名篇赏析--高水平英语学习者升级英语的妙方 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/29 18:40 新浪教育 |
Saying Grace Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if mom gets us ice cream for dessert(甜品). And liberty and justice for all! Amen! Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby I heard a woman remark, That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice—cream! Why, I never! Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me,“Did I do it wrong? is God mad at me?” As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, “I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.”“Really?” my son asked. Cross my heart. Then in theatrical(戏剧性的) whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes. Naturally, I bought my kid's ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at (盯着)his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae(圣代冰淇淋) and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her,“Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes and my soul is good already.” Originally from Daniel L. Gustafson on The Sixth Sense—The Sense of Humor list; also attributed to Kim Kane. Who Am I Keeping Score in New Family Forms... Two men met at a bar and struck up a conversation. After a while one of them said, You think you have family problems? Listen to my situation.... A few years ago I met a young widow(寡妇/鳏夫) with a grown-up(成人的) daughter and we got married. Later, my father married my stepdaughter. That made my stepdaughter(继女) my stepmother (继母)and my father became my stepson. Also my wife became mother-in-law of her father-in-law. Then the daughter of my wife, my stepmother, had a son. This boy was my half brother because he was my father's son, but he was also the son of my wife's daughter which made him my wife's grandson. That made me grandfather of my half-brother. This was nothing until my wife and I had a son. Now the sister of my son, my mother-in-law is also the grandmother. This makes my father the brother-in-law of my child, whose stepsister is my father's wife. I am my stepmother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own child's aunt, my son is my father's nephew and I am my own grandfather and you think you have family problems. Everyday is a gift My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. “This,” he said, “is not a slip(纸片). This is lingerie(女士内衣).”He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip. It was exquisite(精致的); silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb (蜘蛛网,蛛丝)of lace(花边). The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. “Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is the occasion.” He took the slip from me and put it on the bed with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician(殡葬员). His hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me. “Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion.” I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores (琐事)that follow an unexpected death. I thought about them on the plane returning to California from the Midwestern town where my sister's family lives. I thought about all the things that she hadn't seen or heard or done. I thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special. I'm still thinking about his words, and they've changed my life. I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savor(使有风味,尽情享受), not endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I'm not “saving” anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event-such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia (茶花)blossom. I wear my good blazer (颜色鲜明的运动夹克)to the market if I feel like it. