"做;忙于"或"从事于",相当于doing或busy doing/ with。(非正式语体中)如:

  The children are quiet; I wonder what they are up to!孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在捣什么鬼!

  What are you on earth up to?你究竟在搞什么名堂?

  7.表示"知道"或"识破",相当于know, aware of。如:

  He is not up to many things about sports.他对体育运动知道得很少。

  They cannot deceive me, for I'm up to all their tricks.他们欺骗不了我,因为我能识破他们所有的诡计。


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