大学英语“四位一体”六级考试专项练习--写作 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/22 17:07 英语辅导报 |
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Part I. 句子写作 Exercise 1. 去掉句中多余部分,使之更简洁。 (1) So far as I am concerned, I myself personally think that you are right. (2) The water was rushing quickly through an underground tunnel. (3) We should like to draw your attention to something you have clearly and obviously failed to notice. (4) It was his customary habit to sit at the table by the window. (5) Let's give a warm welcome to the recent newcomer to our class. Exercise 2. 改正下列句子错误。 (1) Every man, woman and child were asked to go to this evening party. (2) He looked out through and saw a young lady coming the window. (3) It's high time we do something to reduce traffic accidents. (4) I was walking in the street yesterday afternoon, I saw my girlfriend. Exercise 3. 选择合适的词。 (1) All the villagers proposed to (extend, stretch) the road to the town. (2) Our class will hold a (meeting, conference) to decide on the place we are going to visit. (3) Silk is so (delicate, elaborate) that it needs careful handling. (4) He saw the mysterious passenger vanish in the (contrary, opposite) direction. (5) You have not wasted my time; on the (contrary, opposite), you have helped me save some time. Exercise 4. 分析下列句子成分。 (1) The machine is out of order. (2) They have been singing for half an hour. (3) We have realized the importance of English. (4) He gave me an English book as a birthday present. (5) We have proved the method very effective in practice. Exercise 5. 用词的适当形式填空。 (1) He claimed ________ (treat) badly at yesterday's party. (2) Do you remember ________ (introduce) to Professor Smith during your last visit? (3) ________ (invite) by an American university, I finally flew to San Francisco on August 6, 1988. (4) The way he talks is simply intolerable. I object to ________ (treat) like a child. (5) The young doctor could not sleep at night, his thoughts ________ (give) him no peace. (6) This room is so dirty that it wants ________ (clean). (7) Before the Spring Festival, the leader of the village made house-to-house survey, ________ (inquire) in each family about their needs and problems. (8) A large fish was slowly swimming through the water, its tail ________ (swing) back and forth like the pendulum of a clock. Part II. 段落写作 Exercise 1. 下列段落是怎样发展的? (1) Do you know why winter is colder than summer? One reason is that there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter. But there is another reason. Winter sunlight is cooler. It is the same sun, and it shines just as bright as in the summer time, and yet the earth gets less heat from it. The reason why winter sunlight is cooler is that the sun's rays come to us at much more of a slant than do in the summer. (2) What, then, is the generation gap? Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young. It's a common phenomenon that exists everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the young. Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reaction to new things, and different attitudes to traditional principles and beliefs. (3) To wash your dog properly, you should follow several steps with the utmost care. First, you should make sure that your dog knows nothing before you wash him. After quietly preparing his tub of lukewarm water, you should plunge him into it tenderly but firmly. Then, keeping his head well above water, you should soap his whole body, proceeding from his neck to his tail. After your pet is completely covered with soap, be sure to rinse him thoroughly. For your dog, being washed is an experience that can't end soon enough. Therefore, as soon as possible, you should both enjoy the final step of his bath-the vigorous sport of drying him. Exercise 2. 指出各段主题句的位置。 (1) Now let's look at an interesting aspect of our perception of color. If you own a blue car, you know it's blue, even if it is in bright sunlight, in darkness or under a yellow street light. Your eyes tell you that it changes color in these different situations, but your brain knows better. You have learnt that cars don't change color all the time, and so your brain interprets the information your eyes give you. (2) Many students arrive at college after having been excellent middle school students, surrounded by flowers and applause. Their triumph of being admitted to colleges earns them more praise. However, college is far from easy. In this completely new environment, there are many students who were outstanding in middle school, but they find they are no longer the most prominent; nor are they given any special attention. Some of them adjust to the new condition relatively easily, but others can't make the transition from being a school star to an ordinary student. They gradually start to suffer from depression. Exercise 3. 