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实战演练 Passage 6-10
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:22  新浪教育

  Passage 6


  Late one night, Mr Smith was woken up by a terrible noise in the street outside his house. It sounded as though a fight was 1, and Mr Smith liked nothing better than to 2 a fight in the street. He 3 his window and looked 4 . He saw two young men 5 outside his own front door, 6 when they saw him watching them, they went round the 7 of the house and 8 to shout and beat each other there.

  Mr Smith did not want to 9 anything, so he ran down and opened his front door, but, 10 it was a cold night, he 11 himself in a blanket before he went out.

  He walked to the corner of the house, and looked round it. He saw two men were 12 shouting and struggling there. Mr Smith went 13 to them to see the fighting better 14 to try to find out what they were fighting for. But as soon as he was within easy15 of the men, they stopped fighting, jumped at him and 16 his blanket, fleeing into 17 with it.

  Mr Smith was too old to run after them so he could do nothing but go 18 back to bed without his blanket .

  “Well,” said his wife, “ 19 were they fighting ?”

  “It seemed that they were fighting for my blanket. Because they stopped fighting as soon as they 20 it.” answered Mr Smith.

  1. A. stopped B. to begin C. going on D. over

  2. A. join B. watch C. judge D. stop

  3. A. shut B. knocked C. opened D. cleaned

  4. A. around B. about C. through D. out

  5. A. waiting B. wandering C. fighting D. quarrelling

  6. A. and B. so C. yet D. but

  7. A. door B. corner C. gate D. yard

  8. A. pretended B. tried C. went on D. continued

  9. A. lose B. interrupt C. miss D. see

  10. A. though B. since C. as D. when

  11. A. wore B. wrapped C. dressed D. covered

  12. A. already B. ever C. still D. then

  13. A. up B. closer C. next D. farther

  14. A. or B. than C. and D. but

  15. A. seen B. caught C. touch D. reach

  16. A. robbed B. stole C. grasped D. seized

  17. A. distance B. streets C. darkness D. a house

  18. A. unfortunately B. disappointedly C. excitedly D. slowly

  19. A. how B. why C. where D. what

  20. A. saw B. found C. got D. took


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,叙述了好事的Mr Smith因想看热闹而遭抢劫的经过。

  1. C “那声音听起来像有人正在打架。” go on 在此意为“发生”。

  2. B watch a fight 观看打架, 从后文我们得知, Mr Smith只是看着那两人打架,并没有加入,也没有上前去制止,因此其他答案均不合题意。

  3. C Mr Smith 先从屋内往外看, 为了看清, 因此He opened his window.

  4. D 因为是从屋内往外看,因此用look out。

  5. C 从前面...a fight was 1 (going on),...可得此答案。 D有一定的干扰性,但从后文的shout and beat each other there我们可以得知,两个人并非只是争吵,而是在打架。

  6. D“但是当那两人看到他在观看他们的时候,…… 。”前后为转折关系。yet也可以表示转折,但yet是副词。

  7. B 从round 一词可得此答案。 第三段的He walked tothe corner of the house,...也可提示此答案。

  8. D went on也有“继续”的意思 ,但表示“继续做原来的事情”时,go on 后用动名词形式, 因此C 不合题意。 continue后跟不定式和动名词意义一样,都表示做原来的事情。

  9. C Mr Smith不想错过任何事情。miss 错过。

  10. C he 11 ( wrapped) himself in a blanket的原因是it was a cold night,因此此空选as, 在此B有较大干扰性,since表示原因时,表示人人都知道的事情,有“既然……”的意思, 因此不合题意。

  11. B “他把自己裹在毯子里”,wrap ... in... 意思是“用……将……裹起来”。

  12. C 原来这两个人就shouted and fought, 现在他们仍是如此,因此用still一词。

  13. B 从空后的to see the fighting better看, 他往那两人那里靠近了一些。

  14. C Mr Smith往那两人近处靠有两个目的:to see the fighting better; to try to find out what they were fighting for。这两个目的为并列关系,因此用and一词。

  15. D 但是一旦他们容易够得着,……。within reach 意思是“够得着”。

  16. D A,C有较大干扰性,rob的意思是“抢劫”, 然而其宾语是人而不是物,形成rob sb. of sth.的搭配。grasp的意思是“握住”,但没有“夺走”的意思。在此两个小偷突然抓住Mr Smith的毯子,并将其抢走,因此用seize一词。