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out (交付,支付)$28.49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing(畏缩). I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends'. “Someday” and “one of these days” are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done had she known that she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted. I think she would have called family members and a few close friends. She might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think she would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food. I'm guessing—I'll never know. It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were limited. Angry because I put off seeing good friends whom I was going to get in touch with—someday. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write--one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Every day, every minute, every breath truly is ... a gift from God. Push Back When life pushes you down, push back! That's what you're here for. You're capable, you're creative, you're full of life and energy. You have what it takes to move yourself forward around any obstacle(障碍). Don't let anything stop you. Take strength from meeting the challenges(挑战), and move ahead. The struggles(竞争) you face are just what you need to fulfill your potential (潜力)for greatness. Think back over the past year. Consider the ways in which you've grown, the things you've learned, your accomplishments(造诣). Most of these probably came from overcoming some challenge or adversity(逆境) which initially(最初) stood in your way. A year from now, when you look back at today, you'll see that the problem you're so concerned(关心的) with right now, was another valuable lesson waiting to be learned. Let Your Spirit Guide You There is no place you can go to hide from the thoughts that you keep contemplating (沉思,考虑)over and over inside your mind... There is no place you can venture(冒险) where your true emotions will be concealed(隐藏) and the secrets of your heart will not show... There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel to where your spirit does not direct or guide you towards your destiny(命运)... Life is the experience of being you; no one can ever be someone other than who they are... The beauty found in each and every person is the essence(本质) of life...Simply ... you are who you are and for whatever time you have to be, You must not try to shadow yourself, but, rather, express yourself... I Believe I believe. I believe in love because my wife taught me how. I believe that a dance with fear leaves you winded, yet wiser. I believe that having children has made me a better man. I believe Speed Racer knew that Racer X was really his brother. I believe that truth tastes like strawberries—the really big ones. I believe in friends who stand by you. I believe you have to suffer for your passion. I believe that the happiest people are those with the fewest masks. I believe that too many people stay at jobs they hate to get more vacation days so that they can spend more time away from the jobs they hate. I believe that we give life its meaning. I believe that John really did believe in what he did with the Beatles. I believe that liars run from the truth like vampires from the sun. I believe that the Force is always with us. I believe that Rudolph never really got over the fact that the other reindeers(驯鹿) wouldn't let him play in their games. I believe that courage works its way from the heart to the hands. I believe that knowing yourself is one of the finest things you can do. I believe in blue kites with orange tails. I believe in living passionately(充满激情地), leaving nothing inside, bringing it hard and fast like a steam train, and touching souls. I believe in making yourself vulnerable(易受攻击的) to find your strength. I believe in listening for the sound of your own voice. I believe in you. What do you believe in? ——以上文章摘自 中青网英语角网站 第三章 郝彬语录 ——营造“Presentable English” 1 语感 语感(the sense of languages)是人们对语言的感觉,它包括人们对英语的语音感受、语意感受、语言情感色彩的感受等。所以我把它叫做对语言运用和感知的灵感。它可以帮助我们掌握语言的精华和真谛,去真正欣赏语言的美。我们非常需要它,但它从什么地方可以获得呢? A.欣赏语言的美——学习英语的兴趣 我们学习英语的时候,很多的启蒙老师都没有真正体会到语言到底是什么,语言的美感到底在哪里,只是给我们抄了一黑板的文字、语法、填空练习等等。这种语言学习是没有生命力的,最终导致同学们对语言产生了厌恶之感,然后立誓以后永远不要学英语了。 我在美国工作和学习的时候,深感身边美国朋友的情趣。如果你想要他们跟你去做一件事或去学习一种课程,他们大多数会立刻问你:“Can I get some fun from it?” 美国人是讲究兴趣的,因为好多事情有了兴趣去做效果是不同的。我一直认为人的天禀就是兴趣。 其实语言是非常有意思的。它是文化的载体,它记载了我们人类的智慧。我们在学习语言的同时,可以获得很多很多,不仅可以欣赏到它本身的美和意蕴,而且可以了解到很多不同的深邃的思想、不同的生活方式、不同的美感。它是我们人类文明的使者。它会让你变得更睿智,更有魅力。 在我上课的时候,有的学生给我写信说:“我没有想到英文可以赋予你这么大的魅力,我以后也要和你一样,用英文去演绎我的人生!”我看了他们给我的电子邮件之后,很感动。我感谢英文带给我的魅力,感谢英文能使我影响到我的朋友,我的学生,能让他们能够和我一样,享受这种美! 我希望我们的同学在学习英语的时候能够找到最好的老师,也希望有更多有识之士可以投身到我们的英语教学行业,激情enjoy English。 B.用英—英词典,培养运用英语思维的习惯 强烈推荐同学们使用English—English 词典,它可以使你的语感迅速提升。我们好多中文解释的英文词典对一些英文单词解释得都不够确切。像“independence”这个词用中文“独立”来解释,是龃龉不同的。“独立”远远不能把“independence”的本意表达出来,原词里面更包含着美国人的一种精神。所以,大家一定要使用English—English 词典。 另外,我建议多看一些词根、词缀方面的书,这样你可以对英文的本意有一种“根”的了解。 C. Immerge Yourself in English——创造有利的英语环境和氛围 大家一定要给自己创造一个很好的学习英语的环境,因为环境是语言运用的第一要素。 我建议大家: a) 把自己喜欢的精品文摘和经典句子、谚语写在白纸上,然后带在身上或是贴在墙上,我们用最高雅的东西来装饰我们的家。(当然只是建议) b) 随身携带可以听英语的微型设备。 c) 多看一些英文的杂志,像《英语世界》就很不错。 d) 多看美国电影。 e) 学习简单的有韵味的英文歌曲,这绝对是上策。 f) 按我上述的办法打造自己的语商。 g) 多听各个学校的免费讲座,大家可以找到很多灵感。 h) 多多请郝老师吃饭!(哈哈!) D.品尝中西文化的融合、相互影响、和它们所蕴涵的思想 我一直倡导学英语,首先要从文化入手,找到“根”,然后再拓展开来。同学们,其实了解异国文化和风情是一件很有意思的事。我现在生活最大的乐趣就是与“世界的多种语言和多种文化习俗共舞”! 呵呵,说得是有点玄,但是表现了我对它的热爱。其实语言就像海洋,很多元,你在学习它的过程中获得的惊喜和愉悦简直是无法形容的,你会获得很多东西。比如说:“Adam's apple”这个词是指男人的喉结。那么为什么这么说呢,好多同学就不知道了,死记硬背的把这个单词记住了。结果当你用的时候,不能把这个单词的精华用到极至。如果要了解这个词真正的含义,我们一定要靠背景知识。它是《圣经》伊甸园里的典故。因为男人和女人在蛇的怂恿下偷吃了苹果,然后他们分别受到了上帝的惩罚,男人终日受苦,死后归土,永远在喉咙的地方卡一个苹果,遭受痛苦。我们英文中说女人分娩的时候叫:“She is in labour.” 这个的典故也是从《圣经》的故事而来的。所以同学们应该多看看《圣经》,古希腊、古罗马时期的文化,对大家理解语言是非常有好处的。 最后送给大家10段精美的美语小短文,这些是美国的青少年写的热爱他们祖国的文章。同时也希望大家可以多写些优美的文章来赞美我们的祖国,希望大家可以从中受益。 Why I am Proud to be an American→1 I am proud to be an American and promote freedom throughout the world. America is a quilt made of many different patches sewn together with the thread of freedom. America displays her quilt throughout the world. It encourages new quilts to be sewn with the thread of freedom. The thread of freedom has been woven through Europe, South Korea, Kuwait and Bosnia. While there are many repairs in the American quilt, it still hangs as the example for other nations. The thread of freedom woven throughout the fabric of the world by us is why I am proud to be an AMERICAN! 文章经典解析>>> 1.be proud of ..... 以...为骄傲, 相同的用法还有take pride it.... E: I am proud of my confidence. 我以我具有强烈的自信而骄傲。 