新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian英语世界:每天都是蜜月期

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/09 10:52  新浪教育

  B Hi, long time no see, how are you doing, nikky?

  N well, I miss you so much.

  B really? 

  N yeah, brian, I want to tell you something.

  B what happened? You sound so seriously. 『你听起来很严肃的样子』

  N I’m engaged. 『我订婚了』

  B what?

  N I am engaged.

  B how is that going?

  N I mean I am going to be engaged.

  B really? What happened?

  N first of all, I met a man.

  B oh, what else?

  N I never had this feeling before, we have a beautiful relationship.

  B oh.

  N we have a beautiful relationship. Everyday is a honeymoon『蜜月』, we’re going to be engaged.

  B you told me two years ago that you will not get married.

  N I will never get married.

  B it’s not going to marriage?

  N I don't believe--- who made up this rule『谁制订了这个规则』 we have to get married?

  B why will you never get married? You don't want children?

  N I do want children, and I don't think that being married is one of the criteria『标准』 to having a baby, you must get married.

  B how did you meet him?

  N a friend of ours, a mutual friend『我们的共同朋友』, Matt, called me up one night, and I’m driving on my way home from somewhere. And he said: ”you want to come to a party in my home?” “sure, I’ll go”. And I just meet the man in the party, and the rest….

  B so been like that ever since? 『事情就这样发展下去了?』

  N yeah.


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