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英语辅导:English Winter Camp Interview
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/25 13:53  英语辅导报

  【编者按】2004年1月11日至15日全国中学生英语冬令营在哈尔滨市第三中学举行。在第七届全国中学生英语演讲比赛和第七届全国中学生英语辩论赛中, 来自四川省成都实验外国语学校的华锐同学分别获得了一等奖。华锐同学是如何学好英语的呢?难道他有什么过人之处?本报记者在冬令营期间对其进行了采访。

  R(Reporter): Huang Chuandong

  C(Camper): Hua Rui

  R: Hello, Hua Rui. I am one of the English editors from ECP(English Coaching Paper). You have done quite an excellent job in this winter camp, both in the Speech Competition and the Debate Contest. Now, can you introduce yourself to our readers, please?

  C: OK, quite pleased to do that. My Chinese name is Hua Rui, and my English name is Lancelot. It is my 16th year in this marvellous world. I am now studying at Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School, which has won many hearts by its training of talented students at the international level.

  R: From your performance in this camp, I can tell you have a wide range of hobbies. Is that true? Do those hobbies really help you with your English study?

  C: Yeah, I do have a lot of hobbies, such as reading books, enjoying classical music, even watching CCTV news. They help me a lot with my English listening and speaking. But first of all, I've got a deeply rooted passion for my country and endless love for the whole world and all its civilizations. I believe in my motto-whatever I say, I say it for my country; whatever I do, I do it for my country; whatever I am, I am a Chinese first and forever. And this motto sometimes really encourages me.

  R: Yes, I think you do benefit a lot from your hobbies and that true motto. Now I think when you just started to learn English you must have come across some difficulties, is that true?

  C: Yes. I started to learn English at Grade Three at the primary school, which left an incredible impression on me. I could only use six or seven words after three years of studying without any practice but grammar. To make matters worse, I got only 13 marks at the final examination. English was the worst nightmare I'd ever had at primary school.

  R: Then how did you deal with those difficulties?

  C: Several months after my entry to the junior high school-Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School-all was altered. It was here that I enlarged my views on English study and realized that it was exactly wrong to regard learning foreign languages as betraying one's country and culture, which had prevented my English progress for three years. We learn foreign languages for ourselves and for our own civilization. Miss Mu and Miss Liao, my English teachers, really helped me a lot with their kindness and strictness.

  R: Do you have some special ways of studying this language-English?

  C: First of all, I set up a notebook, in which I wrote all the knowledge on English both inside and outside classes, including words, phrases, sentence structures and grammar, so that I could recite them anywhere as long as I had time. Next, having been told by Miss Mu that it was a practical way to ameliorate one's oral English by reciting texts, I became a familiar friend with my recorder. I listened to the English texts from the tapes and tried reciting the passages from the textbook, helping me to make my pronunciation and intonation clear and sound better. I think reading texts with the help of tapes was exactly a useful way to improve English. But doing so we cannot only learn how native speakers talk in English but also remember the important points of grammar. And finally I put grammar and vocabulary into sentences and articles, which always makes remembering them easier.

  R: Yes, I think these ways are really of great help when learning English. At last, what do you think of your chance of attending this winter camp?

  C: For me I think I will remember this winter camp forever. I exchanged experience and thoughts with other campers and foreign experts, and developed pure friendship. The eventful and meaningful five days will be regarded as a treasure of mine and forever kept in the deepest part of my heart together with pure white scenery of Harbin No. 3 High School.

  (文/本报资料;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第39期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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