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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 14:52  新浪教育



  2. 情态动词表“推测、许可”的用法。

  3. 情态动词的否定式的含义和用法。


  ①“should have+过去分词”表示过去该做而没有做的事情。它含有责备的语气。其中,should可换用ought to (即ought to have+过去分词),意思不变。

  You should/ought to have been here five minutes ago.


  ②“could have+过去分词”表示对过去本来能够做但是没有做的事的惋惜。如:

  He could have passed the entrance examination last year. 她去年本来可以考上大学的。

  ③ “must have+过去分词”表示过去一定做过某事,是一种很有把握的推测,意为“一定”。


  It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨天晚上一定下过雨,因为地上是湿的。

  ④“can’t/couldn’t have+过去分词”也用来表示对过去情况的推测,意为“不可能做过某事”。must have done的否定式要用本句型表示其否定意义。

  It can’t have rained last night. 昨天晚上不可能下了雨。

  ⑤ “may/might have+过去分词”表示一种对过去情况的一种不太有把握的推测.意为“或许/可能做过某事”。may 的可能性又比might大些。

  He hasn’t turned up yet; he may/might have been ill.他还没有来。他可能病了。

  ⑥“needn’t have+过去分词”表示过去没有必要做某事但实际上做了的事情,意为 “(过去)本没有必要……”。

  I needn’t have told him about that. 我没有必要将那件事告诉他的。

  4. 常见情态动词的用法

  (1)can 和could的用法


  Can you finish the work in such a short time ? 你能在这么短的时间内完成工作吗?

  can和,be able to都可表 “能够”。但can主要指的是一种永久的能力。而be able to则是指过去做成了的事或者将来经过努力后可以做到的事情。如:

  Man will be able to live in the sea in the future. 在未来人类将能够在海洋里生活。

  注意:这里的be able to都不可换用can.


  Mary can not be in the classroom. 玛丽不可能在教室里。


  一Can I use your bike? 我能用用你的自行车吗?

  一Yes,you can.是的,可以。

  注意,could 用来表示请求时,是一种委婉的说法,回答时不可用过去式could进行回答,而要用原形can进行回答。

  —Could you tell me the way to the post office, please? 请问,你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?

  一Yes,I can. 是的,可以。


  Can hard work change a person that much?/ How can you be so careless?

  艰苦的劳动能让一个人改变这么大吗?/ 你怎么会这么粗心?

  (2) may和might的用法:

  a. 表示请求或许可。might在语气上比may更委婉。肯定回答时,可用may/can/might。否定回答时。用can’t或mustn’t。

  —May I leave now? 我可以走了吗?

  —Yes,you can/may (No,you mustn’t). 是的,可以。/不,不可以。


  May you succeed in the coming new year! 祝你在新的一年里取得成功!

  c. 表示不太把握的推测,意为“可能,或许”。

  He may be in the classroom.他可能在教室里。



  You must work hard.你必须努力学习。

  注意与have to的比较:must常表示主观看法,说明说话人认为有必要。而have to则强调客观的必要性,说话人认为外界使得必须这样做。比较:

  It’s late. I have to go now. 时间晚了。我得走了。(暗含本人并不一定愿意走。)

  It’s late. I must go now. 时间很晚了。我必须走了。(本人认为应该走了。)

  ②must引导的疑问句不可用mustn’t来进行否定回答。要用don’t have to或者needn’t。

  —Must we hand in our exercise books?

  —No,you needn’t/don’t have to.


  a. He must be waiting for us now. 他一定在等我们了。

  b. They must be in classroom.他们一定在教室里。


  You mustn’t smoke here. 你不能在此吸烟。

  (4) need/dare的用法:


  He doesn’t dare (to)speak to his father. 他不敢跟他的父亲讲话。


  How dare you speak like that?/ They dare not go there any more.

  你怎么敢那样说话?/ 他们再也不敢去那儿了



  a. Shall I ring you again? 要我再给你打个电话吗?

  b. Shall he come in? 要他进来吗?


  a.You shall stand there. (命令)


  b.If you are late again,you shall be punished. (警告或威胁)


  c.If you finish the work in time, yon shall be taken to the park. (许诺)


  (6) should表示劝告、命令、建议。其同义词是ought to。在疑问句中通常用should代替ought to。

  You should/ought to do it right now./ Should I open the window for you?