2. America is a quilt made of many different patches sewn together with the thread of freedom. 美国就像一个由自由做线缝起来的一个多元文化的大被子。 同学们一定要学会活用口语,句中画线的部分可以换成别的东西或概念。 你们也可以发挥想像力把这个句子改成这样: Mom’s love is a quilt made of much caring sewn together with the thread of warmth. 妈妈的爱就像一个温暖的大被子,终生温暖着我。 所以,同学们看,英文口语是以想像力和灵活应用为基石的。 Why I am Proud to be an American→2 The United States of America is not just a country we live in, but rather a country that lives in the people. I love America for what she means to all the people of the USA: honor, dignity, justice, liberty, and most importantly, freedom. My father, a retired, disabled Marine, taught me when I was very young, that America's freedom does not come cheap. Like my father, I will defend my country when the time comes. I would proudly die defending her, if was presented the honor. I am proud to be an American for all she represents. 文章经典解析>>> 1. disabled adj. 残疾的 2. I am proud to be an American for all she represents. 我以美国的点点滴滴为骄傲。 Why I am Proud to be an American→3 I am proud to be an American because I am free! Centuries ago, our founding fathers built this great nation on the ideology of freedom. Today that dream lives on, preserved in the Constitution of the greatest nation on earth. The American way of life is precious, serving as a model for other peoples of the world to emulate. Some people live under suppression and are denied the most basic of human rights. I give thanks every day for our blessings and liberties, and to those brave men and women in uniform, who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in freedom's defense! 文章经典解析>>> 1. ideology n. 意识形态 2. Constitution n. 宪法, 章程 3. emulate vt. 效仿 4. I give thanks every day for our blessings and liberties. 我永远感谢上帝赐予我们的祝福和自由。 这是一个非常好的句子,同学们可以把画线的部分记住,发挥想像力把它变成自己的语言。 E: I give thanks every day for the intoxicating love you give me. 对你的无限感激只有化在永远洋溢在你令人陶醉的爱中。 5.Brave men and women in uniform... 表示军人 Why I am Proud to be an American→4 Every time I pick up a newspaper, go to church, or voice my opinion, I am reminded of how much my country means to me. It's comforting that military men and women are willing to risk their lives in a world of uncertainty. When problems arise, the United States has a way of coming together. Communities grow stronger and the country rises to the occasion, This type of atmosphere breeds heroes and suppresses evil. This is a country that I am a part of, want to be a part of, and above all else, proud to be a part of. 文章经典解析>>> 1.voice n. 声音 vt. 表达,吐露 同学们注意这里voice的妙用,以后你发表意见的时候也可以用“voice your thought”。 2.remind sb. of sth. 让某人想起某事 3. risk one's life to…… 冒险做某事 4.When problems arise, the United States has a way of coming together. 一旦出现问题的时候,美国人民就会团结在一起。 我们马上用这个经典的句型可以把我们中国人的精神经典地表达给美国人:When problems arise, China has a great way of coming closely together. 一旦出现问题的时候,我们中国人一定会紧密地团结在一起! 5.This is a country that I am a part of, want to be a part of, and above all else, proud to be a part of. 我以是我们国家的一部分而感到骄傲,因为我与她不可分割! E:This is a family that I am a part of, want to be a part of, and above all else, proud to be a part of. 建议大家把这个句子背下来。 Why I am Proud to be an American→5 I am proud to be an American, because America is there when needed the most. When people could not worship God as they believed or lived in poverty, America was there as land of opportunity. When tyrants threatened freedom and basic human rights, America was there as a great defender. When people suffer from disaster, disease or discrimination, America is there to help or to speak up on their behalf. Even when America is criticized and attacked, she is still a great beacon of hope and help to people everywhere, and all Americans should be proud of that. 