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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 14:51  新浪教育

  1. 人称代词单独使用或在not后时多用宾格;表语为人称代词时,主语常用it。

  ①一I like English. 我喜欢英语

  —Me, too. 我也是。

  ②“I didn’t know it was you. ” the guard said .卫兵说:“我不知道是您。”

  2. 某些动词在某些场合必须跟反身代词,此类动词有:absent/ bathe/ amuse /cut/ enjoy/ hurt/ behave/ introduce 等;同时应了解由反身代词构成的各种习语。

  3. own(自己的)可视为一种反身代词的所有格,常用的结构有:one’s own+n.和a+名词+of one’s own。

  ①This is my own computer. 这是我自己的计算机。

  ②She has a bat of her own. 她有自己的球拍。

  注:own之后不可接one作替代词。如可说:Use your own, please.但不能说:Use your own one, please.

  4. 弄清both/either/neither/all/none/each/every表示“数”的差异及不同的语法功能。

  5. someone/somebody/anyone/anybody/everybody/everyone/no one之后不可接of短语,必须分开才可与of短语连用(no one 由none代替)。

  everyoneàevery one of us/anyoneàany one of them

  6. Some/other(s)/the other(s)/another的用法及another, other, more与数词连用的位置差异。

  another two letters/two more letters/two letters more/two other letters (另外两封信)

  7. some, any可与单数名词、比较级连用,应注意其特殊含义。

  ①Any child can do it. 任何孩子都会做的。

  ②Some boy is waiting outside the door.有一个男孩在门口等着。

  8. 代词so可用在某些动词后,代替一个宾语从句,这样的动词有believe/think/expect/suppose/imagine/guess/hope。否定式常用not代替so。


  1. There at the door stood a girl about the same height _____. (NMET2004春)

  A. as meB. as mine C. with mineD. with me

  2. Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way. (NMET2004春)

  A. itB. that C. thisD. which

  3. It is the ability to do the job_____ matters not where you come from or what you are. (NMET 2000)

  A. one B. that C. what D. it

  4.—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

  —I’m afraid _____day is possible. (NMET1998)

  A. either B. neither C. some D. any

  5. If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay_____$15. (NMET 2000)

  A. another B. other C. more D. each

  6. —Why don’t we take a little break?

  —Didn’t we just have _____? (NMET 2000)

  A. it B. that C. one D. this

  7. If this dictionary is not yours, ____ can it be ? (NMET2001春)

  A. what else B. who else C. which else’s D. who else’s

  8. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter___ it was? (NMET2001 春)

  A. where B. what C. how D. which


  1. B 首先the same…as为固定搭配,因此排除C, D。这是height之间的比较,mine在此相当于my height。如果选A则是height与I之间的比较,是不同类的比较。

  2. D 本题考查定语从句中的关系代词。介词without在引导词前,因此用which。

  3. B此题中一个非常关键的词是 “matters”,此词为动词的谓语形式,故此题不是一个简单句,该句又不是名词性从句,故A、D、C均可排除,选择B之后,可构成强调句型,对主语进行强调。

  4. B前句提到Monday or Tuesday意为在两者中选择。故排除C、D答案。后文用I’m afraid…, 来回答。显然意为两天都不可能。因此用neither。

  5. A pay another $15=pay $15more.意为“再付15美元”。

  6.C 此题考查代词的用法。本题用代词one替代上文的a little break.

  7. D 第一步,先确定下来,这本字典不是你的,肯定是别人(who else),然后应选其所有格形式,构成别人的 “who else’s”,故为D。

  8. D 题干中已明确交待了某一本书或是另外一本书,只是没有确定哪一个而已。而且,题干中的or也起了提示作用,表选择。


  1 . —Someone has broken the window.


  A. I B. me C. myself D. mine

  2. —Has Ann get into university?


