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英语辅导报小学教师版:A Proud Peacock
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/26 13:52  英语辅导报

  Time: One morning in summer.

  Place: Near a lake.

  Characters: Peacock, Magpie, Cock, Peacock's Shadow and some other animals.

  Magpie: (Walking out with music) Boys and girls, I'll tell you a story: A Proud Peacock. There is a beautiful peacock in the forest, but he is very proud. He always shows off his beauty. What? You want to see the peacock. OK! Look! He is coming.

  Peacock: (Raising his head, sticking out his chest, pulling his beautiful tail, he comes to the center of the stage and dances.)

  Magpie: (Walking out) Good morning, beautiful Peacock!

  Peacock: (Going on dancing and paying no attention to Magpie)

  Magpie: (To the audience) Look! He only wants to show off his beauty and ignores me.

  Peacock: (Circling for such a long time that can't stand straight) Ow! Ow!

  Magpie: (Going forward and supporting Peacock with hands) Beautiful Peacock, what's wrong with you?

  Peacock: I'm a little dizzy.

  Magpie: That's because you have circled for such a long time.

  Peacock: What? What did you say? Was I circling? I was dancing. Do you understand? (Circling again)

  Magpie: Don't circle any more, otherwise you will fall on the ground.

  Peacock: How dare you criticize me? Who are you?

  Magpie: I'm your neighbor, Magpie.

  Peacock: Are you my neighbor? I don't know you.

  Magpie: (To the audience) Look! He is so proud that he can't recognize his neighbor. (To Peacock) You have many neighbors besides me, such as Squirrel, Rabbit and Cock.

  Peacock: Cock? He is very beautiful, isn't he?

  Magpie: Yes. Cock is very beautiful. He has a red crest, colorful feathers, a glossy neck, golden feet and ...

  Peacock: Don't say any more. Dare Cock come to meet me? Bring him here. Let him look at my beautiful dancing. (Pushing Magpie)

  (Magpie goes away. Peacock is ready to show off himself in front of Cock. Cock walks out with music and dances happily.)

  Peacock: He is coming! (Shaking his feathers, spreading out his tail and dancing arrogantly)

  (They dance together.)

  Cock: Beautiful Peacock, did you call me? How are you? (Extending his hand politely)

  Peacock: (Raising his head and ignore Cock)

  Cock: Oh! Hot-tempered! (Raising his voice) Beautiful Peacock, how are you?

  Peacock: (Affectedly) I'm fine.

  Cock: Did you call me? Magpie said that you called me. I can help you if you are in trouble.

  Peacock: Help me? No! I don't need your help.

  Cock: Then why did you call me?

  Peacock: I want to have a competition with you. You'll know my beauty. (With these words, he circles again.)

  Cock: Stop it! I don't want to have a competition with you. I have had competitions with Bee and Frog before. Now I know beauty doesn't depend on outward appearance, but it depends on helping others. I'm busy in catching worms. I must go.

  Peacock: Don't go. Since you have come, you must see my beauty.

  Cock: Peacock, you are really beautiful. But you shouldn't show off yourself and be arrogant. I must go. (Walking away)

  Peacock: You dare not have a competition with me. I am the winner! I am the winner! (Dancing again)

  (The actor who acts the shadow of Peacock walks out and does the same actions as Peacock. Suddenly Peacock sees his shadow in the lake.)

  Peacock: Well! Why is there the same bird as I? He is so beautiful. But I'm more beautiful than him. (Spreading out his tail and dancing)

  (They dance the same. Peacock is angry.)

  Peacock: How dare he have a contest with me? I must make him lose face.

  (The shadow says the same words and does the same actions.)

  Peacock: (More angry. He bumps against the shadow and falls into the lake.) Help! Help! Magpie, come here quickly!

  Magpie: (Walking out) What's wrong? (Pulling the Peacock up) How did you fall into the lake? You are all wet and like a drenched chicken.

  Peacock: (Shyly) I...I want to have a competition with him. (He points to the shadow and sees the shadow again.) Ha! Look! He is all wet and trembling.

  Magpie: (Laughing) Ha, ha, ha...

  Peacock: Ugly Magpie, why are you laughing?

  Magpie: Proud Peacock, the bird in the lake is your shadow. You are so proud that you look down upon yourself. (Laughing again)

  Peacock: (Coming to realize the truth) Ah! (He walks away in low spirits. The shadow walks away, too.)

  Magpie: Boys and girls, it's wrong to be proud of advantages. We should remember Peacock's lesson. A few days later, beautiful Peacock isn't proud any more. We all like him. Cock, Peacock, Squirrel and I, play together. Look! They are coming.

  Peacock: (Crying out) Magpie!

  (Cock, Peacock and some other animals walk out.)

  Magpie: Beautiful Peacock, do you want to have a competition with me?

  Peacock: (Shyly) I was wrong. I'm not proud any more. Please don't talk about it any more.

  Cock: Magpie, we want to hold a party, how about you?

  Magpie: Great!

  (The music begins, all the animals dance happily.)



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