  你应该马上去做。/ 用我给你打开窗户吗?

  (7) will的用法:


  Will you be seated/ Let us have a rest, will you?



  a. I will never come here.我再也不来这儿了。

  b. If you will wait for a moment, I will go with you.如果你愿等一会儿,我就同你去。


  Fishes will die without water or air. 没有水和空气,鱼总是要死的。

  ④will 的过去式would常用来表示过去经常性发生的动作。

  He would come to help us when he was free. 他有空时常来帮我们的忙。

  (8) used to也常用来表示过去经常性发生的动作,但它主要强调今昔的对比,暗含现在不那样了。

  He used to swim in this river when he was a boy. 他小时候常在这条河里游泳。

  注意,used to的疑问式和否定式有两种形式:

  a. He didn’t use to do that.àDid he use to do that?

  b. He usedn’t to do that.àUsed he to do that?


  1. A left luggage office is a place where bags be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. (NMET2003)


  2 . —The room is so dirty. __ we clean it?

  —Of course. (2003北京)

  A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do

  3. An awful accident ____, however, occur the other day. (2000上海)

  A. does B. did C. has to D. had to

  4. —I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

  —Oh,did you? You____ with Barbara.(NMET1998)

  A.could have stayed B.could stay C.would stay D.must have stayed

  5. Sorry I’m late. I ____have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.(NMET 2000春)

  A. might B. should C. can D. will

  6. —Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

  —I’m not sure. I ____ go to the concert instead. (NMET 2000 )

  A. must B. would C. should D. might

  7. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ____ your lecture. (2000上海)

  A. couldn’t have attendee B. needn’t have attended

  C. mustn’t have attended D. shouldn’t have attended

  8. If only he _____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. (2000上海)

  A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie


  1. B本题考查情态动词的用法。should应该;can能够,会,可以;must.必须;will愿意。题意为“行李寄存处是能够暂时存放行李的地方,尤其是在火车站。”此处用can,表示可以、能够,故答案为B。

  2. B本题考查情态动词的用法。shall用于第一第三人称表达客气地请求,故最佳答案是B。

  3. B 本题考查助动词do对动词的强调。助动词do(does用于第三人称)用于对现在时态的强调;did用于对过去时态的强调,后面接动词原形。

  4. A此题旨在考查情态动词的用法。could have stayed表示“(过去)可以住在……”,表示“本可以做,然而没有做的事情”;must have stayed的意思是“(过去)一定住在……”,这与第一句的意思相矛盾。

  5. A “情态动词+have clone”的总结。

  6. D might表示“可能性”,因为前面已提过I’m not sure.

  7. A 这是在考查情态动词表推测的用法。前面在谈昨天下午的事,而且根据下文得知,昨天他去听你的讲座是不可能的事,因此只有A正确。

  8. C 这是在考查虚拟语气。此题在时间上主句和从句是不一致的,那就不能像规则那样保持形式上的一致,即:主语用 would + have done 从句用had+ done的形式。从句中的事实是与过去相反,因此需用过去完成时,故C为最佳。


  1. When he was there, he _____ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

  A. would B. should C. had better D. might

  2. You ____to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

  A. needn’t to come B. don’t need come

  C. don’t need coming D. needn’t come

  3. You ______ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

  A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

  4. My brother ____ come to your party tonight because he ____ prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

  A. can’t; should B. mustn’t; can C. can’t ; must D. mustn’t; had to

  5. I was really anxious about you. You _____home without a word.

  A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

  C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

  6. —Write to me when you get home.


  A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can

  7. —______I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum?

  —Yes, you______.

  A. Must; canB. May; mayC. Need; needD. May; need

  8. —Don’t forget to bring my new books tomorrow afternoon.

  — No, I ______.

  A. don’t B. can’t C. won’t D. couldn’t

  9. —I hear you’ve got a set of Australian coins. _____ have a look ?

  —Yes, certainly.

  A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should

  10. He seldom listens to others. He ____ answer for what he has done.

  A. shall B. will C. can D. would

  11. —May I leave the office before 5 o’clock in the afternoon ?

  —No, I’m afraid you ______.

  A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. won’t

  12. —Shall I tell John about it ?

