2003年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/27 09:48 英语辅导报 |
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高二组试题解析① 2003年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二组决赛试题由两大部分组成,即听力部分和笔试部分.答题时间为120分钟,试卷总分值为150分. 听力部分 听力部分共设30小题,计30分,由四个题型--听辨单词(Words)、句子理解(Sentences)、对话理解(Dialogues)和短文理解(Passages)构成,分别考查考生单词、句子、对话和短文听力理解能力. 2003年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高二组试题听力部分 Ⅰ.听辨单词(Words)(共5小题,计5分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出在你所听到的句子中所含的单词.每个句子只读一遍. 1. A.edition B.radiation C.tradition D.section 2. A.properly B.appropriately C.prosperously D.probably 3. A.kindness B.endless C.careless D.unless 4. A.political B.plastic C.problem D.pleasure 5. A.exchange B.experiment C.experience D.appearance 解题关键:读词,用声音刺激大脑;理意,预测听力话题;听句,再认相关信息;辨词,确定最终答案. 录音原文: Listen to the following sentences and choose the word which is contained in the sentence you hear.Each sentence will be read once. 1. The second edition of the novel will be published next month. 2. The time and money that the doctors spend on their medical education is probably one reason for this problem. 3. Most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land shows to them. 4. I find a great many people like to read the political news in the newspaper. 5. He wanted to write about his own experience and show how cruel life was. [参考答案及提示] 1. A edition-版、版本,表报纸、杂志、小说的版别。 2. D probably-或许、可能,表事件发生有较大的可能性。 3. B endless-无尽的,形容人或事物的数目多。 4. A political-政治的,表人或事物带政治色彩。 5. C experience-经历,表某人在特定时期的阅历。 Ⅱ.句子理解(Sentences) (共5小题,计5分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的选项。每个句子只读一遍。 6. A. Ann seldom rides to the office with Elizabeth. B. Ann is out of town. C. Elizabeth's business makes it possible for her to give Ann a ride to the office today. D. Elizabeth most often gives Ann a ride to the office. 7. A.Louise is a very good tennis player. B.I like to play tennis with Louise very often. C. I enjoy playing tennis regularly with Louise. D. I hope not to play tennis with Louise. 8. A. Mr. Smith's train left at ten thirty. B. Mr. Smith's train left at eleven thirty. C. Mr. Smith's train left at twelve o'clock. D. Mr. Smith's train left at twelve thirty. 9. A. Nine oranges were good. B. Twelve oranges were good. C. Three oranges were good. D. All the oranges were bad. 10. A. Ottawa is Lisa's hometown. B. Lisa will go to Ottawa after her exams are over. C. Lisa will leave Ottawa in order to take her exams. D. Ottawa is the best city for Lisa to live in. 解题关键:读题理句意,听音理大意,关注数据运算,注重逻辑推理. 读题理句意:读题时应理清每个句子的准确含义,从而提高听音时特定含义的再认率.因句子理解听力题多为态度判断题,应特别注意听反映主人公感情或态度的情感性副词和容易与别的意义混淆的词. 听音理大意:听音理大意时,应在准确理解原句的基础上大胆缩义,这样才能提高答题速度和准确率. 关注数据运算:数据都是经过逻辑运算而得来的.此时我们应将原数据按逻辑进行运算,从而适应试题需要. 注重逻辑推理:听音理大意时,还应注重逻辑推理,如听第7题录音可知,和Louise打网球当然不是我所期望的经历.经过逻辑推理可知,我不希望和Louise打网球. 录音原文: Listen to the following sentences and choose the statement which has the same meaning or almost the same as the sentence you hear.Each sentence will be read once. 6.Ann usually rides to the office with her friend Elizabeth,but today Elizabeth's out of town on business. 7.Playing tennis with Louise is certainly not an experience I look forward to. 8.Mr. Smith got to the railway station at noon,missing his train by half an hour. 9.Alice bought a dozen oranges,but when she got them home,she found three were bad. 10.Lisa will leave for Ottawa as soon as she finishes her exams. [参考答案及提示] 6. D 原句大意为: Ann通常乘Elizabeth的车上班。 7. D 原句大意为:我不喜欢和Louise打网球。 8. B 原句大意为:Smith先生未乘上十一点半的火车。 9. A 原句大意为:Alice买了十二个桔子,3坏9好。 10. B 原句大意为:Lisa考试后将去渥太华。 (文/郝昌明; 英语辅导报高二版 03~04学年度第37期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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