新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 有些经历过的美好 你已经失去了

有些经历过的美好 你已经失去了
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/19 17:11  新浪教育

  B did he have any friends?

  N I was very proud of him because he had a lot of friends.

  B a lot of?

  N yes, they spoke so beautiful about him『他们对他评价很高』.

  B what do think about him?

  N I don’t know, brian, I am still fighting so I don’t know.

  B you had good things. But something’s always missing. 『你经历过美好的事情,但是有些东西,你已经失去了』

  N oh, yes.

  B I think you have a lot of courage.

  N I don’t know.

  B you seem to be handling it well.

  N it’s not something you handle, brian, it’s just something you have to get through『面对、挺过去』.

  B there is no book on this『没有书(来指导你怎么做)』.

  N there is no book on it. There’s no book on drugs, you just get through it.

  B what are your plans for the future?

  N I don’t know.

  B will you leave him?

  N well, I am not sure.

  B why do you think the rehabs『戒毒所』 didn’t work?

  N He wanted to be sober. He was fighting it. It’s just ongoing battle. It’s not something you say: oh, I have a quick fix『修复、恢复』.

  B you have it the rest of your life『(一旦吸上毒品)余生都摆脱不了』.

  N yes, anyone who smokes knows that.

  B just like my father, he smokes a lot, and quits at least for a hundred times.

  N that’s the problem.

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