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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 12:23  英语辅导报


  The rain-clouds hung over land and sea,

  The way was dark and the wind blew free,

  And the sky was my first as it frowned o'er me.

  I was far from home in the driving sleet,

  And I thought to myself, O rest were sweet

  On my next, as I pressed it with weary feet.

  But the thought of the sport I'd had that day

  Chased every shadow of gloom away,

  And my whole in my basket was stowed away.


  My first was deadly once in war,

  In sieges it was used;

  My second take, I pray you friend,

  Whene'er I am abused.

  Upon my whole the sentinel

  Doth step with paces slow;

  To guard the silent sleeping town

  He marches to and fro.


  Happy and bright life spreadeth out,

  With Hope's fair wings unfurled,

  In early youth, ere care has dimmed

  The aspect of the world.

  O base are those who do my first to all this cloudless joy,

  And with a cruel and reckless hand such visions bright destroy!

  Beside my whole,which doth belong

  To ocean vast and drear,

  A creature stood in reckless mood,

  Unmoved by touch of fear.

  My second held her spirit chained,

  A wretched slave was she;

  For potent spells were round her case,

  Herself she could not free.

  Key: (1) grayling (2) rampart (3) margin

  (文/刘大伟 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第10期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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