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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 15:09  新浪教育

  练习 四十六

  1. It worried her a bit that her hair grey.

  A. was turning B. has turned C. turns D. will turn

  2. she did was right. So everyone always believed(in)her.

  A. What B. Whatever C. How D. When

  3. Mrs.Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she that the cloth very well.

  A. has been told; washed B. has told; washes C. has been told; is washed D. is told; is washed

  4. The type of music has become very famous in Britain and is very good music ____.

  A. dance to B. dancing to C. to dance to D. to dance

  5. They stood there talking with each other for half an hour, and then ___.

  A. parting B. to part C. parted D. divided

  6. I____ go out tonight, if you don’t mind.

  A. would not rather B. would rather not

  C. would not rather to D. would rather not to

  7. The firemen made a close study and discovered the ___ of the fire.

  A. reason B. stop C. effect D. cause

  8. For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree_____.

  A. in sight B. on earth C. at a distance D. in place

  9. —Are there enough apples for the children present?

  —I’m afraid there are few ____. We’d better buy some.

  A. left B. leaving C. to leave D. leaves

  10. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ____ .

  A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to

  11. ____ she gets up very early to practise her _____ English, so she improves her English a lot.

  A. Everyday; every day B. Every day; every day

  C. Every day; everyday D. Everyday; everyday

  12. This kind of work is very special, which ____ a great deal of skill and experience.

  A. calls for B. calls on C. calls in D. calls up

  13. He was determined that his children to the best school available.

  A. should go B. went C. ought to go D. would go

  14. he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.

  A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter

  15. That’s the best way we should think of the dying soldier.

  A. helping B. saving C. operating D. to save


  1. A 主句worried是过去时,从句用was turning表示过去逐渐变得……除从句内容是表示自然现象或真理时用一般现在时态外,都应用过去时态范畴。

  2. B 根据句意,排除C、D,用what引导,只表示:“某件事做对了”,而人们总是信任她,说明她不管做什么事都是对的。

  3. A wash well好洗,容易洗。表示某物体状态的动词是不及物动词。一些及物动词也可充当不及物动词表示某一种状态,在动词后常用well好,easily break易碎,wear long耐穿。

  4. C 在英语中表示“伴随音乐做某事”用 “do sth. to music”; to dance to 在句中为不定式短语,用作定语修饰前面的music,而不定式与其被修饰的词,在逻辑上构成动宾关系(即: to dance to music)。music to dance to 意为“舞蹈音乐”。

  5. C 表示“分手”时,应用part,故排除选项D,根据全句结构来看,要填的是一并列谓语,选项A与B是非谓语动词形式,故均不是正确答案。

  6. B would rather 作“宁愿”解,表示选择的意思。would rather后接不带to 的不定式,其否定形式是在would rather后接not。would rather后跟不带to 的不定式,(即动词原形),常用缩写形式’d rather。在表示“宁愿……而不愿”时要用would rather...than...这一结构,表示在两者之中进行选择。使用这一表达方式要注意用“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组, 如两个名词、两个动词不定式、两个介词词组等。

  7. D 词义辨析题。cause指“事情的起因”,而reason指做事情的理由。

  8. A in sight为固定搭配,意思是“看得到”;on earth用在疑问句或否定句中,用来加强语气,意思是“究竟;到底”;at a distance意思是“在远处”。

  9. A 本题考查leave的过去分词形式作定语。leave有“剩下;留下”的意思,为及物动词,因此用其过去分词形式作定语,放在所修饰的词的后面。

  10. A 本题考查了不定式后面的省略。如果不定式后面的动词部分与前面或后面的谓语部分重复,我们经常省略to后的内容,如:

  — Will you go to the cinema with me tonight ?

  —I’d love to (go to the cinema with you to night ), but I have something important to do.


  —Are you a teacher ?

  —No, I’m not, but I wish to be .