  —No, you _____. I don’t know his telephone number.

  A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

  13. Mr Bush is on time for everything. How ____ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

  A. can B. should C. may D. must

  14. The traffic light is red, so I ____ stop my car.

  A. must B. have to C. can D. mustn’t

  15. —What happened to the young trees we planted?

  —The trees ____well, but I didn’t water them.

  A. might grow B. needn’t have grown C. would grow D. would have grown

  16. I was really anxious about you. You ____ home without a word.

  A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

  17. Children _____in public very often.

  A. should be praised B. shouldn’t have praised

  C. shouldn’t have been praised D. shouldn’t be praised

  18. You must have been told all about it the day before yesterday , _____?

  A. mustn’t you B. haven’t you C. didn’t you D. weren’t you

  19. Tom _____ show his exam results to his parents.

  A. dare not B. dared C. dare to D. dares not to

  20. Sir, you ____ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.

  A. oughtn’t to B.can’t C.won’t D.needn’t


  1. A 本句的意思是“当我在那里的时候,我每天下班后经常到拐角处的咖啡店。”would表达过去的习惯,意思是“常常;会”。故答案是A。

  2. D 本题考查need作情态动词与实义动词的用法。need作实义动词时,后跟名词不定式或动名词。跟动名词的主动语态或不定式的被动语态表达被动的概念。A中的need为情态动词,后面直接跟动词原形;B中的need为实义动词,后跟带to的不定式;C不合题意,因此答案是D。

  3. C 从后面的You can keep it till next week if you like.我们可以知道,“你现在没有必要还书。”因此最佳答案是C。

  4. C 第一空表示“许可”, 因此用can’t;第二空表示“必须”,因此用must。D有一定干扰性,had to用的是一般过去时,显然不合题意。

  5. B 从I was really anxious about you我们知道,对方已经外出回来了,因此说话人责备对方不应该这么做。

  6. C 本题考查对祈使句的回答。对祈使句回答时,肯定的回答用Yes, I will;否定的回答用No, I won’t.

  7. B 第一空用may表达征求许可,对may的回答是Yes, you may或No, you mustn’t。

  8. C 在祈使句中,第二人用Yes, I will表达“允诺”,用No, I won’t表达“不会的”,will在这里是情态动词,意思是“肯;愿意;会”。

  9. B May I…表达客气、委婉的请求,意思是“我做……可以吗?”

  10. A shall用于第二、第三人称的肯定句或否定句,表达说话人的意愿,有“命令、警告、威胁、强制、允诺、决心”之意。

  11. C may在这里表达“允诺”,在回答may的问句时,肯定的回答一般用Yes, of course./ Yes, certainly./ Sure. / Yes, you may. 否定回答一般用No, you mustn’t. 或No, you can’t.

  12. A needn’t表示“不必要”,mustn’t表示“禁止”,wouldn’t表示“拒绝”,故最佳答案是A。

  13. A can表示“可能性”,通常用于否定句或疑问句中,且有时还带有“惊奇;不相信”等感情色彩。

  14. B must表示说话人的主观看法,而have to侧重于客观需要,故最佳答案是B。

  15. D would have done表示对过去已发生的事情的推测,表示“可能……”,故最佳答案是D。

  16. B shouldn’t have done表示“本不应该做,然而做了”,含有“责备”的意思。常表达对已经发生了的事情的看法,故最佳答案是B。

  17. D shouldn’t 后跟不定式的一般式表达对一般事情的看法。

  18. D must have done是对过去情况的推测,其反意疑问句是针对must后的动词。如果没有具体的时间状语,用haven’t (或hasn’t)…表达完成,用didn’t/ weren’t/ wasn’t表达过去;有具体的时间状语时,用didn’t或weren’t/ wasn’t,在本句中must后用的是被动语态,且有具体时间,因此最佳答案是D。

  19. A情态动词dare的过去时是dared,常用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,否定式是在dare的后面加not,再接动词原形。dare作为实义动词时,有人称和数的变化,构成否定式时,前要加助动词,后接to或不带to的动词不定式。

  20. A 从下文It is for women and children only.得此答案。B有一定干扰性,从空后的be sitting看,有人已经坐下了,说话人认为他不应该坐,而不是不能坐。

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