新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 高中英语课外辅导:高考短文改错练与析两篇

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/28 15:41  英语辅导报


  Sometime it is difficult to make a decision. When last 1.________

  summer vacations came, I planned to go to summer school. 2.________

  There are so many kinds of summer schools that I really 3.________

  didn't know school to choose. I am interested in drawing 4.________

  pictures, so I decided to go to art school. However, but 5.________

  my mother said if it was very useful to learn how to use 6.________

  a computer while my father said that it was very useful to 7.________

  learn English than how to use a computer. They could not 8.________

  agree with each other. In the end I decided to go on a trip, 9.________

  for I could do something as I liked without my parents around me. 10.________


  My interest had been in books instead of food since 1.________

  I went to high school. In the past I was real interested 2.________

  with all kinds of food. In summer I like to buy ice cream 3.________

  and cold drinks, and in winter I liked to buy sweet, cakes 4.________

  and some other food. Whenever I went for walk with my 5.________

  parents I would ask them to buy me something for me. 6.________

  However, after I went to high school, I found I was putting up 7.________

  weight, for I had to give up the habit of eating my favorite foods.8.________

  Now I like to spend money on all kinds of books. My 9.________

  parents were always complaining that I am a money spender. 10.________



  1. Sometime改为Sometimes,副词用混了。2. vacations改为vacation,名词可数与不可数错误。3. are改为were,时态一致错误。 4. school前加which, 疑问词加不定式作宾语。5. 去掉but,but与however语义重复。 6. if改为that或去掉if, 宾语从句中连词错误,肯定含义用that引导或省略that。7. very改为more,more构成比较级。8. They改为We,代词一致错误。9. 无错。 10. something改为anything, 因为有as I liked说明。


  1. had改为has,时态错误。2. real改为really,词性功能错误。 3. with改为in,短语搭配错误。4. sweet改为sweets,可数名词。 5. walk前加a, 冠词遗漏。6. buy后的me去掉,与for me重复。7. up改为on,短语搭配错误。8. for改为so, 因果关系错误,应为前因后果。9. 无错。10. were改为are,时态错误,指一般经常性动作。


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