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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/19 09:02  英语辅导报


  1. 自行车上的那个小女孩一定是露茜,是吗?

   误:The little girl on the bike must be Lucy, mustn't she?

   正:The little girl on the bike must be Lucy, isn't she?

   [解析] 当反意疑问句的陈述部分含有must, may, can 等表示"推测"意义的情态动词时,疑问部分要根据情态动词后面的助动来确定其相应形式。又如:

   误:Miss Wang may have gone to the US, may not she?

   正:Miss Wang may have gone to the US, hasn't she?

   2. 他说昨晚那部电影非常有趣,他非常喜欢看。

   误:He said (that) last night's film was very interesting, and he enjoyed seeing it very much.

   正:He said (that) last night's film was very interesting, and that he enjoyed seeing it very much.

   [解析] 通常情况下, 在口语或非正式文体中,that可以省略。如:The boy said (that) he borrowed an English-Chinese dictionary yesterday. 但即使在第一个从句中省去了"that",在平行的(以and, or, nor或but引导的)从句中不可省略that。如:

  He said he would come, and that he would bring his son. 他说他要来,而且他还说要带他的儿子来。

  She did not believe she had ever read any of the young author's works, nor that she had ever heard of him. 她不相信她曾经读过这个年青作家的作品,也从来没听说过他这个人。

   3. 我想他的哥哥不是医生,你觉得呢?

   误:I don't believe that his brother is a doctor, do you?

   正:I don't believe that his brother is a doctor, is he?

   [解析] 如果主句是I/We think (believe, suppose) 时,其反意疑问句的附加部分要与从句保持一致。

   4. 我们讨论下周是否举行运动会。

   比较:We discussed if we would hold a sports meeting next week.

   再比较:We discussed whether we would hold a sports meeting next week.

   [解析] if与whether意思相同,都可以引导宾语从句,一般情况下,二者可以互用。如:

   I don't know if/whether he bought a new bike last Sunday. 但当主句的谓语是discuss, consider, decide时,一般常用whether而不用if 。另外,下列情况也只能用whether而不能用if。

   1) 在介词后面。如:I'm not interested in whether he'll come or not.

   2) 在带to的动词不定式前。如:He doesn't know whether to stay at home or go out for a walk.

   3) 直接与or not连用。如:I can't say whether or not he will come to help them.

   4) 宾语从句提前时。如:Whether they can go there, I don't know.

   5. 明天他一回来,我就会告诉他这个好消息的。

   误:I shall tell him the good news as soon as he will come back tomorrow.

   正:I shall tell him the good news as soon as he comes back tomorrow.


  We will go to the park, if it won't rain next Sunday. (×)

   We will go to the park, if it doesn't rain next Sunday. (√)

  [解析] 在时间或条件状语从句中,如果主句用了一般将来时,从句的时态要用一般现在时。

   6. 海南岛是中国的第二大岛屿。

  误:Hainan Island is the second larger island in China.

  正:Hainan Island is the second largest island in China.

   [解析] 形容词或副词最高级前可以加序数词来对其加以限定,即为"the + 序数词 + 形容词或副词的最高级 +名词(单数)",意为"第几最……的…… "。如:the third largest country 第三大的国家,the fifth longest river 第五长河等。

   7. 老师叫我们不要在课堂上说话。

   误:Our teacher tells us don't talk in class.

   正:Our teacher tells us not to talk in class.

   [解析] ask/tell sb to do sth 是一个固定词组,意为"叫某人做某事",其否定结构是在不定式前加not, 即为 ask/tell sb not to do sth。



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