文章经典解析>>> 1.worship n. /vt. 崇拜 2.tyrant n. 暴君 3.beacon n. 灯塔 vt. 照亮 4.she is a beacon of hope and help to people everywhere. 她是所有人的希望和帮助的灯塔。 E:My teacher has been a beacon of hope and help when I was in great dismay. 我的老师在我最消极的时候像灯塔一样照耀着我。 Why I am Proud to be an American→6 I am proud to be an American because I believe America is the greatest nation on earth. I am glad I am a citizen of the United States. America is like a puzzle, in which every piece may seem small and insignificant, but each piece is needed to create a beautiful picture. Each American may also seem small and insignificant, but each of us is needed to make this nation reach its highest ideals. That's why I'm proud to be part of a nation that has many different people, but on nation united in the principles of freedom. 文章经典解析>>> 1. 我们在表达“在世界上”这个概念的时候,可以说:“on earth”,也可以说 “in the world”. 2. insignificant adj. 无关紧要的,没有重大意义的 3. citizen n. 公民 4.puzzle n. 难题,迷 5.reach its highest ideal 实现最高的理想 Why I am Proud to be an American→7 The grateful smile of a veteran, because I honored his fallen friend… The feeding of children in oppressed countries by military members, including my family… Building nations on American principles of justice and liberty… Receiving the gift of opportunity to be anything I want to be… Messages of friendship written from our allies after September eleventh… A history of defending freedom and maintaining the peace throughout the world… I am proud to be an American because I am a part of a nation with a strong and generous spirit, a nation of heroes. 文章经典解析>>> 1. veteran n. 老手,富有经验的人 2. oppress vt. 压迫,压抑 3. receiving a gift of opportunity to be anything I want to be… 这句话,我不翻译,它很有语感,希望大家细心感受一下。 Why I am Proud to be an American→8 Asking an American why they're proud is like asking a librarian why they like books. The librarian would express their joy of reading. Americans would express their love for American history, diversity and freedom. America has been blessed by great leaders—Washington, Susan B. Anthony, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy—to name a few. These men and women built and nurtured America. Some even died to keep her free. Freedom! That word has defined America for over 225 years. Thanks to the freedom and opportunity we have been given, we can enjoy the beauty, strength and love that is America. 文章经典解析>>> 1. librarian n. 图书管理员 2. define vt. 给……定义 3. nurture n. /vt. 养育,教育 4. they built and nurtured china. 中国的建设和成长跟他们密切相关。 同学们要注意画线部分的活用。 5. We can enjoy the beauty, strength and love that is America. 我们可以享受…… 画线部分都可以替换地用,我不会给大家一个固定的句子,同学们可以根据你们的灵感来自由地完成句子。 Why I am Proud to be an American→9 I am proud to be an American because I have rights in the United States that people in other countries do not have. For example, I have the right to vote. I can choose who I want elected for President or any other government office. Also, as an American I can be an independent individual. I am allowed to go to school, get an education and not be discriminated against because of my race, color, sex, or religion. America is a strong united nation that helps and cares about its people, and the people of other nations as well. Last, but most important, I am proud to be an American because I am free!!! 