教师教学参考:美国学生生活ABC |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 12:26 英语辅导报 |
语言是文化的一部分,每个民族都有着自己独特的文化特征,学习语言必须了解文化。 因此,学习一门外语不仅要掌握语音、语法、词汇,而且还要知道以这种语言为母语的人如何看待事物,如何观察世界,还要了解其生活方式、衣着打扮、举止行为、饮食习惯等。英语中有这样一句谚语"When in Rome, do as the Romans do". 随着越来越多的华夏子孙走出国门,到大洋彼岸求学,了解美国社会的某些社会习惯、行为准则和社交方式是十分必要的;具备这些知识可以帮助在美求学和有意到美国求学的学子更快地适应异域环境,减少文化差异带来的困惑。以下几篇读物可以使我们开阔眼界,对美国社会、尤其是学生生活有所了解。 使用浴室注意事项 American Bathrooms Bath tub almost always has a "Shower Curtain". Put the curtain inside the tub when you shower—keep the rest of the bathroom dry. Sometimes showers have sliding glass doors. Be sure they are closed when you take a shower. You might ask your host before you get in the shower how to operate the shower. Each one is a little different. FLUSH the toilet after EACH use. Do not try to keep quiet by not flushing. Put the toilet paper IN the toilet after use. Do not put it in the trash can. Close the door when you go in and leave it open when you come out. Dorm Baths—usually there are 2 different kinds: 1. "bath and shower in the hall" — the toilets are separate from the showers — some have private rooms (stalls) for taking a shower. — some have one large room with several shower "heads" where 4 to 6 people shower together. — most dorms still have separate bathrooms for the men and the women. Be sure and check on this before entering. 2. "private bath" — each room has its own toilet and shower. — 3 or 4 rooms may share one bath. Using a public bathroom: 1. Be as modest as possible (wear a robe when going down the hall, close the shower curtain when you are showering). 2. Be as quick as possible—others might be waiting. 3. Be as clean and dry as possible. Washing out underwear, etc.: Americans use washing machines for almost everything. Washing out your underclothes in the bathroom sink is okay, but hang them in your own room to dry, not in the bathroom. Often there are carpets on the bathroom floor, so do not get them wet. Put the seat down and close it before you leave the bathroom. Leave it clean and dry. Americans almost all use and think important: * Deodorant (you can buy at any drugstore, grocery store) * Deodorant soap (it is marked on the soap wrapper) * Brushing your teeth a couple of times a day * Daily shower (usually in the morning) * Nail clippers 美国学生生活禁忌以及注意事项 Do's and Dont's of American Student Life 1. Never pick at your nose in public. 2. Never talk about someone's weight —"you are very fat". 3. Never ask "how much did you pay for that" or "how much money do you make". 4. Never smoke indoors (unless given permission). 5. Never change the TV station, the air conditioner or fan controls in someone else's home. If you are cold, put on a sweater. 6. Never hit anybody—animal or human. 7. Never talk about the bathroom. 8. Never spend more than 5 to 10 minutes on someone else's phone. 9. Never bring a friend with you to a party or dinner—unless you have asked the host if it is okay. 10. Never spend more than 20—30 minutes in the bathroom at one time—others may be waiting. 11. Never burp, belch, or pass gas in public—if you do be sure and say, "excuse me". 12. If you sneeze in public, cover your mouth and say "excuse me". 13. Always be on time—between 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late, no more. 14. If you say that you will attend something—attend! Don't say "yes" to be nice and then not show up. 15. If for some reason you cannot attend, call the host ahead of time to explain. 16. Use deodorant and brush your teeth or use mouthwash. Americans are very sensitive about body odors. 17. Driving—do not honk the horn, except in very dangerous emergencies. It is considered very rude, except in New York City. 18. Do not flash your lights at someone to tell them to hurry or get out of your way. 19. If you are driving on bright lights for better visibility and a car comes toward you, dim your lights. 20. Before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. Be Quiet. No loud TV or radio. 21. Do not wipe off your cup or silverware in a restaurant. They are clean. If you see that they are not clean ask the waiter or waitress for a new one. 22. When moving out of your dorm or apartment—leave it clean. Always leave a place even cleaner than you found it—people will have fond memories of you. 23. Do not address your school teacher as "teacher". Call him by name: for example, Professor Brown, Mr. Smith, Ms. Jones. 24. Never throw trash on the ground or out a window—it is illegal. 25. Buy trash bags for your trash and put it out only at the appointment time at the right place. 26. When you have a guest come to visit, turn down, or off the TV set. (文/栗为民 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第7、8期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |