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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/28 15:39  英语辅导报


  Taravura is as beautiful as it sounds. It is everything a Pacific city should be. You might have imagined a seafront lined with palm trees, sea-washed

  beaches as white as the waves, a busy port trading in all the products of the South Seas; you might have dreamed about houses made of dried grass standing among tall trees, brightly painted wooden churches, and open-air markets full of happy, friendly people, dressed as colorfully as the flowers and the fruits they sell. If you have ever thought that you might find all these things in one place, you were thinking of Taravura.

  Taravura is all things to all men. It is a capital city, with international hotels that will give you the warmest welcome you have ever received; with streets of buildings old and new, and of stores big and small; with shops full of bargains, and parks and gardens full of things to see and do. Government House and the President's Palace are there.

  The international airport has regular and direct fights to and from cities all over South-East Asia, Australia and the South Pacific. Yet Taravura does not feel big: few of its buildings are higher than the trees; none of its streets is so full of traffic that it is difficult to cross, even at the busiest times of the day; and from all parts of the city you can see either Mount Bari and its brothers, the Endi Mountains, to the north, or the sky-blue sea to the south. Nowhere in Taravura are you very far from nature.

  But do not be deceived into thinking that because Taravura is small among capital cities, you will have done everything worth doing within a day. Taravura is a mine of golden opportunities. St. Cecilia's Cathedral, for example, contains many pieces of local art-work; and Komati Museum has a collection of paintings by South Pacific artists that is without equal in the world. For those who enjoy watching sports and games, you can be sure that somewhere in the city there is a national or an international team playing football, cricket or basketball; and for those who would rather play than watch, Taravura offers plenty of opportunities to try your hand at any sport.

  Until you have been to Taravura, you have not visited the city of your dreams-truly a heaven on earth.

  (Words: 360; Time:6')

  1. "Taravura is all things to all men,"means ________.

  A. there is nothing that you will not find there

  B. everyone will find something there to suit him

  C. there are as many things to do as there are men

  D. the men will do anything you wish them to do

  2. Taravura "does not feel big" in spite of the fact that ________.

  A. it is a capital city with an airport and international hotels

  B. its streets are full of traffic at all times of the day

  C. few of its buildings are higher than the trees

  D. its buildings are old and new,its stores big and small

  3. Nowhere in Taravura are you very far from nature in that ________.

  A. the open-air markets are full of flowers and fruit

  B. the houses are made of grass and the churches of wood

  C. there are mountains on one side and sea on the other

  D. there are parks and gardens full of things to see and do

  4. "Taravura is a mine of golden opportunities"means that ________.

  A. St.Cecilia's Cathedral is a local piece of gold art-work

  B. there are many things made of gold in the Cathedral and the museum

  C. there are all sorts of things to do in the city

  D. Taravura is a very wealthy city in many ways


  Our school system has developed as it has because the American people value education highly. Some of the traditional values which have developed over the years are:

  1. Public education should be free. There should be no hidden charges to prevent any citizen from receiving a good education at public expense.

  2. Schooling should be equal and open to all. No one should be treated badly because of race, religion, or financial (财政的)position.

  3. The public schools should be free of any belief or religion. The schools of the United States are open to all Americans regardless of their religious beliefs. The Supreme Court has held that no special prayer or Bible reading shall be required. However, religious schools are permitted outside of the public school system.

  4. Public schools are controlled by the state and local governments within which they lie. Local school boards run the public schools under laws passed by the state legislature(立法机关). The State Board of Education helps the local schools, but does not give orders to the district board. The United States Office of Education also helps with advice and information, but the actual control lies in the local school district, where the people know the local situation.

  5. Attendance at school is compulsory. Parents cannot decide to keep their children out of school. Each state enforces the attendance of young people, usually between the ages of 7 and 16.

  6. Schooling should be enriched and not just limited to the basic rules. Most Americans believe that school should places where young people can grow in body, mind and spirit. Athletics, clubs, social events and creative arts are a part of each person's education. Schools should be lively places where everybody is encouraged to develop their greatest potential.

  (Words:322; Time:5')

  5. American people value education highly. The underlined part means ________.

  A.think education is worth a lot of money

  B.spend a lot of money on education

  C.think highly of education D.think education is very important

  6. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

  A. Education should be free.

  B. Schooling should be open to all.

  C. The local governments control public schools.

  D. Parents must let their children go to school.

  7. The students in the religious schools are required to read ________.

  A. any religious beliefs

  B. special prayers or the Bible

  C. what the Supreme Court has held

  D. the textbooks of the public school

  8. According to the passage, schooling is ________ for a 20-year-old young person.

  A. required B. enforced

  C. useful D. difficult

  9. Most Americans don't believe that schools should be places ________.

  A. where young people can grow in every areas

  B. where everybody is encouraged to develop their greatest potential

  C. where people only follow the basic rules

  D. where all people can get equal education

  key: 1-4 BACC 5-9 DABAC


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