文章经典解析>>> 1. elect vt. 选举 2. vote vt. 投票 3. individual n. 个体,个人 adj. 单独的 Why I am Proud to be an American→10 I am glad my ancestors ventured to America, and made it their home; that they thought the long, treacherous voyage was worth the risk. They became Americans living in a land of opportunity where anything could happen with hard work and initiative. I'm glad that because of this I, too, am an American, benefiting from ordeals they sought out , worked to develop, and fought to preserve. They, together with others of different nationalities, cultures and religions, developed my great American heritage. I'm proud I'm a product of that great melting pot in which so many people came together to create...America. 文章经典解析>>> 1. ancestor n. 祖先 ,祖宗 2. venture n./vt. 冒险 3. make one's home 定居 4. treacherous adj. 危险的/叛逆的(这里表危险) 5. initiative n. 主动 6. ordeal n. 严酷的考验/痛苦的经历 7. melting pot 大熔炉 在1908年,当100万新移民到达美国的时候,伊斯雷尔•赞格微尔在一个剧本中写到:“America is God’s crucible, the great melting-pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming…Germans and Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews and Russians—into the Crucible with you all! God is making the America!(美国是上帝的熔炉,在这个巨大的熔炉里,欧洲的所有种族都在熔化、革新……,德国人、法国人、爱尔兰人、英吉利人、犹太人和俄罗斯人——把所有的人熔进了这个熔炉!上帝正在创造美国人!) 2 解析美国口语 A. 口语的想像力和灵活性 美国人被称为车轮上的民族,她的文化不仅多元,而且充满了灵活性和想像力。语言也是一样。首先,我们来谈谈美语的想像力。我们把美国英语叫做 “transplanted language”。美国人的历史我们就不用再提了,因为它的多民族多元文化和自由文化的存在,导致了语言上的灵活和丰富。同学们在学习美国口语的时候,要对想像力有一点感悟。 如果一个美国人说“你的鼻子好大哦”,后边可能会跟一个非常富有想像力的句子:“大得可以撞沉一艘TAITANIC。”还有例如《阿甘正传》中,阿甘在表达自己极爱吃巧克力时说:“I could eat about a million and a half of these.” “million”一词在本句中就被丰富地想像为“大量”的意思。 美国英语是充满灵活性的语言。尤其是在口语交流中尤为突出。大家要尽可能把语言用活用精。 我给大家再举几个例子:比如说我们在前面讲到语感的那几篇文章中有一句很美的句子:America is a quilt made of many different patches sewn together with the thread of freedom. 译:美国就像一个由自由做线缝起来的多元文化的大被子。 同学们一定要学会活用口语,句中画线的部分可以换成别的意念。也可以发挥想像力把这个句子改成这样: Mom's love is a quilt made of much caring sewn together with the thread of warmth. 译:妈妈的爱就像一个温暖的大被子,终生温暖着我。 所以,同学们看,英文口语是以想像力和灵活应用为基石的。句中画线的部分可以换成别的意念,再比如: I give thanks every day for our blessings and liberties. 译:我永远感谢上帝赐予我们的祝福和自由。 这是一个非常好的句子,同学们可以把画线的部分画住,发挥想像力把它变成自己的语言: I give thanks every day for the intoxicating love you give me. 译:对你的无限感激只有化在永远洋溢在你令人陶醉的爱中。 B. 点切入黄金补充法 高级的语言是用来表达复杂的思想和细腻的感情的。英语就像一个藤,从上面长出很多枝节,是来修饰语言的。我在教学口语的过程中发现好多同学都说的是“baby English ”,像有人问他“How are you doing?”他的回答只有:“Busy”一个词。有人帮他个大忙,他的回答只有“Thank you ”,非常单调,不会说:“I can't thank you enough,”或是“you were a big help.”等非常简单的英语,根本不能把自己非常细腻的感情表达得淋漓尽致,不能跟老外做很好的交流,甚至影响到自身的快乐、成功与情感。 我发现美国人在说话的时候,总是先给你一个非常主要的意念,告诉你他主要想说什么,然后会用非常丰富的、富有想像力的语言对其主要意念进行补充。 那么我再给大家一种模式,然后希望大家从中找到灵感并且自己要多收集一些正宗的语言进行补充。 比如,你想给别人说这样的一个意念:“我很忙,忙得厉害”,那么你想表达你的主要意念说:“I am very busy.” 然后马上用丰富简短的语言进行补充:“places to go, people to see.” “My hands are full with my works.” “I am up to my ears.”这些小短语都是非常鲜活地把“忙”这个意念表达至极。 再比如,当你说我很穷的时候,先把穷这个意念表达出来:“I am very poor”,然后再马上补充“as poor as a church mouse.” 当你说你非常紧张的时候,除了说:“I am very nervous ”,还可以加上“just like a butterfly in my stomach.” 按照这样的一个模式补充,语言就有味道了。 3 交流 语言的灵魂在于交流,我们学习语言的目的是为了更好地交流。我认为一个人与其他人或与大自然很好的交流是这个人成功甚至是快乐的关键。所以,我今天要给大家谈谈我自己学习英语的感受,希望对大家有帮助!Communication makes the world go around! 语言的交流与掌握大量的词汇、句型、语法是两回事。就语言本身的知识来说,我们已经过关了。我们缺少的就是在交流中来运用英语,只有在交流中我们才能与对方进行思维密码的相互破译。同样的话在不同的语言交流环境中所表达的意思是不一样的。 