  17.C 因为是晚上,因此那两人很快消失在夜色中。

  18.B Mr Smith丢失了毯子,心里自然要disappointed 。

  19.B 从Mr Smith的答语我们得知,Mrs Smith 在问他那两人打架的原因。

  20.C “他们一得到毯子就不再打架了。”get在此意为“得到”。

  Passage 7


  All Greece was in danger. A large army, 1 by the great king of Persia, had come from the east. It was 2 along the seashore, and in a few days would be in Greece. The Persian king had 3 messengers ( 使者) to every city, 4 the Greeks to give up. But the Greeks said “No! We will fight! We will be 5 !”

  And so there was a great stir(骚动) throughout the land. The men armed themselves and made preparations to meet the Persian invaders(侵略者).

  There was only one way by which the Persian could enter Greece, and that was a narrow 6 between the mountains and the sea. This pass was 7 by the king of the Spartans, with three hundred Spartan soldiers.

  Soon the Persian soldiers came into 8 . There were so many of them that it was 9 to count them. How could the king with such a 10 force hope to stand against such a 11 enemy?

  But the Spartans held their 12 .They were determined to resist the invaders. Someone brought word that the Persians came in such great 13 that their arrows darkened the sun.

  “So much the better ,” said the Spartans, “we shall 14 in the shade.”

  Bravely they stood in the narrow pass. Bravely they fought their enemy. To Spartans, there was no such thing as 15 .

  They cut down the invaders in large numbers. Their spears were 16 ; yet they stood side by side, fighting to the 17 . Some fought with swords, some with daggers, and some with their fists and teeth.

  All day long the Persian army was 18 at the pass. But when the sun went down, there was not one Spartan left 19 .

  Thousands of Persian soldiers had 20 before those brave Spartans.

  All Greece was saved.

  1. A. caught B. taken C. led D. brought

  2. A. walking B. marching C. going D. getting

  3. A. hoped B. told C. sent D. expected

  4. A. asked B. demanded C. noticing D. ordering

  5. A. safe B. free C. busy D. dead

  6. A. pass B. entrance C. gate D. valley

  7. A. owned B. ruled C. guarded D. taken

  8. A. being B. distance C. space D. sight

  9. A. important B. impossible C. necessary D. hard

  10. A. little B. small C. strong D. brave

  11. A. wonderful B. hopeful C. cruel D. powerful

  12. A. post B. ground C. front D. task

  13. A. deal B. numbers C. many D. army

  14. A. hide B. rest C. fight D. settle

  15. A. failure B. fear C. success D. luck

  16. A. lost B. sharp C. useful D. broken

  17. A. night B. morning C. height D. last

  18. A. defeated B. killed C. wounded D. held

  19. A. alive B. alone C. lonely D. there

  20. A. fled B. killed C. run D. fallen



  1. C 一大群军队,在Persia国王的率领下,……。

  2. B 在此A,C有较大的干扰性,walk和go均指普通的行走, 而march指行军,因此A,C不合题意。

  3. C send sb. to...意思是“派某人到……”。

  4. D“命令希腊人投降”。 ordering the Greeks to give up为现在分词短语作状语。

  5. B“我们要自由”。

  6. A 从下句This pass was ...得此答案。

  7. C 这个通道被斯巴达(Spartans)国王所守卫。 guard 意思是“看护”、“守卫”。

  8. D come into sight 进入视线。

  9. B 从空前的so many得此答案。在此D有较大干扰性,但hard只能说明“难数”,而不能说明人多,而不可能数清。

  10. B “(希腊) 国王怎么能以这么小的力量与强大的敌人抗衡呢?”small force 在此意为“军事力量小”。

  11. D a powerful enemy指The Persian soldiers。

  12. B 但是斯巴达人 固守他们的国土。hold one’s ground 固守某人的土地。

  13. B the Persians 来的人的数量太多, 他们的箭遮住了太阳。 in great numbers意思是“大量”。

  14. C“我们最好是在暗处打击敌人。”So much the better, we shall fight in the shade 等于So much the better is that we shall fight in the shade.

