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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/21 09:17  英语辅导报


  1. 形容词

  He brought everything necessary for the experiment. 他把实验室所需要的一切东西都拿来了。

  They're having an important meeting. 他们在开一个重要的会议。

  2. 代词

  Have you any books about Chinese medicine? 你有关于中医方面的书吗?

  For these reasons, they had to cancel the meeting. 由于这些原因,他们不得不取消会议。

  3. 分词或分词短语

  All moving bodies have energy. 所有运动的物体都具有能量。

  The book written by John is on the shelf. 约翰写的书在架子上。

  4. 名词所有格

  On Children's Day, we had a good time. 在儿童节那天,我们玩得很痛快。

  China's capital is Beijing. 中国的首都是北京。

  5. 名词

  Xiao Wang has been a party member for 3 years. 小王入党已三年了。

  My little sister Mary is a university student. 我的小妹妹玛丽是名大学生。

  6. 数词

  There will be four more power plants to be built here. 这儿还要建设四座发电厂。

  China launched its first man-made satellite in 1970. 我国在1970年发射了第一颗人造卫星。

  7. 介词短语

  The girl in the red coat is Kate. 穿红外套的女孩是凯特。

  I've lost the key to my bike. 我把自行车的钥匙丢了。

  8. 动词不定式

  This is the computer to be repaired. 这是那台要修理的电脑。

  Lily is the first one to get to the zoo. 莉莉是第一个到达动物园的人。

  9. 副词

  The machines there were bought last year. 那儿的机器是去年购买的。

  On her way home, Joy met a group of Young Pioneers. 在回家的路上,乔伊遇见成群的少先队员。

  10. 动名词

  They built a swimming pool last spring. 他们去年春天建了一个游泳池。

  We all think her teaching method is very successful. 我们都认为她的教学方法效果很好。

  11. 从句

  This is the best film that we've ever seen before.这是我们以前所看过的电影中最好的一部。

  The woman who is talking with a group of students is Mrs Green. 正和一群学生谈话的那位妇女是格林夫人。


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