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Unit 7 Living with disease
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/25 09:34  新浪教育



  1. 根据构词法猜测词义。许多英语单词都是由“词根+词缀”构成的,还有些单词是由两个单词结合构成的新词,我们可以根据词根或单个词的词义来推测新词的含义。

  2. 学会利用上下文来推测词义。这种方法也是阅读中常常使用的。遇到不认识的单词,要学会根据上下文的意思来猜测生词的含义。

  3. 要知道利用文中的定义、解释或举例来推测词义。文章中的生词,作者可能会通过定义、解释或举例来告诉读者生词的含义。

  Passage A


  HIV infections (艾滋病病毒感染者) soared worldwide to 30 million adults and children in 1997, with researchers saying that they had underestimated (低估) the rate of infection, now at about 16,000 a day. The sharp climb from 22.6 million in 1996 is due to new methods of collecting data (数据) as well as an actual 19% increase in the level of infections, according to report released by UN.“ If the current transmission (传播) rates hold steady, by the year 2000, the number of people living with HIV or AIDS will increase to 40 million,” said the report. It further said that some 2.3 million people would die of AIDS in 1997 — a 50% increase over 1996. Nearly half those deaths would be women and 460,000 children under 15①. For children, the report estimated (估计) that 1, 600 under 15 were infected with

  HIV every day, compared to 1,000 children a day last year. New figures (数字) show the number of people estimated to be living with HIV or AIDS include 20.6 million in SubSahara Africa, 6 million in South and Southeast Asia,1.3 million in Latin America and 530,000 in Western Europe. The worst affected is in SubSahara Africa, where HIV cases increased by an alarming 7.4 percent among people between 15 and 49 years of age. In contrast the rate of new AIDS cases is expected to drop in Western Europe and America in 1997②.



  ① Nearly half those deaths would be women and 460,000 children under 15. 几乎一半的死亡者是妇女和46万名15岁以下的儿童。

  ② In contrast the rate of new AIDS cases is expected to drop in Western Europe and America in 1997. 相反,在西欧和美洲新增艾滋病的比率有望在1997年下降。


  1. The meaning of the underlined word “soared” in the first sentence means ____ .

  A. lowered

  B. widened

  C. went up

  D. enlarged

  2. According to a report released by UN, ____ .

  A. about 16,000 people are infected with HIV every day

  B. new methods of collecting data will be used

  C. by the year 2000, there will be about 40 million HIV infections or AIDS

  D. in 1996, 19 percent of the people live with HIV

  3. In 1997, about 2.3 million people would die of AIDS, among them ____ .

  A. about 50 percent would be women and children

  B. 1. 61 million would be women and children

  C. about 1.15 million would be children and men

  D. about one half would be women and men

  4. ____ is the place where HIV infections and AIDS have found the most.

  A. SubSahara Africa

  B. Western Europe

  C. Latin America

  D. South and Southeast Asia

  5. The passage is about ____ .

  A. an estimation

  B. a report

  C. new infections


  Passage B


  Nineyearold Louis Pasteur rushed into the little house, his face white. “Mother!” he cried. “A mad dog has bitten my friend Henry, and now they are burning him with redhot irons. Its terrible!”

  “Rabies (狂犬病), Louis. Burning the bites is the only hope of stopping Henry from catching the disease.”

  Henry did get rabies and died, in great pain, some days later. Louis Pasteur never forgot. “One day,” he thought, “I must do something to help people like Henry①.”

  Sixteen years later Pasteur became a Doctor of Science. And he began making important discoveries in his special field. Pasteur achieved great success in his life. But during the years of research he lost the use of his left arm and leg. Yet he worked on and on, as hard as ever, as he was eager to find a way for curing rabies. He never forgot his friend Henry.

  After many dangerous experiments on mad dogs, he finally found the answer②. Just then a boy who had been badly bitten by a mad dog arrived at his lab. A few days after Pasteurs treatment, the boy got better. He did not catch rabies.

  The discovery gave new hope to people in many countries. People sent money to help build the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Today it is one of the worlds most famous centers for research.



  ① I must do something to help people like Henry. 我必须做点事情,来救助像亨利一样的人们。

  ② After many dangerous experiments on mad dogs, he finally found the answer. 经过许多对疯狗所做的危险实验后,他终于找到了答案。


  1. The underlined phrase “Doctor of Science” here means someone whose job is to make sick people well again.

  2. Though Pasteur was in poor health, he worked hard in order to make a living.

  3. In his childhood he made up his mind to become a doctor.

  4. The fact that people in many countries sent money to help build the Pasteur Institute shows that the people supported Pasteurs research on rabies.

