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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/14 14:27  英语辅导报

  1. In fact, things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl. 事实上,对我来说一切进展顺利,而且我跟一个非常好的姑娘订了婚。

  问:此句中的go理解为"去"似乎不太合适,那么,该怎么理解才对呢?此外,"跟……订婚"能否说成get engaged with...?

  答: go的含义很多,不可想当然,需根据具体的语境来确定其意义,此句中的go应理解为"进行"。例如:

  Everything goes quite well. 一切进行得非常顺利。

  All has gone well with our plan. 一切均按照我们的计划进行。

  "跟……订婚"应译成 be / get engaged to sb.,英语的表达习惯与汉语有所不同,不要受汉语思维定式的干扰。易搞错的同类词语还有be / get married to sb.。例如:

  He got engaged to one of his classmates in the university two months ago.两个月前,他和他的一个大学同学订下了终身。

  She made a promise that her daughter would be engaged to a man with a lot of money. 她允诺将她的女儿许给一个非常有钱的人。

  2. Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future.我们大多数人可能会感到伤感而失去了对未来的梦想与希望。

  问:我们学过含"可能的"之义的词除了probably外,还有 likely和possible等,不知它们之间有何异同?

  答:所问问题中的probably为副词,其形容词形式是probable。likely是形容词,一般而言,要将同一词性的词语放在一起来区分。下面讲讲probable, likely, possible间的异同:probable和likely表 "可能性"的程度比possible大,语气也较possible强;likely常用于口语中, 其主语往往是人, 后接不定式短语,构成be likely to do sth.结构,也可用于 "It's likely that+从句"句型中;possible含"有可能的"意思。例如:

  It's possible but not probable / likely that she'll come here with her coach this afternoon. 她有可能今天下午和她的教练到这里来,但不肯定。

  A thunderstorm is likely to be just around the corner. 很有可能要下一场雷雨。

  3. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. 病魔并未能阻挡他过那种他梦寐以求的生活。


  答:这个句子是一个陈述句。一般说来,以neither, nor, never, hardly,seldom, scarcely, barely, little, not only...but also, not until, hardly / scarcely... when / no sooner...than..., not once等开头的句子要进行部分倒装,即将助动词、系动词或情态动词等放在主语之前。在此,要注意:在含not until / hardly / scarcely...when / no sooner...than...等的复合句中,需要倒装的是主句。例如:

  Never shall I believe him.我绝不会再相信他的鬼话了。

  No sooner had she gone out than the telephone rang. 她刚出去,电话就响了。

  Little does he care about money. 他对金钱不大在乎。

  Not until day breaks does she get up.一般她到天大亮才起床。

  4. ...it was only later that the world recognized his greatness. ……后来,世人才认可了他的伟大。

  Scientists, ..., know that their job is never finished and that the best theory can turn out to be wrong.科学家们知道他们的工作并未结束,最好的理论也可能会被证明是错误的。


  答:以上两句中的that都是连词,用作连词的that有以下特点: 1)没有任何词义; 2)在句中不充当任何句子成分。第一句中的that用于 "It is / was +被强调部分+that..."的强调句型中,that一般不可省略;而第二句中的that用来引导并列的宾语从句,其中,第一个连词that可以省略,当然,一般还是以不省略为好。例如:

  It was last year that I first met Helen here. 就在去年我在这儿见到了海伦。

  The manager said to his men that that is a piece of good advice and that they should adopt it immediately. 经理对他的属下说那是一条很好的建议,他们应该立即采纳。

  5. Galileo used his observations to show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earth moves around the sun. 伽利略通过观察证实了另一位伟大的天文学家哥白尼的学说是正确的,而且还证实了地球是围绕着太阳转的。


  答:学习宾语从句,要注意"三要素": 1)连接词的选用; 2)语序(须用陈述句语序);3)时态的一致性。其中,"时态的一致性"就是指宾语从句中谓语动词的时态要与主句中谓语动词的时态相一致,但是,尽管主句中是过去时,若宾语从句所表示的是客观真理的话,那就要用一般现在时(如上例)。其实,这种现象在第一册Unit16就曾出现过,现抄录一例:In June 1752, I wanted to show that lightning and electricity are the same.1752年6月,我想证明闪电和电是一回事。再如:

  The teacher told us that light travels much faster than sound.老师告诉我们光传播的速度比声音要快得多。

  6. Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens. 报纸和其它媒体不仅仅是对所发生的事进行简单的记载。

  问:将more than理解为"多于"似乎不大对,那么,在此句中它又该作何解释呢?

  答: more than除了"多于"之意外,尚有其它含义,须视其所处的具体语境来理解: 1)"不仅仅"(本句正含此意。在第一册Unit 8 中有一例:Yao Ming has more than just the size:...姚明不仅仅是身高:……); 2)"非常";3)"难以";4)将more than分开的话,含"与其说……,倒不如说……"之意。例如:

  He is more than fond of popular music. 他非常喜欢流行音乐。

  The place has more delightful climate than beautiful view. 这地方与其说它景色优美,倒不如说它气候宜人。

  7. Carefully written articles can help people become interested in important questions around the world. 认真写的文章会有助于人们对周围世界的一些重要问题产生兴趣。



  He was very excited when getting the big prize. 他得了大奖非常高兴。

  We'll have to have the fallen leaves cleaned away.我们得找个人把这些落叶清理掉。

  (文/李英旭; 英语通高二版 04~05学年度第8期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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