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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/09 09:26  英语辅导报


  1. Who is it up ________ decide whether to go or not?

  A. to to B. to C. for to D. to for

  2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ________the next year.

  A. carried outB. carrying out

  C. carry outD. to carry out

  3. He has spent I think a lot ________ time in reading than she has.

  A. of B. more

  C. much moreD. of much more

  4. If you want to change for a double room you'll have to pay ________$15.

  A. anotherB. other

  C. moreD. each

  5. -Have you seen the film?

  -Yes. I ________ it last Friday.

  A. sawB. have seen

  C. had seenD. was seeing

  6. -Why don't we take a little break?

  -Didn't we just have ________?

  A. itB. thatC. oneD. this

  7. His eyes were found________on the picture.

  A. fixedB. fixing

  C. to fixD. to be fixed

  8. ________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

  A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through

  9. I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some ________.

  A. at lastB. in case

  C. once againD. in time

  10. Was the wood ________ this bridge cut from that hill?

  A. used to building B. used to build

  C. was used to building

  D. was used to build

  11. - Are you coming to Jeff's party?

  - I'm not sure. I ________ go to the concert instead.

  A. mustB. wouldC. should D. might

  12. Whom would you rather ________ to the hospital?

  A. have sending B. have sent

  C. having send D. having sent

  13. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children.

  A. set up B. setting up

  C. have set up D. having set up

  14. ________ forever are the days when we used foreign oil.

  A. Go B. To goC. Gone D. Going

  15. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________ of course, made the others unhappy.

  A. whoB. whichC. thisD. what

  16. As we joined the big crowd I got ________ from my friends.

  A. separated B. spared

  C. lost D. missed

  17. She looks forward every spring to________ the flower-lined garden.

  A. visitB. paying a visit

  C. walk in D. walking in

  18. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare - you must learn to ________.

  A. support B. care

  C. spareD. share

  19. This is the main use that the scientists make ________ of natural resources.

  A. itB. whichC. use D. /

  20. I've worked with children before, so I know what ________ in my new job.

  A. expectedB. to expect

  C. to be expectingD. expects

  21. -Is John coming by train?

  -He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

  A. mustB. canC. needD. may

  22. Not only ________hard but ________ also kind.

  A. does he study, is he

  B. does he study, he is

  C. he studies, he isD. he studies, is he

  23. The chance he looked forward to________ at last.

  A. comeB. came

  C. coming D. being come

  24. - He seems to be a teacher.

  - ________. He has been a teacher for twenty years.

  A. So he does B. So does he

  C. So he is D. So is he

  25. - Which side can I sit on the boat?

  -If you sit still, you can sit on________.

  A. neither side B. every side

  C. both sides D. either side


  1. A。答案创新题。不少考生认为一个句子绝对不可能出现两个to连在一起的现象,所以先将A排除掉了。其实该特殊疑问句可用还原法转化为:It is up to somebody to decide whether to go or not. 再就somebody进行提问,还原的句子变为:Who is it up to to decide whether to go or not?

  2. A。前置创新题。they would like to see的宾语the plan 被前置,可以还原成they would like to see the plan..., 因为计划是被完成的,所以应用过去分词作plan定语,carried out表被动,若将see去掉,答案就应为carry out。

  3. B。增元创新题,易错选C。该句可简略为:He has spent a lot more time in reading than she has。

  4. A。变形创新题。另外15美元常译为another fifteen dollars,本题将dollars前置并换成"$"符号,解题时应将它还原至正常位置。

  5. A。减元创新题。不少考生可能会误选B,他们认为该句用现在完成时提问就得用现在完成时回答,但他们没有想到该题为减元创新题,可补充还原成:

  -Have you seen the film?

  -Yes, I have. I________ it last Friday.

