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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 英语辅导报高中教师版:“衣饰”揭秘

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/28 13:39  英语辅导报

  "衣饰"本来是人们用来穿戴打扮、美化生活所用之物,但在英语(特别是在口语、俚语)中却另有蕴含在里面。文化背景越不同,文化感知就越发困难,这就是为什么要求读书应注意"字里行间"-Read between the lines.的道理。本文拟就部分不同的"衣饰"在句子里的隐含意义揭示如下:

  1. I'll eat my hat if... 我绝不相信会……,我敢打赌绝不……

  I'll eat my hat if she agrees to our plan. 我绝不相信她会赞同我们的计划。

  2. (1)lose one's shirt, 输得精光,失去一切

  John lost his shirt at the race. 约翰在赌赛马中输了个精光。

  (2)keep one's shirt on, 耐着性子,不发脾气

  Keep your shirt on, please! The fault lies with me. 请保持冷静!责任由我来负。

  (3)put(lay) one's shirt on,孤注一掷

  If he puts his shirt on and his luck fails, he cannot gamble any more. 如果他孤注一掷,不幸不中,就无从再赌。

  3. be too big for one's trousers, 妄自尊大,摆架子

  Tom is too big for his trousers. 汤姆盛气凌人,对任何人不屑一顾。

  4. be in(put oneself in) sb.'s shoes, 处于某人的位置或处境

  (1) I wouldn't be in your shoes for a thousand pounds. 给我一千英镑我也不愿做你的替身。

  (2)You should put yourself into my shoes. 你应该从我的角度去看问题。

  5. be in(wear) the King's coat,(指英国)当兵

  Henry is in the King's coat now. 亨利现在英国军队服役。

  6. live on the skirts of a city, 住在市郊

  Mary lives on the skirts of a city. 玛丽住在市郊。

  7. be hand and(in) glove with,与……亲密无间

  Both of them are hand in glove with each other. 他们俩亲密无间。

  8. be(stand) in one's stockings, 不穿鞋只穿袜

  He is 1.75 metres in his stockings. 他不穿鞋时身高1.75米。

  9. (1)put on one's thinking cap,动脑筋思考

  Put on your thinking cap, please. 请开始认真思考。

  (2)cap in hand,恭敬

  He's listening to the teacher's advice cap in hand. 他正在毕恭毕敬地聆听老师的忠告。

  10. (1)dust sb's jacket,殴打某人

  The landlord often dusted the long-term hired hand's jacket. 那个地主经常殴打长工。

  (2)pull down one's jacket,请镇定,别激动

  Pull down your jacket, man!伙计,请镇定,别激动!

  11. (1)play(it) close to the vest保守秘密

  The Party secretary tells the members to play it close to the vest. 党书记告诉党员要保守秘密。

  (2)pull down one's vest,多管自己,别管闲事。

  Pull down your vest!别多管闲事!

  12. (1)catch a person with one's pants down逮个正着,出其不意地对某人下手

  The policemen caught a murderer with his pants down. 警察将那个杀人犯逮了个正着。

  (2)keep one's pants on,别着急,镇定

  Keep your pants on, Green, we have enough time to catch the train. 格林,不要着急,我们有足



  (文/崔梦境; 英语辅导报高中教师版 03~04学年度第38期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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