时尚采风:面包知多少(图) | | 2004/07/28 10:45 视听英语Ladder AI杂志 | |
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Written by Jean Bread makes an appearance on just about every Western menu. There are so many different kinds of bread, that sometimes, just choosing the bread to accompany your main meal can be an arduous task. If you are overseas, it is useful to know the different kinds of breads and the proper ways to eat them. Basically, there are 3 kinds of bread:
(1)Yeast bread Yeast breads are recognizable by the tiny air pockets all through them. The yeast in the dough causes the bread to rise during baking – giving it that “loaf” look. Pan breads such as raisin bread and whole-wheat bread are considered to be yeast breads. Pizza bases and hamburger buns are also yeast breads. (2)Quick bread Quick bread takes less time to prepare than yeast bread. These breads also rise during baking, but this is caused by baking powder instead of yeast. Examples of quick breads are corn bread, doughnuts, muffins and pancakes. (3)Flat bread This kind of bread is appropriately named as its appearance is indeed flat. Flat breads include tortillas (Mexican), chapatti (Indian) and pita bread (Middle Eastern). They usually have an empty center in them for fillings and sauces. The Proper Way to Eat Bread In a proper Western restaurant, the bread plate is always on your left with your butter knife on it. When eating bread, you should break the bread into small sizes. It is rude to cut your bread or bite from it. You should spread butter only on the piece of bread you are about to eat (not on all the bread on your plate). It is okay if breadcrumbs drop on your plate or the table. The waiter will clear them away for you. yeast n. 酵母 baking powder 发酵粉 instead of 代替 muffin n. 松饼 tortilla n. 玉米粉圆饼 chapatti n. 薄煎饼 pita bread 皮塔饼 breadcrumb n. 面包屑 | |
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时尚采风:面包知多少(图) | |
面包是西方菜单上不可或缺的一种食物。有时你会看到菜单上有很多种面包,这时选择合适的面包来搭配你的主菜就是一项不简单的任务了。如果你在国外,了解不同种类的面包和它们的正确吃法是十分有用的。 面包的种类基本上分三种: 1.发酵面包 发酵面包中含有气孔,而发酵的效果是由制作面包的酵母产生的。例如葡萄干面包和全麦面包就是发酵面包。比萨饼和汉堡也属于发酵面包。 2.快速面包 制作快速面包所花的时间比发酵面包要少。它们发酵的效果是由发酵粉,而不是酵母引起的。例如玉米面包、甜甜圈、松饼和薄饼都属于快速面包。 3.平面包 这种面包就像它的名字一样,是平的。平面包包括了墨西哥玉米饼皮、印度薄饼和中东皮塔饼。通常,它们都有用来填充馅和调味料的空隙。 吃面包的正确方法 在正规的西餐厅,面包盘与黄油刀通常放在你的左手边。吃面包的时候,你应该把面包撕成小块。用刀切或直接咬都是不礼貌的。你只能在要吃的面包块上涂黄油(其他盘子里的面包不用)。面包屑掉在盘子里或桌子上都是可以的,服务生会负责清理。
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