  6. C。变换句创新题。该句问句和答句的宾语都可以是a little break,考生易误填 it, 实际上问句可看成是由"Why don't we take another little break?"变化而来,这样问句和答句宾语就不同了。

  7. A。语态创新题。该句可还原成:We found that his eyes were fixed on the picture. 再还原成:We found his eyes fixed on the picture.

  8. C。变换句创新题。该句前半句实际上是由原句"Production is up by 60%."变换而来,该句可改成独立主格结构,由with+名词(production)+副词短语(up by 60%)构成。

  9. B。减元创新题。in case后面省掉了I will need it。

  10. B。一般疑问句创新题。该句可还原成:The wood used to build this bridge was cut from that hill.

  11. D。复杂语境创新题。由"I'm not sure"可以看出我去听音乐会的可能性较小, 因此该空不能填must(一定, 必定), 表示可能性大,而只能填might(或许,可能),表示可能性小。

  12. B。特殊疑问句创新题。该句可还原成:I would rather have my mother sent to the hospital. (就划线部分提问)

  13. B。题干创新题。不少考生看到"he had to"就迅速选择A。其实,此时had to 与set up 并不构成搭配,因为he had 为定语从句,修饰先行词all, set up应与devote all...to构成搭配(devote...to...中to为介词,后接名词/代词或动名词),即devote all to setting up。

  14. C。倒装句创新题。该句可还原成:The days when we used foreign oil are gone forever.

  15. B。增元创新题。该句可简略为:Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,________made the others unhappy.这样考生就很容易看出应用which代表整个主句内容。

  16. A。题干误导题。不少考生抓住空档前面的got而选择C,因为在他们的记忆之中,能和get 构成短语的只有get lost (迷路),如果将 got改为was,选择正确答案A的可能会大幅度增加,因为一方面它构成了正确的语法结构--被动语态,另一方面,这么选也符合语境:当我们加入人群时,我和我的朋友们被隔开了。其实本题创新之处就在于将be done换成了get done来构成被动语态,这样A、B、C、D 四个答案从语法上说都是对的,因为他们都构成了被动语态,但结合语境只能选A,表示加入人群后我被迫和朋友们分开。

  17. D。增元创新题。受思维定势影响,不少考生一看到look forward 加上every spring这一状语后,便习惯地把to看作不定式符号,认为后边应接动词原形,其实本题去掉状语every spring并不影响句子结构,这里的to仍为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。

  18. D。复杂语境创新题。认真分析可知该句句意为:让哈利和你一起玩玩具,你必须学会和别人分享玩具。因此后半句可重新整理为you must learn to share your toys with others。

  19. D。题干创新题。不少考生一看到"make...of" 就意识到该空意义为利用,于是立即选择C或为避免重复而选择A或B,其实"make use of" 结构已被创新, make 的宾语use被提前作了定语从句的先行词,因此make后面无须再加宾语。

  20. B。减元创新题。该句后半句句意为:所以我知道在我的新工作中什么东西被希望获得。考生很容易误选 expected,表示被动语态,实际上我们可以将后半句看成so I know what for me to expect的省略形式。显然,这里的不定式既有被动关系(什么东西被希望获得),又有主谓关系(我去获得),不定式应用主动语态代替被动语态。

  21. D。复杂语境创新题。分析语境可知,本题答句表示他可能不来,而不表示他不可能来,所以应选D不选B。

  22. B。题干误导题。不少考生一看到Not only放在句首就立即选A来构成倒装句型,当然Not only放在句首绝大多数情况下是应构成倒装句型,但应有两个条件:not only... but also...后接主语时不倒装;not only...but also...连接两个分句时,前一分句倒装,后一分句不倒装。本题属于第二种情况。

  23. B。题干创新题。不少考生一看到he looked forward to立即选择C,其实he looked forward to为定语从句修饰先行词the chance, to的宾语为the chance,因此该题主句为The chance came at last。

  24. C。题干误导题。读完该题后,不少考生抓住原句中的"seems",立即选A来表示"他的确是一个老师",其实so he does 只能表示"他的确似乎是一个老师",显然与答句语境不符,答案应为C,is与原句中的"to be"正好吻合。

  25. D。复杂语境创新题。读完该题,考生们便知该句语境为:--我可以坐在船的哪一边?-- 如果你坐着不动,你两边都可以坐。不少考生不加思索地选择C, 可是一个人不能同时坐在船的两边。


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