新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《黑马英语同步阅读》 > unit 19 Modern agriculture

unit 19 Modern agriculture
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/11 10:54  新浪教育





  Passage A


  In some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields. Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river near the crops, and if there is plenty of water in it. Canals (沟渠) carry the river water to the fields when necessary. In some seasons there may be too much water in the river, and the water may flood all the land near it. At other times the river water may not be enough for all the farmers, and then it will be difficult to irrigate the fields.

  To prevent these difficulties, a dam (水坝) may be built across the river. This will store water for dry seasons, and in wet seasons it will prevent the flooding of the land.① A great lake will, no doubt, be formed behind the dam, and this may mean that houses and fields will be covered with water. Most people will accept that and will be ready to move to other places. Then the country can have the right amount of water at all times; more crops will be grown, there will be more food for everyone, and there will be no more floods.

  We cannot use sea water for irrigation; the salt will not allow the crops to grow. Fresh water is always needed, and it is very difficult and costly to make fresh water from sea water. This is done in a few countries, but the fresh water is for drinking. There is not enough at present for irrigation. Perhaps a scientist will one day invent a cheaper way of producing fresh water from the sea. If fresh water could be made cheaply, we could grow more food. ②


  1. It is easy for farmers to irrigate their fields when____ .

  a. there is a great river near the crops

  b. there is a lot of water that year

  c. there are many canals in the fields

  d. there is plenty of sea water in the country

  A. abB. abc C. bcdD. abcd

  2. In order to keep the country having the right amount of water at all times, ____ should be built.

  A. canalsB. damsC. factoriesD. plants

  3. The main idea of the passage is that____ .

  A. irrigation is the best way to produce more food for humans

  B. many ways have been tried to save water

  C. irrigation is necessary for farmers to have a good harvest

  D. scientists should try their best to make sea water fresh to meet the needs of society


  ①It will prevent the flooding of the land.


  ②If fresh water could be made cheaply,

  Total words:284

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  we could grow more food. 如果淡水生产的费用降低,我们就能生产更多的粮食。

  Passage B


  Health officials are worried about a flu (流感). But this isnt the same kind of flu that might have kept you out of school last week. It's the bird flu, which has spread to 10 Asian countries.

  The disease affects (侵袭) birds such as chickens and ducks, and can also spread to humans. So far, only people who have handled chickens have been infected (感染). Although there is no sign of the disease spreading from human to human, experts are not ruling out that possibility.

  The disease first infected humans in Hong Kong in 1997, but appeared in Italy over 100 years ago. This year, at least 10 people have died from the disease, and health experts fear it could become worse. If the virus (病毒) continues to grow at a fast rate, it could become a bigger problem than SARS, which used to kill about 800 people last year.

  To prevent the situation from becoming worse, infected chickens and ducks throughout Asia are being killed. China has already killed tens of thousands of birds. Scientists are also working as hard as they can to create a vaccine (疫苗) to protect people, but it will probably not be ready for at least another six months.

  “We have a window of opportunity here to deal with this disease.①” said Dr Klaus Stohr of the World Health Organization. “With SARS we said we wanted to put things back in a box;② here we want to keep things in the box. It hasnt come out yet. We have a good chance of controlling this.”


  1. What is the bird flu?

  A. A disease suffered by animals.

  B. A disease suffered by birds.

  C. A disease suffered by animals and humans.

  D. A disease suffered by birds and humans.

  2. Which of the following statements is TRUE to the fact?

  A. The bird flu only appeared in Asia.

  B. The bird flu is not able to spread between humans like SARS.

  C. The bird flu first appeared in Hong Kong.

  D. The bird flu could be more serious than SARS.

  3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A. The bird flu has developed into a serious problem which is beyond people's control.

  B. The bird flu has caused as bad an effect to humans as SARS.

  C. Now people have developed ways to deal with the disease of the bird flu.

  D. People are quite sure about bringing the bird flu into control.


  ① We have a window of opportunity here to deal with this disease.


  Total words:254

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  Reading speed: ____

  ② With SARS we said we wanted to put things back in a box.


