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Hefner and His Playboy Empire
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/18 13:56  英语文摘

  By Marc Lavine


  Clad in a *smoking jacket1 in his licentious Los Angeles mansion, Hugh Hefner bragged: “The three great inventions of civilization were fire, the wheel and Playboy.” “Nobody was having sex before Playboy,” he went on. “We invented it.”

  Fifty years after Hefner launched Playboy and a sexual revolution, the pop culture icon is moving to reinvent its “*Swinging 60s2” image for a new generation of pleasure seekers. From an idea born on Hefner’s Chicago kitchen table, Playboy has become a huge business empire and one of the world’s most recognisable brands. With its *centrefold pinups3, the magazine has evolved from what was regarded as smut into a glamor publication that Sharon Stone, Cindy Crawford and Kim Basinger and other stars clamoured to pose nude for.

  In an assault on what he saw as the hypocrisy of postwar puritanism, the former copywriter launched Playboy in December 1953 featuring a nude Marilyn Monroe as the first “Playmate”. “I didn’t put a date on that first issue because I didn’t know if there would ever be a second,” Hefner said in an interview with AFP at his *GothicTudor4 *Playboy Mansion5. Pitched as a sophisticated lifestyle magazine for men, the maiden issue was financed with 8,000 dollars scraped together from family and friends.

  “I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams—as wild as my dreams were—what was going to come to pass,” he said. Male readers responded overwhelmingly to the slick hedonism and Playboy’s savvy and selfassured pitch, snatching up more than 50,000 copies. An instinctive marketer, Hefner realised he had tapped into to a goldmine of young bachelors seeking a racy lifestyle that he for a while would come to epitomize.

  He sold the dream with a potent mixture of articles by famous writers, clever cartoons and photographs of seminude girlnextdoor types that would revolutionize attitudes about the enjoyment of sex. “I did not conceive Playboy as a sex magazine. I conceived it as a lifestyle magazine in which sex would be incorporated as one part.” “What we said in a very simple way is that sex is okay, that nice girls like sex too,” he said.

  That message screamed across America through Playboy’s now iconic *rabbithead logo6. Together with the advent of the contraceptive pill in 1960, it played a key role in the transformation of Western society. “What we did was the spark for what became the sexual revolution that arrived fullblown in the mid1960s,” Hefner said. Without any real competition, the magazine propelled Hefner to international celebrity as head of the glamorous and fastgrowing corporation that sold a million copies a month.

  He launched a television show, opened the first of his Playboy Clubs and bought his first Playboy mansion in his native Chicago. “I literally came out from behind the desk and started living the life. I became Mr. Playboy,” he said. With an uncanny knack for generating mystique, he created icons from Playboy cufflinks, to the bunny costumes worn by hostesses in the Playboy Clubs to his black jet, the “Big Bunny,” his pipe and redsatin smoking jackets.

  Hefner’s empire expanded in the 1970s when it launched its first overseas edition in Germany, and global sales peaked at around seven million. But Playboy faced stiff competition in what Hefner dubbed the “pubic wars,” as magazines like Penthouse and Larry Flynt’s Hustler began stealing market share with more explicit fare.

  But Hefner says he does not resent the upstarts that made his once raunchy publication look tame. He dismisses frequent claims by feminists that he has demeaned women, saying that women were the biggest beneficiaries of the Playboy revolution. “The fact is (today) that women around the world have embraced the Playboy bunny as a symbol of empowerment and sexual freedom.”

  After a severe downturn in business and the tough US crackdown on the adult industry in the 1980s, which marked the nadir of Hefner’s career, Playboy began clawing back some of its former glory in the 1990s. While it remains the world’s bestselling men’s magazine with around five million copies sold globally, the company barely makes a profit. Now run by Hefner’s daughter Christie, Playboy is reaching out to a new generation with the Hefner image through the Internet, television, gambling and merchandise businesses. “Now everything is coming back round again with the retro connections of the Playboy brand,” Hefner said. “The Beatles, James Bond and the bunnies are now very hot again. The bunny will be back.” -












  (逸文 摘译自AFP Nov. 30, 2003)

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