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Unit 9 Saving the earth
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/25 09:35  新浪教育



  Passage A


  Washington — The largest ozone (臭氧)hole ever observed has opened up over Antarctica, according to the scientists of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). They believe it is a sign that ozone — destroying gases produced years ago are

  just now causing the largest quantities of ozone to disappear①.

  This years South Pole ozone hole spreads over about 28.5 million square kilometers, an area three times larger than the landmass of the United States.

  Pictures of the hole have been offered by NASA. The hole appears as a giant blue mass, totally covering Antarctica and stretching to the southern tip of South America.

  “The last time the ozone hole was close to this size was in 1998, when it spread over about 27.2 million square kilometers,” NASA said.

  Paul Newman, who works with NASAs Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument on a NASA satellite, said ozonewatchers had expected a big hole this year, but not this big②.

  The Antarctica ozone hole, first observed in 1985, is caused by the depletion (损耗) of Earthprotecting ozone by humanmade chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons, known as CFCs.

  “Even though these chemicals were not allowed to use from the beginning of 1987, they remain in the atmosphere and will continue to do so for years,” Newman said.

  “This years large hole may have been caused by a change in a swirling highlevel air current over Antarctica, which circles the area and contains the zone hole,” Newman said.



  ① They believe it is a sign that ozonedestroying gases produced years ago are just now causing the largest quantities of ozone to disappear. 他们相信这是数年前所产生的破坏臭氧的气体现在正造成大量臭氧散失的迹象。

  ② ...ozonewatchers had expected a big hole this year, but not this big. 臭氧观测者预计到会出现一个大洞,但没有想到这么大。


  1. The text is mainly about ____ .

  A. the discovery of the largest ozone hole

  B. the discovery of the Antarctica ozone hole

  C. the history of the Antarctica ozone hole

  D. the size of the largest ozone hole

  2. The time 1985 was talked about in the text because it was when the Antarctica ozone hole ____ .

  A. was watched by Newman

  B. was first closed

  C. disappeared

  D. was first watched

  3. There is a giant ozone hole over Antarctica because ____ over there.

  A. humanmade chemicals have protected ozone

  B. ozone has protected the earth

  C. humanmade chemicals have destroyed ozone

  D. humanmade chemicals have increased ozone

  Passage B


  Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile (爬行动物) species (种类) and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger or dying out.

  European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council, when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park. The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the councils diploma for nature reserves (保护区) of the highest quality, and Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again. He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks, and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right.

  “No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction①,” he went on. The shortsighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future.

  “We forget that they are the guarantee (保证) of life systems, on which any builtup area depends,” Dr Baum went on. “We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature②. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our countryside, have become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land.”



  ① No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction. 不要期望有地区既能够作为自然保护区又作为旅游胜地而幸存。

  ②We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. 没有工业产品我们可以应对,但没有自然界我们却不能应对。


  1. Recent studies by the Council of Europe have declared that ____ .

  A. wildlife needs more protection only in Britain

  B. all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out

  C. there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere

  D. many species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting

  2. Why did Dr Baum come to a British national park?

  A. Because he needed to present it with a council's diploma.

  B. Because he was concerned about its management.

  C. Because it was the only national park of its kind in Europe.

  D. Because it was the only park that had ever received a diploma from the council.

  3. The last sentence in the second paragraph implies that ____ .

  A. people should make every effort to create more environment areas

  B. people would go on protecting national parks

  C. certain areas of the countryside should be left intact (完整的)

  D. people would defend the right to develop the areas around national parks

  4.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A. We have developed industry at the expense of countryside.

  B. We have forgotten what our original countryside looked like.

  C. People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survival.

  D. We should destroy all the builtup areas.

  Passage C


  Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help to prevent drought and floods①.

  Unfortunately, in many parts of the world man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.

  Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

  Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food with, and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.

  This does not only mean that the villagers sons and grandsons have fewer trees. The results are even more serious. For where there are trees their roots break the soil up—allowing the rain to sink in and also hold the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily, but where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert②.



  ① ...and they help to prevent drought and floods. 它们有助于防止干旱和水灾。

  ② When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert. 当表层土流失后,就只剩下一片无用的沙漠。


  1. The purpose that the writer wrote this article for is ____ .

  A. to tell people that trees are very useful to man

  B. to warn people not to cut down trees any more

  C. to warn that man mustn't destroy forests any more

  D. to explain how trees help to prevent drought and floods

  2. In the writer's opinion, ____ , or the forests slowly disappear.

  A. measure must be taken

  B. people shouldn't draw benefit from the tree

  C. government must realize the serious results

  D. unless trees never be cut down

  3. According to the article we know it is ____ to prevent the forests from slowly disappearing.

  A. necessary but impossible

  B. necessary but difficult

  C. impossible and unimportant

  D. difficult and impossible

  4. In the last two paragraphs the writer wanted to make it clear that ____ .

  A. where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor

  B. where there are many trees, there are fewer floods

  C. where there are no trees, the land might become desert slowly

  D. floods will make the land become desert

  Passage D


  Is the world really going mad? The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant 1 a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends, when it suddenly

  2 me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasnt long 3 the whole room was filled with smoke. I asked with an apology for permission to open a window to stop myself 4 !