  这里的box指的是Pandoras box(潘多拉盒子),在希腊神话中是天下一切灾祸的根源。

  Passage C


  Mr and Mrs Wu were fed up with their neighbour. ① He was always borrowing things from them.

  “It's not right,” Mr Wu said to his wife one evening, “That man has already borrowed nearly everything we have. Almost every day he comes over to borrow something.”

  “You're quite right,” his wife replied, “and most of the things hes never returned.”

  “What I want to know,” her husband said, “is why he can't buy the things he needs, like everyone else.”

  “Because people like us are foolish enough to lend him what he needs.” she replied. “As long as we are willing to lend, hell keep on borrowing.②”

  “Then well never lend him anything again,” Mr Wu said, “The next time he asks to borrow something, I'll say no.”

  “We must have a good reason for saying no,” his wife said, “and we must always try to be polite to him. We don't want to make an enemy of the man.”

  It was not long before their decision not to lend their neighbour anything ever again was put to the test.

  The next morning there was a knock on the door.

  Mr Wu went to answer it.

  Their neighbour was standing there. Mr Wu knew he was going to ask to borrow something, and was ready to refuse him politely.

  “Good morning.” their neighbour said, “I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors (剪刀).”

  “I'm sorry,” Mr Wu said, “but I'm afraid my wife and I will be using them today. We'll be spending all day working in the garden.”

  “Oh, I see.” the neighbour said, “In that case, may I borrow your golf clubs? You won't be needing them if youre working in the garden all day, will you?”


  1. What do you think the underlined phrase “were fed up with” means?

  A. were tired of.

  B. fed on.

  C. lived next to.

  D. depended on.

  2. After their neighbour had borrowed something from them, ____.

  A. he lost it

  B. he lent it to others

  C. he forgot where he had put it

  D. he hardly returned it to them

  3. Why did Mrs Wu say they themselves were foolish?

  A. The neighbour kept on borrowing everything from them.

  B. They were always willing to lend everything to him.

  C. They were planning to stop lending something again.

  D. They couldn't understand what he needed in time.

  4. They decided to refuse to lend their neighbour anything again,____ .

  A. so they didn't mind making an enemy of him

  B. and they found a good reason for saying no

  C. but they didn't know how to refuse him

  D. but he managed to get what he really wanted


  ①Mr and Mrs Wu were fed up with their neighbour.


  Total words:295

  Reading time:____

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  ②As long as we are willing to lend, hell keep on borrowing.


  as long as意为“只要”。

  Passage D


  Wanted: Violin. Can't pay much. Call...

  That ad (广告) made me remember my 1 . I, too, had wanted a violin. But we didn't have the 2 . Even though times were hard, I couldnt 3 any longer to ask, “Daddy, may I have a violin of my own?” Daddy's face looked 4 . But a few weeks later, Daddy went home with a case, saying, “Mary, I found this 5 violin for seven dollars.”

  The next day I carried my violin to school for my first 6 , and no one could know the excitement in my heart. I practiced, joined the school orchestra (管弦乐队), gave performances.... Several 7 seemed to run more quickly and then I 8 myself in the first violin chair. More years passed. My violin 9 every move with me, and I carefully 10 it away.

  Now here I was 11 the newspaper. I 12 the case 13 in my closet (壁橱). I put it on the table. Then I picked up the 14 , walked to the 15 and called by means of the number.①

  Later in the day, a man in his thirties knocked at the door. “Ive been expecting someone would 16 my ad.② My daughter wants a violin so 17 .” he said, examining my violin, “How much are you asking?”

  Any music store, I knew, would 18 me higher pay. But now I heard my voice answer, “Seven dollars.”

  “Are you 19 ?” he asked, which caused me to think so much of Daddy.

  “Seven dollars.” I repeated and then added, “I hope your little girl will enjoy it as I did.”

  I smiled, but I found my 20 rolling down.


