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Training And Continuing Education
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:42  新浪教育

  New entry-level employees of the same cohort will usually attend a well-structured basic training program to familiarize with the products and functional areas of the organization structure. In Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, business divisions with large intake of new associates are Fixed Income, Equities and Corporate Finance. Each of them have their own training program that lasts about 6 to 9 months, consisting of formal classes, rotation to various business areas, project assignment and presentation. This is the “boot camp?training for new associates where they have to interact and work intensively with fellow new associate colleagues. This is the time when these “recruits?begin to see how the various pieces come together in the financial business world.

  During this training period, new associates have to pass the various registration examinations, such as the series 7, 3 and 63 in the United States. It is customary that all new associates are required, regardless of their country posting, to take these U.S.-based registration examinations. This is because U.S. investment banks?worldwide operations are subject to the purview of the U.S. regulators, and hence they need to adopt a uniform best business practice. In addition, non-U.S. based new associates will sit for additional registration tests when they return to their home offices.

  Instructors are mostly the experienced associates, vice presidents and managing directors of product and business areas within the firm. For organizations such as Citibank, a core program for all new management trainees includes topics such as financial analysis, securities and markets, corporate finance, credit analysis, and FX. Upon the completion of the basic program, management trainees will move on to specific business units (product desk) and learn on the job. The manager of the units will be responsible for sending these “rookies?for more in depth product training as they progress.

  Continuing education is prevalent throughout one’s career life in the global financial industry, involving both hard and soft-skills. Many of the generic and basic skills involving office productivity tools such as word processing, power point, excel spread sheet, lotus note e-mail system are normally out- sourced to third-party vendors specializing in teaching these topics. For product knowledge or enterprise-specific topics, they are typically taught by in-house trainers. They usually have training programs of various kinds scheduled on a quarterly or semi-annual basis, covering a wide range of topics. Supervisor or department managers will nominate employees under his charge for training. There is a major difference in perspective with regard to providing training to employees between truly global financial institutions and the ones that are not. To the real McCoy, they feel that training is something essential to increase employee’s productivity, and these institutions strongly encourage managers to plan and schedule employees to obtain the necessary training. Whereas for the followers (this may include some local banks and financial institutions), their attitude towards training is something akin to perks and benefits, where employees are perceived to gain more than the employers. The manifestation of this attitude can be seen from the practice where new employees are rarely sent for training until they have proven their worth. For the case of all Wall Street bulge bracket firms, new employees will almost always be sent for training shortly after joining the organization. This contrasts with second-rated firms who send their new employees only after their probation or after an extended period.

  As one progresses to become more experienced in the organization, one will be sent for regional conferences, product seminars, retreats or workshops organized by the respective business units across geographical locations. Besides training, the other objective is for employees of different locations to share their thoughts and experiences, and to foster a closer working relationship.

  On a semi-annual or annual basis, senior business professionals are required to attend business and strategy seminars, where the business unit will discuss new initiatives, business development and key products. These are important forums for the business leaders to have direct contact with the more senior professionals and to explain divisional business goals.





  个人软硬技术的再教育在全球性金融行业非常盛行,很多基本的技能如文字处理、Power Point、Excel、莲花邮件系统等办公室常用工具一般都由公司安排外面的培训专家来进行。而证券的知识或行业内部特殊知识的培训则由公司内部人士执行。每一季度或半年都会有培训项目,包含各方面的知识。部门的总管或经理会指派手下的人前往参加培训。在为员工提供培训这一点上,真正的环球金融机构与非环球金融机构的思路存在很大区别。真正的顶尖金融公司认为培训是提高员工生产力的必要条件,因此这类公司鼓励经理们策划组织员工进行培训;而级别较低的金融机构则将培训看作对员工的福利,他们认为员工从中得到的好处要大于公司得到的。这种观点体现在某些做法上,比如新人在证明自己的价值之前很少被选中参加培训。在华尔街的顶尖公司中,新人几乎都在加入之后立刻被送去培训,与之形成对比的是那些二流公司只有在新人试用期过后或很长时间后才送他们去培训。



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