  A. I don’t believe it B. I think not C. I think not so D. I believe not that

  3. My teacher likes Mei Fang more than ____, which makes me a bit unhappy.

  A. me B. I C. myself D. mine

  4. I didn’t buy the apples; they gave them to me for____.

  A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

  5. I just want an umbrella, so _____ will do.

  A. anyone B. one C. any one D. it

  6. Best wishes to____ and ____ from____ and____.

  A. you; yours; me; mine B. yourself; yours; myself; mine

  C. yours; yourself; mine; myself D. you; me; your; mine

  7. He was happy to see ____ old friends whom be hadn’t met for years.

  A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

  8. I wrote to John and Henry, but ____ of them has answered my letter.

  A. neither B. either C. none D. any

  9. Haven’t I made____ clear that you mustn’t take the current magazines out of the library?

  A. this B .it C. that D. one

  10. Driving too fast, she fell off the motor bike and hurt ____ her legs.

  A. two B. all C. double D. hath

  1l. Bill is not getting well along with others, for he is a man of ____ words.

  A. little B. less C. few D. fewer

  12. Everyone wondered why Mr Thompson chose _____ for his assistants.

  A. both she and I B. both me and her C. both her and me D. either she or I

  13. —What kind of pencils do you buy?

  —The red____.

  A. those B. ones C. one D. it

  14. I’m sorry to tell you the train will be delayed; You have to wait____ two hours.

  A. another B. other C. more D. more other

  15. “All are not here” means “_____”.

  A. none is here B. some of them are not here

  C. all are here D. none of them are not here

  16. —Why does Dave look so upset?

  —I guess ____ has troubled her.

  A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

  17. The, articles made of leather cost much more than____ made of plastic.

  A. that B. those C. it D. ones

  18. Until you told me, I heard ____ of what had happened to him.

  A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

  19. There is some food here, but we’ll need____ more.

  A. many B. much C. a few D. any

  20. —Shall he sit at this end or ____ of the boat?

  —____if he keeps still.

  A. the other; Either B. the other; Both C. another; Each D. another; Either


  1. B 人称代词单独使用或在not后多用宾格。

  2. B 代词so常用在类似believe/ think/ suppose…等动词后替代一个宾语从句,其否定式可用not时直接代替so。如:I think soàI don’t think so.或I think not.

  3. A 用人称代词宾格作动词宾语。

  4. D 题意为“这些苹果不是花钱买的”,因而是免费得到的。习语for nothing意为“免费”。

  5. C anyone=anybody意为“任何人”,而此句指物“伞”,故A有误;any one可指“人”,亦可指“物”。

  6. A 该题语义为“向你及你的家人表示我和我家人的问候”。

  7. D a few和few修饰可数名词;a little 和 little 修饰不可数名词。其中 a few, a little表示肯定; few, little表示否定。本题表肯定可数。

  8. A neither和either是用于“二者”的代词,neither指“二者都不”,either指“(二者中的)任何一个”;none和any用于三者或三者以上,前者用于否定句,意为“无任何……”,后者 意为“任一个”。该题指二者,but表转折,故用neither。

  9. B make it clear中的it是形式宾语;this,that和one均不可充当形式宾语。

  10. D A,C两项都不能位于物主代词之前;B,D两项可置于物主代词之前,但dl指“三者或三者以上都”,both指“二者都”,故B也不对。

  11. C a man of few words意为“不爱说话的人”。Bill话极少,和别人相处不够融洽。

  12. C 作动词宾语应用代词宾格,应排除A、D;人称代词并用时,一般遵循“第二人称à第三人称à第一人称”顺序,故也排除B。

  13. B 从句意可排除C和D;those不可接前置修饰语,故也排除A。

  14. A another,more,other都可跟数词连用,表示“再、还”,但语序不同:another two hours=two more hours=two hours more= two other hours。

  15. B 带all,both,every及含every的复合代词的否定句通常为部分否定,不是全部否定。

  16. C something用于肯定句,常表示某人或某物遇到“一些情况”。

  17. B 从题干意思可排除A、C;代词ones在此泛指,也应排除。

  18. C 本题考查not…until结构,故选用nothing。

  19. B 该句中的much more=much more food,修饰不可数名词用much more;修饰可数名词用many more。

  20. A “如果他不动,坐(船两头)哪头都行。”

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