根据所给句子进行续写。 (1) With the rapid development of the electronic information industry, computers are widely used in all walks of life. (2) Electricity plays an important role in our everyday lives. Exercise 4. 下面段落是否具有统一性? Drug use is so widespread in American society that it is part of daily life for many people. From birth, through life's ailments, to death, drugs ease our pain and suffering. For many, drugs serve such utilitarian purposes as keeping awake, helping sleep, or eliminating stress. Recreational drugs may increase pleasure or sociability at festivals or informal gatherings. Some people take drugs routinely without thinking of them as drugs, such as when they smoke cigarettes or drink caffeinated beverages. Part III. 短文写作 根据题型要求完成下列作文。 Exercise 1. No Pains, No Gains(段首句作文) (1) No great work can be performed without effort. ________ (2) Diligence is the key factor of success. ________ (3) To do nothing is to bring ruin upon oneself. ________ Exercise 2. The Advantages of Travel (关键词作文) Key words: advantages, widen our knowledge, make friends, knowledge of geography, beautiful scenery, different lifestyle, customs and cultures, practice a foreign language Exercise 3. A Qualified College Student (提纲作文) (1) 我国现在大学生越来越多,面对激烈的就业竞争,如何提高个人的素质是当务之急。 (2) 我认为一名合格的大学生所应具备的基本素质。 Part IV. 按文体要求进行写作,字数不少于120个单词。 Exercise 1. An Unforgettable Accident (记叙文) Exercise 2. City Life and Rural Life (说明文) Exercise 3. Prospect of Science and Technology in the 21st Century (议论文) (1) 二十一世纪科学技术将会飞速发展。 (2) 科技发展带来的好处及问题。 (3) 你对科技发展的看法。 参考答案 Part I. 句子写作 Exercise 1 (1) myself personally (2) quickly; underground (3) clearly and (4) customary (5) recent Exercise 2 (1) Every man, woman and child was asked to go to this evening party. (2) He looked out of the window and saw a young lady coming. (3) It's high time we did something to reduce traffic accidents. (4) Yesterday afternoon, while I was walking in the street, I saw my girlfriend. Exercise 3 (1) extend (2) meeting (3) delicate (4) opposite (5) contrary Exercise 4 (1) 主-谓-补结构(SVC) (2) 主-谓结构(SV) (3) 主-谓-宾结构(SVO) (4) 主-谓-宾-宾结构(SVOO) (5) 主-谓-宾-补结构(SVOC) Exercise 5 (1) to have been treated (2) being introduced (3) Having been invited (4) being treated (5) giving (6) cleaning/to be cleaned (7) inquiring (8) swinging Part II. 段落写作 Exercise 1 (1) 因果法 (2) 定义法 (3) 程序法 Exercise 2 (1) 段尾主题句。So your brain interprets the information your eyes give you. (2) 段中主题句。However, college life is far from easy. Exercise 3 (1) With the rapid development of the electronic information industry, computers are widely used in all walks of life. From workshops to modern offices and from the airlines to railway networks, you can always find computers' magical work. People attribute the important role of computers to their fantastic speed in data processing and incredible imitating function. (2) Electricity plays an important role in our everyday lives. The coming of electricity has removed darkness and the world has been transformed into a well-illuminated paradise. In winter, we are heated by electric heaters, and in summer we are provided with air-conditioners and electric fans to cool us. We have electronic cookers, electric irons and a thousand and one other things. All these things are available today and life has been made easier and more comfortable due to the discovery of electricity. Exercise 4 段落的第一句是主题句。作者以日常生活中人 们使用drug的场合和情景作为论据,充分论证了论点。其他任何与主题句无关或冲突的语句都不存在。因此,这是一个具有高度统一性的段落。 Part III. 短文写作 No Pains, No Gains No great work can be performed without effort. We envy famous men and imagine that their fame was due to some stroke of luck. But when we learn about their lives we find that it is long years of patient toil and constant effort that have brought about their success. Just as we can't reach the top of a mountain without climbing, we can't achieve success without effort and hard work. Diligence is the key factor of success. Many men and women have become great because of their hard work. Diligence can make a fool wise and a poor man rich. Thus, we know that diligence is a good thing. To do nothing is to bring ruin upon oneself. Idleness is the root of all evils. Many men love idleness. They eat delicious things and wear beautiful clothes, and waste both time and energy in pastime. Such a man does not know how to study and work. We have many evils to overcome and much good to do. To get fruitful results we must guard against idleness which leads to much wickedness. The Advantages of Travel Whenever a college student is asked, "What are you going to do during the summer vacation?" The most popular answer might be "I am going to travel." It seems that college students are fond of traveling. Why? Because travel is very interesting. First of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles. Secondly, we can make friends and practice a foreign