  5. This passage is mainly about how Louis Pasteurs friend died.

  Passage C


  It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a hurt brain. Without enough blood, the brain lives only three to five minutes. Sometimes the hurt brain gets better by itself. More often the doctors cant fix the hurt. Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help. It is dangerous to work on the brain. The doctor might make the person worse if he works on the brain.

  Dr Robert J. White, a famous professor and doctor, thinks he knows a way to help. He thinks doctors should try to make the brain very cold. If it is very cold, the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes. This gives the doctors a longer time to do something for the brain.

  Dr White tried his idea on 13 monkeys. First he taught them to do different jobs. Then he operated on them. He made the monkeys blood go through a machine. The machine cooled the blood. Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys brains. When the brain temperature was 50 degrees, Dr White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back. He warmed the blood again. After their operations, the monkeys were like they were before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.

  Dr Whites idea works well on the monkeys. Are there other problems with human beings? Dr White thinks doctors will use his idea on human beings. He thinks it will help people who have heart problems, too. A person doesnt have to die when his heart stops.Doctors can start it again. The problems come when the brain is without blood for three to five minutes, the person has a living body, but a dead brain. Maybe in the future, doctors will try Dr Whites idea. When the persons heart stops, the doctors will quickly try to cool the brain. They will have 30 minutes to start the heart again. Maybe there will be no problem with the brain.



  ① I must do something to help people like Henry. 我必须做点事情,来拯救像亨利一样的人们。

  ②After many dangerous experiments on mad dogs, he finally found the answer. 经过对疯狗所做的许多危险的实验后,他终于找到了答案。


  1. The brain can live without blood for ____ minutes.

  A. three to five

  B. thirty

  C. fifteen

  D. fortyfive

  2. People probably die when ____ .

  A. their brain dies

  B. their heart stops

  C. they stop breathing

  D. their brain becomes very hot

  3. Dr White thinks his idea about cooling the brain will work because ____ .

  A. he has tried it on people

  B. he has tried it on monkeys

  C. he has tried it on heart problems

  D. he has tried it on himself

  4. Which of the following is not true?

  A. Doctors can begin the heart again in five minutes.

  B. Doctors can begin the heart again after 30 minutes.

  C. Doctors can change patients hearts.

  D. Doctors can change a person's face.

  5. According to the writer, ____ .

  A. it is not difficult to repair the brain damage

  B. it is worse to make a mistake on the brain than any other part of the body

  C. brain is not an important part in ones body

  D. brain doesnt need blood

  Passage D


  Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. 1, illness or accidents may occur without any 2 . Frequently the person who is 3 can be cared for at home if there is someone who can 4 him under the doctors 5. Sometimes arrangements can be 6 for a visiting nurse to give the necessary 7 once a day, or often, if necessary. The responsible one at home 8 on with the rest of the care during the interval (间隔) between the nurses 9 .

  The rapid diagnosis (诊断) and 10 treatment on the spot of an accident or sudden illness, 11 awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite 12 from the home nursing.

  When illness does come①, the 13 family is affected. Many adjustments have to be made 14 the family routine neednt be disturbed (打乱) completely. Often it can be 15 with home duties simplified (简化) to 16 time and energy, thus reducing strain (压力) on the family.

  The 17 work for giving nursing care is usually 18 by one person, frequently the mother. 19, in order that she may have some rest, or 20 she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sicknessoccurs.



  ①When illness does come...当疾病的确来临时,……在这个句子中does起加强语气的作用。


  1. A. SometimesB. Unfortunately C. Actually D. Naturally

  2. A. reason B. notice C. warning D. signal

  3. A. weak B. patient C. ill D. healthy

  4. A. wait for B. patient C. look after D. look at

  5. A. introduction B. control C. decision D. direction

  6. A. done B. made C. placed D. supplied

  7. A. look B. cure C. treatment D. training

  8. A. works B. carries C. looks D. depends

  9. A. words B. letter C. visits D. hopes

  10.A. immediate B. quick C. early D. late

  11.A. before B. while C. early D. late

  12.A. similar B. different C. urgent D. separate

  13.A. big B. half C. whole D. entire

  14.A. and B. but C. unless D. since

  15.A. cured B. tired C. solved D. rearranged

  16.A. save B. waste C. get D. lose

  17.A. technical B. entire C. all D. reasonable

  18.A. got B. done C. made D. sent

  19.A. Consequently B. MoreoverC. Unexpectedly D. However

  20.A. in fact B. in case C. as a result D. on the contrary

  Passage A


  1.C本题为词义猜测题。由短文第一段的第一、二句可知1997年艾滋病病毒感染者为30 million,而1996年为22.6 million,由此可猜测“soared”意思是“增长”。本题所提供选项只有C项go up的意思是“增长”。

