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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/26 14:31  英语辅导报

  2003年英语高考试卷中第26题为:The sign reads, "In case of ________ fire, break the glass and push ________ red button."

  A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. the; the D. a; a



  Paper money was in ________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ________ thirteenth century.

  A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填; the D. 不填;不填

  此题答案为C。本题考查的是冠词的习惯用法:be in use(此处不加冠词);in the thirteeth century(在序数词前用定冠词)。又如:

  Many people agree that ________ knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.

  A. a; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D. 不填; the




  1. 在发明物的单数名词前,既表示特指又表示类指时。如:

  Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

  2. 在逢十的复数名词前,表示"世纪的某个年代"。如:

  He began to learn Russian in the 1950s.

  但注意:in one's 50s意为"在某人五十多岁时"。如:

  He looked quite healthy though he was in his 80s.

  3. 在姓氏复数名词前用定冠词表示"全家人"或"夫妇俩",请务必注意谓语动词用复数。如:

  The Turners are sitting at the breakfast table, talking and laughing.

  4. 在比较级的两种句型中:

  1) 表示"越 ……,就越……"时。如:

  The lighter, the better.

  The more we think of our life, the happier we feel.

  2) 表示"两者中比较……"时,用定冠词。如:

  Which is the larger country, Canada or America?

  5. 在身体部位的名词前。


  She took the child by the hand when crossing the street.

  The ball hit me on the back.


  He was wounded in the back.


  The baby likes sleeping on his stomache.

  He can stand on his head for a long time.

  6. 当月份、季节被限定性定语所修饰时。如:

  The building was completed in the September of 1969, not in the summer of 1970。

  7. 语言名称后有language时。如:

  He speaks Chinese, but not the English language.

  8. 在表示"计量单位"的可数名词前(注意:介词用by)。如:

  The workers are paid by the hour/day/month.

  Tomatoes are sold by the pound.

  但注意:by weight短语中没有定冠词。

  9. 专有名词、物质名词后有修饰语时。如:

  The China he saw now was not the same as he had left 50 years before.

  Water is important for us, so we must make good use of the water around us.


  1. 在序数词前表示"又一;再一"时。如:

  The novel is so well written that I want to read it a second time.

  This is the third time I've been here. I want to be here a fourth time.

  2. 表示不特定的"某一个"时。如:

  A Mr. Smith is calling on the phone.

  3. 抽象名词用来表示"人或物的某种品德、性质"时。如:

  The conference turned out to be a failure.

  He is not a success as a leader, but he has gained much experience in teaching.

  Doing this is a great help to us all.

  He was a disappointment to us all.

  Oh, Mary, what a pleasant surprise you gave me!

  4. 一日三餐前有修饰语时。如:

  -Mum, what shall we have for lunch?


  -Oh, what a wonderful lunch!I enjoy it very much.

  5. 在形容词最高级前表示"非常"时。如:

  Unit Nine is a most difficult unit, but it isn't the most difficult unit in Book One.

  6. 常考的固定短语。如:

  all of a sudden; in a hurry; a good many+名词(复数); many a+名词(单数);quite a few+名词(复数); quite a little+名词(不可数); do sb. a favor (但:do sb. the favor to do sth.)


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