  1. A. schoolB. childhood C. youthD. classmates

  2. A. chanceB. hope C. money D. demand

  3. A. waitB. stay C. remain D. keep

  4. A. angryB. sad C. hopeful D. happy

  5. A. newB. valuable C. expensive D. secondhand

  6. A. lessonB. chance C. performance D. concert

  7. A. daysB. years C. months D. weeks

  8. A. sawB. let C. found D. made

  9. A. tookB. made C. caused D. brought

  10. A. carriedB. sent C. took D. put

  11. A. forB. with C. at D. on

  12. A. lostB. hid C. found D. made

  13. A. deepB. deeply C. next D. close

  14. A. photoB. violin C. case D. newspaper

  15. A. radioB. closet C. telephone D. door

  16. A. seeB. answer C. receive D. accept

  17. A. badlyB. quickly C. soon D. often

  18. A. lendB. offer C. show D. wish

  19. A. sorryB. willing C. sure D. ready

  20. A. sweatB. eyes C. heart D. tears


  ①...and called by means of the number


  by means of “依靠”。

  ②Ive been expecting someone...


  Passage A


  1. A. 根据文章第一段的第二句可以得知答案。

  2. B. 根据第二段的第一句,我们可以了解到:解决灌溉问题的关键在水坝。

  3. C. 通读全文可知文章主要阐述了灌溉问题和相关的一些知识。

  Passage B


  1. D. 根据第二段第一句得出答案。

  2. D. 第三段最后一句有提示。

  3. D. 可以控制禽流感的发展。

  Passage C


  1. A. 根据下文得知吴夫妇对邻居已生厌。

  2. D. 根据“...most of the things hes never returned.”得知。

  3. B. 由“Because people like us are foolish enough to lend him what he needs.”可得出答案。

  4. D. 根据文章最后一段可推出答案。

  Passage D


  1. B. 作者触景生情,由眼前的广告想起自己的童年。

  2. C. but此处表示转折。我也想要一把小提琴,但是又没钱。

  3. A. cant wait any longer to do something表示“迫不及待地去做某事”。

  4. B. 我向爸爸要小提琴,而爸爸又没钱,可见脸色应该是很忧愁的。

  5. D. 根据上文“Even though times were hard...”,此处填secondhand更为合适。

  6. A. 此句意思为:第二天我带着我的小提琴到学校去上我的第一堂课。

  7. B. 根据下文“More years passed”,可知此处应填years。

  8. C. find oneself in something 发现自己不知不觉地置身于……之中。

  9. B. 此句意思为:我的小提琴随着我进行每一次变迁。

  10. D. put something away意思为:把……收藏起来。

  11. B. 又回到了现实,看着报纸上的广告。

  12. C. 根据上文“我小心地把小提琴收藏起来”,因此此处应为我从壁橱里找到了它。

  13. A. deep通常指具体含义的“深”,而deeply则指抽象的含义“深刻地;深深地”。

  14. D. 根据下文“...and called by means of the number”,可见作者是拿起报纸去打电话 (因为报纸上有电话号码)。

  15. C. 由句意得知。

  16. B. 此处answer具有“答复;回复”之意。

  17. A. 此处badly为程度副词,意思为“非常”。

  18. B. 此句意为“任何一家音乐器材商店都会出 (offer) 更高的价钱”。

  19. C. 那个人对如此低的价格表示怀疑。

  20. D. 根据下文“rolling down”,可见tears是最佳答案。

  1. Then the country can have the right amount of water at all times. 那么无论什么时候该国都能有适量的水。(Line 16, passage A)

  at all times 一直;无论什么时候。常见的“介词 + time”的搭配还有:

  at times有时;偶尔;不时at a time一次;同时

  (at) any time随时;无论何时at no time永不……;在任何时候都不

  at one time 曾经;一度at the same time同时;尽管如此

  ahead of time 提前from time to time时常;不时

  in a short time很快地in no time 转眼工夫;立刻

  2. But this isnt the same kind of flu that might have kept you out of school last week. 但这个流感和上周也许使你不能去上学的流感不同。(Line 1, passage B)

  “情态动词 + have done”结构主要用来对过去动作的推测,注意不同的情态动词所表示的语气不同。如:

  He may not have read the book. 他也许没有看过那本书。

  She must have been very busy last week. 她上星期一定很忙。

  She couldnt have gone to work. It was Sunday. 她不可能去上班,那天是星期日。



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