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Never Hide Your Mistake, Enlarge The Circle
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:34  新浪教育

  Hiding a mistake that you have made is probably one of the cardinal sins in the business. A simple trading error that is left unattended may snowball to huge losses if the market moves against the open position. It is a business requirement that any mistake made must be reported to one’s supervising manager as well as the compliance officer for remedial action to be carried out. Anyone from the financial industry with a few years of experience would be able to recall incidences of losses caused by trading errors. There were some infamous cases of deliberate cover-up on trading losses that eventually blew up and brought down the entire business unit or the entire firm. For example, the futures unit of Barings in Singapore headed by rouge trader Nick Leeson, created false customers?accounts to conceal trading losses on the Nikkei 225 index futures. When further huge losses were incurred during the collapse of the Japanese’s stock markets due to the earthquake in Kobe, Leeson resorted to falsifying documents to mobilize funds from its parent company in order to meet margin calls. Eventually, when the frauds came to light, Nick Leeson was charged and sentenced to jail. The acts of a reckless and dishonest employee finally caused the demise of Barings bank, one of the oldest and venerable banks of U.K. Another case in point is the New York branch of Daiwa Bank. Toshihide Iguchi, then the executive vice president and head of custody department of Daiwa Bank, New York branch, misapplied bank funds and falsified the books and records to conceal USD 1.1 billion dollar of losses. These were resulted from trading in United States treasury bonds at the New York branch over an 11-year period. The fraud was discovered in July 1995 and resulted in criminal indictment against the New York branch and finally its closure.


  隐瞒你犯的错误大概是这一行业最不可宽恕的罪过。一个没有及时处理的小交易错误,在市场迅速向不利方向发展时,就可能会像滚雪球一样造成巨额损失。这一行业要求一旦有错误发生,必须马上向上级和稽查人员汇报,以便马上采取适当的补救行动。凡在金融行业有几年经验的人都能回忆起因交易错误而导致损失的事例。有几桩著名的故意隐瞒交易损失的事例,它们的最终爆发,导致了整个商业机构或整个公司业绩下滑。举例来说,巴林银行(Barings)在新加坡的期货部门,在无法无天的交易商尼克利的领导下,编造了虚假客户以掩盖其在日京225期货指数上的损失。当日本神户地区发生地震,导致日本股市崩溃时,为掩盖巨额损失,尼克利用伪造文书调用母公司的基金,以便应付偿还追加保证金的目的。最终,当事情败露时,尼克利被指控,并被判入狱。巴林银行的一个雇员的肆意胡为和不诚实最终导致这一英国最古老、最受人推崇的银行的覆灭。另一恰当的例子是日本大和银行纽约支行。当时的副总裁兼信托部负责人井口俊英(Toshihide Iguchi)错误地提供了银行贷款并伪造了账簿和记录,掩盖了11年内纽约支行美国国债买卖中11亿美元的损失。1995年7月终于东窗事发,美国官方对日本大和银行纽约支行的刑事控诉,最终导致其关门大吉。

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