新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《视听英语ladder AI》 > 魔域小奇兵 Crystal Storm IX

魔域小奇兵 Crystal Storm IX
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/13 16:38  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  “Oh no! The robot is moving forward!” cried Sportsman. He took up the scientist’s binoculars and once more scanned the distant sea.

  The floor shook violently again. People in the house clutched desperately for anything they could find to keep them from being tossed to the ground.

  “Did you calculate it correctly? Isn’t it moving much faster? Oh no …” Troublemaker shouted angrily at Computer Genius.

  “It seems that we will be destroyed in less than 24 hours!” Cheerleader shouted.

  “What are you looking at? Aren’t you scared?” Bookworm asked Sportsman.

  “I’m looking at the robot’s eyes. It’s so strange! Every time it takes a step, its left eye rotates once.” Sportsman said.

  “That is because it’s thinking about a faster way to destroy our village. Who on earth made this giant monster? Whoever it was must have taken a long time to make those intricate eyes!” Troublemaker wondered.

  “What did you say? The eye?” A thought began transpiring in the scientist’s mind. He took the telescope back from Sportsman. “It doesn’t turn its eye after each step, but before each step!”

  “What does that mean?” Cheerleader asked.

  “That means its left eye receives the order before it makes any movement.” The scientist explained.

  “You mean its left eye is the main controller of the system?” Bookworm shouted.

  “It’s very possible.” The scientist nodded.

  Just at this moment, a fuzzy shadow passed in front of everyone’s eyes and suddenly Attar disappeared.

  “Oh no, he’s running away!”

  “What is he going to do? Help the robot?”

  “Catch him!” The children chased after Attar.


  binoculars n. 双眼望远镜

  clutch v. 抓住

  rotate v. 使旋转

  intricate adj. 复杂的

魔域小奇兵 Crystal Storm IX



















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