  15. B“对斯巴达人来说,没有什么事情是可怕的”

  16. D“他们的长矛断了,然而……。”从空后的yet 可推知此答案。

  17. D fight to the last也可以表述为fight to the end,意思是“战斗到底”。

  18. D。“一整天the Persian军队被挡在通道”。

  19. A 斯巴达人英勇战死。“太阳落下去的时候, 没剩下一个斯巴达人。”

  20. D 成千上万的Persian soldiers 倒在勇敢的斯巴达人面前。在此B有较大干扰性,然而kill为及物动词, 因此此空应为(had) been killed。

  Passage 8


  Several days ago, I met a stranger in the street who stopped and asked me directions. I 1 to show him the way to the destination but to my 2 , he coldly refused my offer. I asked him why. Finally he told me that he was 3 I would ask him for money if I 4 him in this way.

  Money! I 5 deep into thought. Is it money that comes between us ? Money has no 6 ; it cannot be 7 to be good or bad.

  The problems 8 what attitude we have towards it.

  At present, we have a more 9 material life than ever before, but we’re becoming more and more 10 .Why ? In my opinion, the 11 is the change in people’s personal 12 .They wrongly believe that 13 money should be their only aim in life, so they 14 all sorts of ways they can to 15 this aim .

  They are afraid of being 16 and fooled. If everyone acts like this, what will our 17 be like?

  Needless to say, money is becoming more and more important in our society, 18 it shouldn’t be the “be-all and end-all” of life. If a person only concentrates (全神贯注) on 19 , he will be lonely and void (空虚), and even go astray.

  It is up to us to make our lives happy, not money. We should try our best to help others 20 and freely. If everyone does so, our society will be better and better.

  1. A. advised B. offered C. asked D. wished

  2. A. joy B. fear C. excitement D. surprise

  3. A. anxious B. glad C. sorry D. afraid

  4. A. stopped B. told C. asked D. helped

  5. A. fell B. felt C. kept D. caught

  6. A. problem B. price C. life D. use

  7. A. joined B. judged C. connected D. seemed

  8. A. takes in B. depends on C. lies in D. smoothes away

  9. A. powerful B. beautiful C. plentiful D. healthy

  10. A. cold-hearted B. warm-hearted C. good-looking D. humorous

  11. A. key B. money C. man D. creature

  12. A. worth B. habits C. fame D. values

  13. A. taking B. costing C. spending D. making

  14. A. think up B. pick up C. give off D. break out

  15. A. realize B. recognize C. take D. shoot

  16. A. found B. discovered C. cheated D. followed

  17. A. life B. society C. belief D. money

  18. A. or B. but C. if D. since

  19. A. life B. nature C. society D. money

  20. A. separately B. obviously C. mainly D. wholeheartedly



  1. B“我提出领他去目的地……”offer to do sth. ,意思是“提出做某事”。从后文 he coldly refused my offer也可得此答案.

  2. D“我”提出要帮他,但他冷冷地拒绝了,这出乎“我”的意料,因此用to my surprise。

  3. D他担心“我”会向他要钱。

  4. D从前文我们得知I offered to show the way to the destination, 因此此空填helped。

  5. A fell into thought意思是“陷入沉思”。

  6. A D有一定干扰性,从后文money is becoming more and more important in our society看,作者承认钱是重要的,因此D不合题意。从下句it cannot be 7 (connected) to be good or bad 看,作者在此认为问题并不出在钱本身。