  Nowadays air pollution is something that we hardly question any more①. However, I still cant walk down the streets in any of the big cities without 5 that people are suffering from the air pollution. It is time for the government departments the world over to introduce emission (废气排出) controls on all cars 6 the public transport system (公共交通系统) to encourage people to 7 their cars at home. A friend of mine takes flying each morning and it really makes him 8 when he climbs above the smog layer and looks down 9 it and thinks: “Im breathing that!” This kind of 10 results from the bad management of resources. Waste things can, 11 should be treated properly.

  House building, road construction and industrial development are all earthmoving (or earthreducing) operations and can change the balances of 12 created over millions of years. I would like to 13 serious studies done on all these main words before they are built. Also, there should be 14 national parks set up to keep the most beautiful parts of our countries in their natural 15 .



  ①Nowadays air pollution is something that we hardly question any more. 目前,空气污染是我们几乎无需质疑的问题。


  1. A. haveB. hadC. havingD. have had

  2. A. seemedB. struck C. sank D. showed

  3. A. ago B. after C. before D. now

  4. A. standingB. sitting C. talking D. dying

  5. A. thinkingB. persuadingC. deciding D. learning

  6. A. increaseB. reduce C. improve D. raise

  7. A. washB. repair C. drive D. leave

  8. A. sick B. tired C. foolish D. excited

  9. A. on B. into C. from D. for

  10.A. discussion B. questionC. pollutionD. operation

  11.A. but B. yet C. still D. and

  12.A. life B. mind C. human beingD. plants

  13.A. see B. start C. enjoy D. pay

  14.A. few B. any C. more D. no

  15.A. situations B. states C. soils D. places

  Passage A



  2.D本题为细节考查题。由第六段中的“The Antarctica ozone hole, first observed in 1985...”可得出答案。

  3.C本题为细节考查题。可根据第六段中的“The Antarctica ozone hole, first observed in 1985, is caused by the depletion (损耗) of Earthprotecting ozone by humanmade chemicals...”得出答案。

  Passage B

  本文主要是谈论环保专家Dr Baum提出整个欧洲都应该重视对野生动植物的保护,他通过一些事实让读者明白了保护野生动植物的重要性。

  1.D本题为细节考查题。从第一段最后一句“Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger or dying out.”可以得知有许多爬行类动物种类和蝴蝶都面临危险和灭绝,从而得出正确答案。

  2.A本题为细节考查题。由第二段第二句“...Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again.”可知Dr Baum到这儿来是再次向该公园授予证书的。

  3.C本题为推理判断题。由该句话可以得知,Dr Baum坚持认为自然环境需要平静地存在,暗示出某些地区不应该被人类打扰。

  4. A本题为推理判断题。最后一段告诉读者没有自然界人类就无法生存,而现在美丽的乡村已经成为重度污染的工业区。at the expense of短语的意思是“在损坏某物的情况下”。

  Passage C






  Passage D




  3.CIt be not long before... 是一个常用句型,可译为“不久……”。It will be not long before he comes back. 不久他就回来。



  6.C选项A和B与下面的the public transport system搭配不当,对于the public transport system来说,应该是improve(改进)。






  12.A由上文可推知此处是指一些工程可能会破坏生态平衡(the balance of life)。


  14.C单词 also(此外)告诉读者下文解决问题的一种措施,作者当然希望这种“国家公园”能够更多,这有利于空气和环境的改善。

  15.B单词 state 意思是“状态”。

  The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so

  well. (Passage C, Para 4, Sentence 4) 雨水降落到地上,在地表四处流动,造成水灾,带走了庄稼赖以生长的肥沃的表层土壤。

  现在分词短语causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil在句中作伴随状语。


  1. ing形式用作主语,也可以用it作为形式主语,真正的主语(即动词ing短语)放在后面。

  It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

  2. ing短语用作状语,表示方式或伴随动作。

  Its not difficult to solve such problems, following the teachers advice. 按照老师的建议来解决这类问题就不困难了。

  3. ing用作定语时的情况。单独作定语时,放在它所修饰的名词前面;和状语或宾语一起构成短语作定语时,总是放在它所修饰的名词后面,其作用相当于一个定语从句。

  China is a developing country. (=...which is developing.) 中国是一个发展中国家。

  4. 动词ing形式用作宾语补足语。

  We heard them practising singing English songs in the next room. 我们听见他们在隔壁房间里练习唱英语歌曲。


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