  2.C本题为细节考查题。文中提到该报告指出,如果以目前的传染比例上升,到2000 年艾滋病病毒携带者及艾滋病患者将猛增至4000万人。

  3.A本题为细节考查题。文中提到1997年将有230万人死于艾滋病,该数字比1996年高出50%,近半数的死者为妇女及46 万15岁以下的儿童。



  Passage B


  1.F“Doctor of Science”的意思是“理学博士”,是一个学位名称。

  2.F从文章第四段中的“But during the years of research he lost the use of his left arm and leg.”可知他努力工作的目的并非是为了谋生。




  Passage C

  本文主要介绍了Dr Robert J. White对医学所做出的贡献,他对于如何争取更多的时间来挽救大脑进行了研究,并取得了可喜的成绩。

  1.A本题为细节考查题。可由第一段第二句“Without enough blood, the brain lives only three to five minutes.”即可选出答案A。


  3.B已经本题为细节考查题。由短文的第三段可知,Dr White冷却大脑的方法,在猴子身上做了实验,并达到了预期的目的。

  4.B本题为细节判断题。由整篇短文可知,Dr White的实验最多能给医生提供30分钟的时间,否则就难以让心脏重新跳动。

  5.B本题为推理判断题。由第一段最后两句“It is dangerous to work on the brain. The doctor might make the person worse if he works on the brain.”可以推知在大脑出了差错比在其他部分出差错都要糟糕。

  Passage D


  1. B由上文的“人人都想健康快乐”,然后笔锋一转,“不幸地是,疾病和事故却会降临”。上下文有明显的句意转折,只有Unfortunately可以表达出这层含义。

  2. Cwithout warning是“没有预兆;没有通知”。疾病往往就是这样悄无声息地降临。与上文的“人人都想健康快乐”相呼应。

  3. C因上文提到“疾病”,下文又提到“cared for”,可以推知答案是C,即表示“生病的人”。

  4. C生病的人自然应是得到家人的照顾,即选择“look after”。

  5. D家人对病人的照顾,应是在医生的指导(direction)下。

  6. B词组make arrangement为固定短语,意思是“做出安排”。

  7. Ctreatment意思是“治疗”,cure意思是“治愈”,根据上下文意思,此处应指“治疗”。

  8. B词组“carry on”的意思是“继续开展;继续进行”。

  9. C家人在家照顾病人,但到时护士还要过来看看,因此答案为C。本句表达的意思是“在护士来访的间隔期间,家人要继续对病人进行治疗。”

  10. A一旦发生事故,我们应该立刻对受伤处进行治疗。此处侧重时间的迅速,应用immediate“立即的,紧接的”。

  11. Bawait的意思“等候”,对伤口的处理应是在等医生的过程中,而不是在等待医生之前。

  12. B词组be different from意思是“与……不同”。此处指急救和家庭护理有很大不同。

  13. C指整个家庭时要用“the whole family”。

  14. B上下文有明显的转折关系。本句的意思是“需要做出许多调整,但正常的家庭常规没有必要被完全打乱。

  15. D既然不想完全打乱家庭常规,就必须对其进行重新安排。

  16. A对家庭事务进行简单化,目的是为了节省(save)时间和精力。

  17. B表达整个一件事时,我们应用entire(整个的)。

  18. Bthe work应和动词do连用,即do the work。此处考查被动结构。

  19. D从上下文很容易看出,上下文意思有着明显的转折,应用however。

  20. Bin case是连词,意思是“万一”。

  ...Burning the bites is the only hope of stopping Henry from catching the disease. 烫被咬的伤口是阻止亨利得病的唯一希望。(Passage B, Para 2)

  词组stop sb./sth. from doing sth.意思是“阻止某人/某物做某事”,其中介词from可以省略。

  No one can stop me (from) going to watch the 2008 Olympic Games. 没有人能阻止我去看2008年奥运会。

  同义词组有prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.和keep sb./sth. from doing sth. 。其中prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.中的from也可以省略,但keep sb./sth. from doing sth.中的from不能省略。

  His parents prevent him (from) playing computer games. 他的父母阻止他打电子游戏。

  My teacher keeps me from reading this kind of book. 我的老师阻止我看这种书。

  我们还应该注意对该词组from后doing被动形式的考查。当表示“阻止某人或某物被……”时,from后的doing应用被动式,即being done。

  We should prevent rivers and lakes (from) being polluted. 我们应该阻止河流、湖泊被污染。


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