  7. C因为问题并非出现在钱身上,因此钱与好坏无关,从下文The problem 8 (depend on ) what attitude we have towards it 也可得出此答案。

  8. B本段是对第二段的总结。钱本身与好坏无关,问题由我们对钱的态度而定。

  9. C“目前,我们的物质生活比以前更充足了”。A有一定干扰性,powerful意思是“力量大的”,因此不合题意。

  10. A but一词对此空的选择起了重要作用。物质生活丰富了,然而人们却越来越冷漠了。

  11. A key在这里的意思是“关键”。

  12. D“关键是人们价值观的改变。”personal values个人价值观。

  13. D “他们错误地认为赚钱是他们一生中唯一的目标。

  14.A think up在这里的意思是“想出”。

  15. A“他们想尽各种办法来实现这个目的。”this aim指赚钱的目的。

  16. C从空后的fooled 得此答案。

  17. B其他答案均有一定干扰性。通过上下文我们可以看出作者在此由个人推及整个社会,因此B为最佳答案。

  18. B前后间为转折关系。

  19. D整个文章讲人们对钱的追求,从后文he will be lonely and void ,and even go astray 可以得此答案。

  20. Dwholeheartedly 意思是“全心全意地”。

  Passage 9


  Mrs Kingsley is a kind-hearted rich lady. She is always 1 to help the poor. When she 2 that she is in danger because of her serious 3 , she commissions (雇佣) an investigator (调查者), Huffner, to 4 for her two grandsons and a granddaughter, who have been 5 from home for quite a long time because of their unpleasant 6 with their father, in the 7 that they will come home for Christmas to enjoy the happiness of a family 8 and to achieve mutual (双方的) 9 again. After they are 10 one after another, none of them 11 a clear and definite statement 12 they will return before Christmas,13 they are longest ranged (疏远) from their father. 14, Mrs Kingsley is sure that they will come. On Christmas Eve, one hour after another 15 away. Mr Huffner, who is invited to the Christmas party, feels very 16 for Mrs Kingsley. But to Mrs Kingsley’s great 17, after the clock strikes twelve, she raises her 18 and sees her grandchildren standing right in front of her. The whole family are 19 again, and the father also wins back his children’s 20 understanding and sincere love.

  1. A. eager B. ready C. nervous D. thinks

  3. A. accident B. situation C. illness D. life

  4. A. leave B. pay C. care D. look

  5. A. away B. off C. out D. taken

  6. A. relationship B. family C. education D. life

  7. A. hope B. end C. wish D. sight

  8. A. life B. reunion C. party D. congratulation

  9. A. understanding B. help C. support D. cooperation(合作)

  10. A. found B. asked C. told D. met

  11. A. gets B. receives C. shows D. makes

  12. A. that B. how C. why D. whether

  13. A. though B. after C. if D. as

  14. A. Therefore B. Instead C. Besides D. However

  15. A. flies B. slips C. flees D. runs

  16. A. pleased B. exciting C. sorry D. regret

  17. A. joy B. comfort C. surprise D. disappointment

  18. A. hand B. candle C. cap D. head

  19. A. returned B. happy C. gathered D. collected

  20. A. little B. less C. full D. more


  全文叙述了Mrs Kingsley一家经过长时间的分离重又团聚的经过。

  1. B 从首句的kind-hearted 可得此答案提示。 be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事。

  2. A “当她得知……。”learn在此意为“得知”。

  3. C serious illness 严重疾病。

  4. D从后文我们得知, 她的两个孙子和一个孙女离家出走,因此她雇人去寻找他们。

  5. A 她的孙女和孙子离家出走,因此说have been away。

  6. A 从文章最后一句我们得知,父亲在圣诞之夜再次 获得孩子们的理解和真诚的爱。因此孩子们的出走的原因是家庭关系的不协调。

  7. A in the hope 意思是“希望”。

  8. B Mrs Kingsley希望孩子们在圣诞节回家,享受家庭再团聚的乐趣。在此A,C有较大干扰性,但从全文我们得知, 此时Mrs Kingsley最盼望的是家庭的团聚, 因此其他答案均不合题意。

  9. A “享受家庭团聚的乐趣及达到双方的再次理解。”and 连接的两个不定式均为目的状语。

  10. A(Mr Huffner去寻找他们,)但在他们被找到之后,……。

  11. D “他们中没有人清楚、明了地表示他们在圣诞节前回家。”make a statement意思是“陈述、表示”。

  12. A that在此引导同位语从句,无词汇意义。

  13. D as在此表示原因。

  14. D “因为孩子们疏远他们的父亲而没有明确表示要回家”与“Mrs Kingsley确信他们会回来”为转折关系。

  15. B“时间一小时一小时地溜走了。”slip away在此指时间过的快。

  16. C孩子们没有回家,Mr Huffner为Mrs Kingsley 感到难过。

  17. A B, C 有较大干扰性,在此孩子们的到来是Mrs Kingsley所急切盼望的,因此当孩子们出现在面前的时候, 她不是吃惊,也不是获得安慰,而是喜出望外。

  18. D 从空后的a and sees her grandchildren standing right in front of her可得此答案。

  19. C 整个家庭再次团聚。

  20. C 父亲赢回孩子们的充分的理解和真诚的爱。

  Passage 10


  It must have been after two o’clock in the morning when the last 1 took his leave, and 2 we had enjoyed their 3 , my wife and I were quite thankful to 4 the door on them. We left all the 5 dishes and glasses as they 6 , and after opening a few windows to let some fresh air in and the 7 of food out, we climbed into bed and fell 8 .

