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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 09:33  英语辅导报


  1. what if / say (假设)

  What if / Say our daughter gets home before us and can't get in? What will she do then? 假设女儿在我们之前回到家又进不去,那她怎么办呢?

  What if / Say you were to run out of money? What would you do? 如果你的钱用完了,你将怎么办呢?

  2. so / as long as(只要)

  So / As long as you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow off. 只要你到今晚把案头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。

  3. even when (即使当)

  Numerous doctors and nurses were devoted to their work even when the disease was as mad as a devil. 即使疾病像魔鬼一样猖獗,无数的医生护士们还是全力以赴地投入工作。

  She'll definitely win, even if she falls over in the race. 即使她在比赛中跌倒了,她也一定会获胜。

  4. unless (除非)

  Unless you take pains to prepare,you won't win the match. 除非你全力准备, 否则你就不能在比赛中获胜。

  5. assuming (that)(假定)

  Assuming(that) you are a millionaire,will you donate to build a Good Hope Primary School? 假定你是一位百万富翁,你会捐钱修建一所希望小学吗?

  6. if only (要是……就好了)

  If only we were as free as a bird! 我们要是像小鸟一样自由就好了!

  If only the committee will approve the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible. 要是委员会能通过这些规章并使它们尽快生效就好了。

  7. on (the) condition (that)(如若)

  They will rent us their flat on (the) condition (that) we take good care of it. 如若我们小心照顾他们的公寓房间,他们就把它租给我们。

  8. on the understanding that (只要)

  You can camp in my field on the understanding that you leave no mess. 你们可以在我的地上露营,只要你们不乱扔杂物。

  9. provided / providing (that)(只要)

  Provided / Providing that they can get a mortgage, they will definitely buy it. 要是能够抵押,他们一定会买的。

  10. suppose / supposing(that)(假设)

  Supposing / Suppose (that) we miss the exhibition, what should we do? 假如我们错过了展览,我们将怎么办?

  11. for fear (that)(恐怕)

  She put a blanket over the baby for fear that he would catch cold. 她在那个婴儿身上盖上了毯子以免他着凉。

  12. lest (以免)

  Special care must be taken in using this method lest overflow occur. 用这种方法要特别当心,以免液体溢出。

  13. in case / in case of(万一)前者接从句,后者接名词词组

  The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him. 这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们听不懂。

  The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case of our misunderstanding him. (译文同上)

  14. otherwise (否则)

  We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we would telephone him. 我们不知道他的电话号码,否则我们会打电话给他。

  15. but for(要不是、如果不是)

  But for the English test,I would have gone home this week. 要不是英语测试,我这个礼拜就回家了。

  16. if so,if not, in that case, in which case (如果这样)

  You must be tried now, in which case, I'll talk to you tomorrow. 你现在一定累了,如果这样,我明天再跟你说吧。

  She may be busy, if so, (in that case, ) I'll call her later. If not, can I see her now? 她可能很忙,如果这样,我以后再来拜访。她如不忙,我现在可以见她吗?

  17. whether or not (不用if or not)可以引导选择条件句

  Whether the weather is fine or not on Saturday, we are going to climb the Emei Mountain. 星期六无论天气好坏,我们都打算去登峨嵋山。

  Whether or not the weather is fine on Saturday, we are going to climb the Emei Mountain. (译文同上)

  You'll have to put up with it, whether you like it or not. 无论你喜欢与否,你都得忍着。

  18. but that /but for(要不是)前者接从句,后者接名词词组。

  SARS delayed our journey. But for the horrible disease we would have been on holiday. "非典"耽误了我们的旅行,要不是这个可恶的病魔,我们现在该在度假。

  19. without(没有)

  Without sunlight, animals and plants all can't survive. 如果没有阳光,动植物都不能存活。

  20. or(else)(不然)

  Put a bit of sci-fi in your writing or(else)the teenagers won't be interested in it. 在你的作品中加一点科幻,不然青少年就不会感兴趣。

  Feed the golden fish only a little bit food, or (else) it will die from eating too much. 只给金鱼喂一点点食物,不然它会撑死的。

  21. under...circumstances(在……的情况下)

  Under that circumstances, the bat would definitely be in for the birds. 在那种情况下,蝙蝠一定会站在鸟类一边。

  22. in the past(在过去)

  In the past, you wouldn't get so many pretty Barbie dolls, baby. 宝贝,如果是在过去,你就不会有这么多漂亮的芭比娃娃了。

  (文/黄晓阳;英语辅导报 大学二年级版 04~05学年第3期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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