新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian英语:为什么一整年不上网?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/15 10:30  新浪教育

  B I went out for a business traveling. All right, let’s just get into other things『让我们换个话题』. why don't you just show up online for the past year.『你去年一年怎么都不在网上出现?』

  N well, something happened.

  B What happened?

  N you know, I was hurt by an accident; it was just a terrible accident.

  B You were driving? 『你当时是在开车么?』

  N I was driving. I wasn't a passenger. I was the only one in my car『车上就我一个人』, the good news is that nobody was hurt but me…. 『所幸的是除了我以外没人受伤。。。』

  B where was this? 『在哪里发生的?』

  N I was on my way home. And I was very relaxed『我感到很放松』, the sun was shining『亮丽的、华丽的』. I thought everything was beautiful and a lovely『可爱的、有趣的』day.

  B so what’s going on?

  N and I came around a curve『弯道』 because it’s windy road『路上风很大』, and there was a car, and wham『重打声』!

  B Whoa『惊叹声』! You two hit each other?

  N yes.

  B what’s about the airbag『安全气囊』?

  N well, the airbag came out and hit me so hard on my arm that it snapped『折断』my elbow『肘』right off.


  B whoa! Are you ok now?

  N yes, they put in a metal piece here in my elbow. 『他们在我肘关节里植入了一个金属片』

  B that must be hurting. 『一定很痛吧』

  N yeah, because this is all shattered『粉碎的』and they had to rebuild『重新修复』it.

  B Wow! Did you have a scar『疤痕』or something?

  N yes, but my doctor was so cool, because you could hardly see it. 『是的,但是我的医生很厉害,因为你几乎看不到它(疤痕)』

  B how painful was it? 『有多痛?』

  N oh, please! Don't even go there『请不要扯到这个话题』.

  B very painful?

  N no one but me in the car, and I could not move『动都不能动』.

  B no one got hurt in the opposite car? 『对面的车有没有人受伤?』

  N nobody got hurt in that car. You know, thank the good Lord for that『感谢上帝』. I mean, that’s the good news. 『这是好消息』

  B the other good news is that you weren’t killed. 『另外一个好消息就是你死里逃生』

  N yes, yes, but my arm was shattered『是的,但是我的胳膊却粉碎性骨折』.

  B that it could have been your face, your nose, or your jaw. 『但是,它同样可能发生在你的脸、鼻子或下巴』

  N exactly. I am lucky.



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