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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/21 13:36  英语辅导报


  1. 误:"Could I use your dictionary?" "Yes, of course you could."

  正:"Could I use your dictionary?" "Yes, of course you can."


  1) "Would you come back earlier next time?" "No, I will not."

  2) "Might I have a look at your photos? ""Yes, you may."

  2. 误:When I reached the bus station, the bus hadn't arrived yet, so I needn't hurried.

  正:When I reached the bus station, the bus hadn't arrived yet, so I needn't have hurried.


  1) You should have handed in your composition yesterday.

  2) He ought not to have lied to his friend.

  3) I was to have told her about it yesterday, but I didn't meet her.

  4) You had better not have met him at that time.

  5) She can't have left here, for I saw her just now.

  3. 误:The man must have read my letter, mustn't he?

  正:The man must have read my letter, hasn't he?


  1) She can't have gone, has she?

  2) He must have bought the shoes just now, didn't he?


  1. 误:"Must I go now?" "No, you mustn't."

  正:"Must I go now?" "No, you needn't. (No, you don't have to.)"

  析:用must提问的句子,否定答词用needn't 或don't have to。不用原词作答词的情态动词还有:

  1) "Need I rewrite the article?" "Yes, you must. (Yes, you have to.)"

  2) "May I take the newspaper away?" "No, you mustn't."

  3) "Shall I tell her about it?" "No, you needn't. I have already told her about it."

  4) "Will you stay here for lunch?" "Sorry, I can't. My brother is coming to see me."

  2. 误:"Would he have visited me by then?"

  "Yes, he should have."

  正:"Would he have visited me by then?"

  "Yes, he would have."


  1) "Should he have come earlier?" "Yes, he should have."

  2) "Needn't I have bought another car?" "No, you needn't have."

  3. 误:"Would you like to swim in the river?"

  "Yes, I do."

  正:"Would you like to swim in the river?"

  "Yes, I would like to. "

  析:would like to do sth. 提问的肯定答语为:

  Yes, sb. would like to.


  1) "Would you mind my smoking here?" "No, not at all. (or No, please. / No, go ahead.)"

  2) "Would you rather have coffee?" "Yes, I'd rather. / No, I'd rather not."

  3) "Had we better set off earlier?" "Yes, you should. (or Yes, you had. / No, you don't need to.)"

  4) "Did he used to get up at five?" "Yes, he used to. / No, he usedn't."

  5) "Is she coming next week?" "I think so. / I don't think so. (I think not.)"


  1. 误:"Will he close the door?" "Yes, please."

  正:"Shall he close the door?" "Yes, please."


  1) Shall I turn down the radio?

  2) Will you pass me the glass?


  误:Let's go out for a walk, will you?

  正:Let's go out for a walk, shall we?

  误:Let us go out for a walk, shall we?

  正:Let us go out for a walk, will you?

  2. 误:Li Hua is no longer what he would be.

  正:Li Hua is no longer what he used to be.

  析:would仅表示过去经常发生的动作,不表示过去的状态。而used to既可表示过去的动作,又可表示过去的状态。


  误:He said that he will attend the meeting.

  正:He said that he would attend the meeting.

  误:He suggested that Bob would be sent there.

  正:He suggested that Bob should be sent there.

  3. 误:The girl could pass her exam yesterday, because she had worked hard.

  正:The girl was able to pass her exam yesterday, because she had worked hard.




  误:Tom has can drive a car.

  正:Tom has been able to drive a car.

  误:May the news be true?

  正:Can the news be true?

  (文/童三牛;英语通高中一年级版 03~04学年第7期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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