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Client-Focus Approach Business Model
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:12  新浪教育

  Integrated Services with Client-Focus Approach Business Model

  In the complex nature of the investment banking business, an important competitive advantage in the marketing efforts is delivered through the investment banking services (IBS) group. This is a core group of investment bankers who focus on developing and maintaining strong relationships. These bankers are usually organized geographically and/or by industry group. They have a broad base of industry and technical knowledge enabling them to analyze clients objectively, efficiently, and to mobilize the appropriate resources of their firms to satisfy those objectives.

  These bankers work with senior executives of corporate and government clients to identify where their firm can provide high value-added services such as capital-raising, financial advisory or other products and services. To thrive in this highly competitive but yet lucrative segment of investment banking business, investment banks organize these senior banking resources along geography, execution and industry group; seeking to maximize client coverage and industry expertise. Major industry focus includes Chemical; Communications, Energy and Power; Technology; Real Estate, Transportation, etc. This is necessary because in depth knowledge of industry-specific developments, trends, players, related knowledge and execution experience are crucial success factors in securing deal mandates.



  这些资深的投行家经常与企业的高层管理层和政府官员进行沟通,鉴别出他们的组织可为客户提供哪些高附加值的服务,例如融资、财务咨询或其他产品和服务。为了在这种高度竞争但又可以获得高额利润的行业中生存,投资银行机构从地理、执行和行业等方面整合资源,寻求客户覆盖率的最大化,和产业知识(industry expertise)利用率的最大化。主要的行业焦点包括:化学化工业、信息产业、能源产业、技术产业、房地产业、交通运输业等等。透彻地掌握各行各业发展变化的动态、趋势、领先企业的情况、相关的知识和行业经验是投资银行赢得业务、开展交易的关键。

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