language through traveling. Finally, travel is a good pastime. We can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful scenery. In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time. A Qualified College Student Today in China, there are more and more young people who are undergraduates. Thus, the competition for applying for a job has become more and more sharp. Then how to improve the individual's quality has become an urgent problem. In my opinion, a qualified university student should possess at least three basic qualities. First, you should have a solid foundation of your major knowledge. This is the essential quality. If you are not familiar with your major, then probably, you won't have any advantage in job competition. Second, you should master a foreign language, because there are more and more connections between nations nowadays and foreign language has become a very important tool. Third, you should acquire some practical experience such as working part-time in companies. So, remember this: No pains, no gains. There're a lot of things to do before applying a job. Part IV. 按文体要求进行写作 An Unforgettable Accident It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was still deserted. I was on my way to school. A little boy came out of a house, walking hurriedly along. When he passed me, I heard him reciting the multiplication table. He was still reciting when he started to cross the street. He was too preoccupied in his study, and did not look before he crossed. Suddenly, a speeding car came around the corner. I was terrified and shouted at him to stop. But it was too late. The car ran straight towards him. Bang! He was knocked down. I rushed towards the boy, crying for help. But the driver of the car continued his journey, ran away from his responsibility, without a further look at the unconscious boy. The boy was still bleeding when the police and ambulance men arrived. The police began to investigate. I had witnessed the accident, but didn't have a look at the license number of the car. So I was no help, and they let me go back to class. When I picked up the evening newspaper, my eyes were caught by one of the headlines "Schoolboy Killed in Car Accident." These words sent me into a sorrowful mood, and have remained in my memory after all these years. City Life and Rural Life It is really very difficult to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life. Both lives have their merits and shortcomings. Living in cities has many advantages. Firstly, there are more cultural activities in cities which you can take part in. You can go to the cinema, the theatre and different kinds of clubs after a day's hard work. Secondly, you can enjoy various kinds of food, both foreign and domestic. But city life has many problems as well. The overcrowded population, traffic jams and industrial pollution may result in disease and unhappiness. Rural life, however, has some merits which city life lacks. First, the living environment in the countryside is much better and more natural. You can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to birds singing in trees. Second, Living in countryside is very peaceful. You can plant seeds in the earth, and watch them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. Once again, you can enjoy the pleasure of work. But rural life may not be so perfect. The life is too simple to some extent. Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are left behind in some remote corner of the world. People are like this. They never feel perfectly satisfied. The best solution may be that you enjoy the pleasures of your lives and get rid of their inconveniences. Prospect of Science and Technology in the 21st Century There is no doubt that the 21st century will be marked by a burst of new science and technology. Yet, the technology such as cloning and Internet fills everyone's heart with delight as well as awe. New science and technology will bring about some changes of our society. To be sure, we human beings will enjoy the fruit of advanced science and technology immensely. Consider the case of cloning. As a great breakthrough in the field of biotech research all over the world, it opens up many exciting possibilities, from saving endangered animal species to producing organs for transplant patients. Nevertheless, new science and technology may threaten the survival of mankind. Worst of all, high technology has created all kinds of deadly weapons such as nuclear missiles. In my opinion, however, such problems and dangers will be outweighed by solutions and opportunities afforded by the development of science and technology, and balanced by human beings taking corrective action. (文/李先进 燕忠忙;英语辅导报大学二年级版 03~04学年第40期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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