我们大家学习语言是为了更好地交流,而交流不仅包括有声语言,还包括肢体语言(Body Language)和其他。在交流的时候有两点需要注意: 1. Emo_tion_al Ed_u_cation 我们好多同学在运用语言的时候,面无表情,没有一点语调,没有表现出因为声音的大小而产生的不同效果。在美国有一种学科叫做:“Emotional Educaton”。 一种研究人情绪的学科。它的目的就是让我们更好地了解我们的情绪、我们的心理反应以及我们的行为从而达成更好地交流。比如说在一个小学的课堂里,在老师教学生说:“How are you doing ”这句话的时候,老师不仅纠正语音语调,而且会问同学们当他们用这句话问候别人的时候,应该表现出什么样的情绪,表现出什么样的动作,像用眼睛热情地看着对方的眼睛,或是给对方一个温暖的拥抱等。我们要想跟别人形成很好的交流,我们必须把语言、肢体语言、我们的情绪一起跟我们想表达的意念鲜活地结合起来。 2. 刺激量 一百多年前德国著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯曾经做过一系列关于记忆的实验,并撰写了《重新记忆》一书。在这本书里他谈到一个词名叫“刺激量”。我给大家来举个例子来解释这个词。所有父母都有类似但往往被忽视的经验,那就是当你们有了孩子的时候,一直非常希望他们可以叫自己一声“爸爸,妈妈”。那么在你的耐心教导下,你的孩子突然有一天发出尽管发音不是很标准的“爸爸”或“妈妈”,你也一定亢奋不已,一定会因很激动而把孩子高高地举过头顶或是热烈地吻你的孩子。这种不同寻常的动作就会刺激孩子很快地记住他刚才所说的这个词。在孩子能含混不清地喊出“爸爸,妈妈”的时候,当父母在为此兴奋不已的时候,我们已经为教宝宝喊“爸爸、妈妈”给了无数次的“刺激”。这些“刺激”不仅刺激儿童的听觉,而且还与其他的感官刺激联系在一起。 所以我们学习语言的时候,一定需要在真正的交流中练习,这样才会达到最佳效果。由于“刺激量”的存在,我们在相互交流的过程中根据对方不同的情绪和肢体语言的表达的影响而更快地记住这个词或短语。希望大家学习英语的时候让语言有声,最好在真正的交流中掌握它。 【写在最后】 我有一个梦想 在教学英语的过程中,我一直跟大家讲,英语其实是美的,我们不是要学习英语,而是去欣赏语言的美,因为它的存在使你更快乐!但是我觉得,我们的中文比英语更美。我们的汉语中蕴涵了很多博大精深的宝贵思想和智慧,我们有责任把她发扬光大。希望大家可以把英语学好,然后把我们美丽的中文传播到世界各地,让我们的灿烂辉煌的文化可以与世界共享! Your presence is a gift to the world, You’re unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be, Take it one day at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles, And you’ll make it through what comes along. Within you are so many answers, Understand, have courage, be strong. Don’t put limits on yourself, Your dreams are waiting to be realized. Don’t leave your important decisions to chance, Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying, The longer a problem is carried, the heavier it gets. Don't take things too seriously, Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. Remember that a little love goes a long way, Remember that a lot goes forever. Remember that friendship is a wise investment, Life’s treasures are people… together. Have health and hope and happiness, Take the time to wish on a star. And don't ever forget for even a day… How very special YOU are! ——摘自 中青网英语角网站 1. presence: n. 出席, 存在 2. unique: adj. 独一无二的, 惟一的 3. blessing: n. 祝福 4. come along: v. 出现, 发生, 进步, 陪伴 5. seriously: adv. 认真地, 真诚地 6. serenity: n. 平静 7. regret: n. 遗憾, 抱歉 8. investment: n. 投资 学生给我的鼓舞 在我做教师的这段日子里,每天总能收到不少学生的来信,它总是带给我那么多的欣喜,给我那么多的鼓励,敦促我以百倍的激情,面对我的学生,做好我的工作,在此匆匆摘录零星片段,与大家共勉。 郝老师你好: 那天是很偶然的一个机会去友谊宾馆听了老师您激昂的讲座。可能您不会注意到坐在角落中的我,可是你的话语还是让我感觉到了一种从来没有过的震撼——一种自信与青春的震撼!英语它赋予了您那么大的魅力,您大概不能够相信,您当时说出的每一句英语都让我记忆犹新。当时就在心里默默地告诉自己,就是这样,我也要成为这个样子,站在这么多人的面前,绘声绘色地讲着一口流利的英语,像郝彬老师您一样。 学生:Star2003.1.6 郝彬老师你好: …… 其实给我最大吸引力的不是你的课,而是你做人的态度。这并不说你的课吸引力不大,相反而是很大。许多人都后悔没有听你的课。我也很庆幸有机会听你的课。只是你的人格魅力给我留下了更深刻的印象。别人都把你的经历作为目标,甚至有人告诉我很崇拜你。我觉得这是和你的乐观分不开的,我能从你的课中听出你生命中那种与众不同的奋进与激情。你的那份热情感动了我,真的真的希望可以有机会再一次被你的人生观感染,并吸取学习英语的精华。 Peter 你好, 郝彬: …… 当你说到你的一些经历时,当我看到你的白头发时,真的让我很震惊,那是一种突然感觉你可亲可敬的心情。好想像抱我爸爸妈妈一样抱抱你,还因为你的眼睛像我弟弟的,你的嘴像我哥哥的,所以又感觉你好亲切。你总把自信乐观的一面展示给我们,而痛苦压抑的一面却藏了起来。 你有勇士般的精神。是位了不起的勇士。 注意休息,保重! 勇士! 小鱼儿 郝彬: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IF YOU REALLY WANT! 我看了这整个的作品《激情青春》! 朴实无华的语言很感动人心! 认识你的感觉一直以为是很浮夸! 但现在我可以重新的改变我的观点说你很真实! 你的作品和你一样真实可信! 虽然你的写作风格和现在的自传如出一辙,但我了解到了你的人和你的生活! 谢谢你告诉我你的一切事情! 我很喜欢你的那个十六个字! 承认现实, 面对现实, 分析现实, 驾驭现实! 还有那个做人的道理! 做人要浅, 浅得透明,做事要精, 精华到极至! 很棒我喜欢! 像风一样飞 在我的电脑里,珍藏着10万余字的学生来信,这些都是我最宝贵的礼物。每天,当我打开邮箱拆看这些“礼物”的时候,就会感到有一股巨大的无形的力量在支持着我,让我开心,催我奋进。 年轻的心总是容易走近的,有空欢迎到www.haobin.com来坐坐。 |
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