  I couldn’t have been asleep for more than half an hour when I 9 with a strong smell of smoke. 10 half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, through 11 clouds of smoke, I saw that one of the curtains was on fire. I 12 have closed the windows then without delay, but instead I tried to beat 13 the fire with a folded newspaper. When this 14 , I hurried into the kitchen to bring a bucket(水桶) and filled it with water. At the same time I shouted 15 Barbara, who hurriedly 16 to summon (召唤) the fire brigade before coming to help me. We had to work at 17 speed carrying buckets of water to 18 the fire from being spread. We had to keep it under 19 until the arrival of the firemen. Fortunately, they arrived in no time and they had little 20 in putting out the fire.

  1. A. guest B. cook C. boy D. student

  2. A. because B. yet C. though D. then

  3. A. dinner B. stay C. gifts D. honour

  4. A. shut B. leave C. open D. remain

  5. A. small B. extra C. broken D. dirty

  6. A. were B. could C. had D. can

  7. A. taste B. smell C. rest D. waste

  8. A. down B. asleep C. below D. sleep

  9. A. awoke B. took C. hurried D. breathed

  10. A. Still B. For C. In D. With

  11. A. thinner B. heavy C. large D. small

  12. A. should B. could C. would D. must

  13. A. out B. down C. up D. off

  14. A. done B. succeeded C. worked D. failed

  15. A. to B. at C. for D. with

  16. A. began B. phoned C. spoke D. cried

  17. A. fast B. heavy C. highest D. top

  18. A. set B. make C. prevent D. get

  19. A. control B. rule C. burning D. down

  20. A. time B. difficulty C. money D. effort


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文叙述了my wife and I在深夜救火的经过。

  1. A 从第一段的We left all the 5 (dirty) dishes and glasses as they 6 (were)看这是一次聚会, 因此在深夜两点钟离开的是客人。

  2. C 已经是夜里两点钟,我们都非常劳累了, 因此说“尽管我们非常喜欢他们的拜访, 我妻子和我还是对他们的离开充满感激”。

  3. B 在此C有较大干扰性,从my wife and I were quite thankful to 4 (shut) the door on them看,在此作者并非谈论他们带来的礼物,而是说他们的到来使我们很愉快。

  4. A shut the door on them.他们离开后关上门。

  5. D 这是宴席后留下的盘子、杯子,因此说dirty dishes and glasses。

  6. A leave sth. as it is 意思是“放着某物不动”或“保持原样”。

  7. B 打开窗子的目的是让新鲜空气进来, 让菜的味道出去。let...out 让……出去。

  8. B 从空前的climbed into bed可得此答案。 sleep 为动词,因此D不合题意。

  9. A “我睡了不到半小时的时间, 就在这时我被浓烟的味道呛醒。”with在此表示原因。

  10. A 尽管被呛醒,但还是半睡眠状态。still 仍,还。

  11. B heavy clouds of smoke 浓烟。

  12. A “我本应该赶紧关上窗子。” should have done 表示本应该做,然而没有做,含有责备、后悔的意思。

  13. A “我想用一张卷起来的报纸将火扑灭。”beat out 扑灭。

  14. D 从前文I 12 (should) have closed the window... 及空后的I hurried into the kitchen to bring a bucket.. . 看,“我”并没有将火用报纸扑灭,因此说I failed。

  15. A 在此B有较大干扰性,shout at 指“因生气而朝某人大声叫嚷”。shout to 朝某人高声喊。

  16. B 从空后的summon the fire brigade看,Barbara 此时匆忙打电话。

  17. D 情况紧急,因此“我们全速(at top speed)提水。”

  18. C 阻止火蔓延。从空后的from being spread 可得此答案。

  19 . A。under control 在控制之下。

  20. B “他们没费多少事就扑灭了火”。 have little difficulty in doing sth.在做某事过程中没有费多大周折。

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