  11. C every day为名词短语,一般在句中作状语;everyday为形容词,意思是“每日的;日常的”,在句子中作定语。

  12. A call for的意思是“要求;需要”的意思,其它答案均不合题意。

  13. A be determined引出从句用should do sth.。require, order, demand, recommend和be determined从句中,谓语动词用should do形式做谓语,或省去should,只用动词原形做谓语。这些动词引导宾语从句,谓语动词不用would。

  14. A what引导主语从句,作said的宾语,引导主语从句,B、C、D三项都不能作said的宾语。

  15. D we should think of作the best way的定语,其后接不定式to save作目的状语。

  练习 四十七

  1. I remember this used to be a quiet village.

  A.when B.how C.where D.what

  2. So loudly that everyone of the class could hear him.

  A. did he speak B. did he spoke C. spoke he D. he spoke

  3.—Did you write to Mary last month?

  —No, but I’ll her over Christmas Day.

  A. be seen B. be seeing C. have seen D. have been seeing

  4. He prefers ____ books at home rather than ____ TV.

  A. to read; to watch B. reading; watching

  C. to read; watch D. reading; to watch

  5. She hoped to earn ____ living by selling drinks.

  A. the B. / C. her D. an

  6. Polk music has been____ from one generation ____.

  A. past over; to the other B. passed down; to another

  C. passing out; to others D. passed away; to one

  7. How do you ___ a car accident after it happens?

  A. do about B. do with C. deal with D. deal about

  8. Something must be done ___ the pollution, or the world won’t be fit for man to live in.

  9. If the world population doesn’t stop ____, we will find our earth getting more and more crowded.

  A. to grow B. growing C. to increase D. being increased

  10. We _____ with each other ever since we met three years ago.

  A. got in touch with B. have stayed in touch with

  C. have got in touch with D. kept in touch with

  11. Not only Alice but also her parents _____ watching TV play series very much.

  A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like

  12. Children should learn to _____, but they are too selfish (自私) and don’t want to play their own toys with others .

  A. A. support B. care C. spare D. share

  13.—What do you think of the Prime Minister's address to the nation?

  —I like of what he said.

  A. more B. many C. few D. much

  14. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight.

  A. prevent B. care C. defend D. protect

  15. Hellen used to be very shy, but she has grown it now.

  A. without B. over C. away D. out of


  1. A when引导宾语从句,表示“那时,这是个僻静的村庄”。village已有quiet修饰,不能再用how引导从句,C、D不合题意。

  2. A “So+形容词”,“So+副词”放于句首时,构成倒装句,句中要加助动词。选项B中spoke应用speak,选项C、D的句式应改为倒装句式。

  3. B 将来进行时will/shall be doing sth.。可用于表达预计即将发生或势必要发生的动作,在一般情况下可和一般将来时换用,用将来进行时则显得更加委婉。如:When will you come?/When will you be coming?

  4. C prefer...rather than...后面接动词时,在prefer 后接带to 的不定式, 在rather than后接动词原形,也可在prefer...rather than...后分别接名词。

  5. C earn one’s living或earn a living 意为“谋生”。 另外make a/one’s living也作“谋生”、“以……为生”解。

  6. B pass down/on 意为“传给(另外的人)”、“流传”(to send sth. from person to person); from one to another意为“从一个到另一个”。与pass搭配的短语有:pass away死亡,断气;pass by从……旁边经过;pass off 消逝, 消失;pass out昏厥,醉倒;pass over省略、忽视;pass through穿过……,经历……; pass up把(机会等)错过。

  7. C do with和deal with都有“处理;应付”的意思,但疑问词不同,do with用what提问,what作do的宾语;deal with用how提问,how作状语。

  8. C 介词的使用。about的意思是“关于”。

  9. B stop to do 的意思是“停止别的,做某事”,而stop doing的意思是“停止做某事”,指“停止正在做的事情”,联系前后文,选B最合适。

  10. B stay in touch with与keep in touch with的意思是一样的,都表示“与……保持联系”。从后面的ever since we met three years ago看,本空用现在完成时。get in touch with的意思是“与……取得联系”,只表示一时的动作,不可以与一段时间状语连用。

  11. A本句的意思是“不仅Alice,还有她的父母对电视连续剧很喜欢。”be like意思是“象;是什么样子”,因此排除C, D。not only…but also连接主语时,谓语动词的数由最靠近的主语决定,在本句中由parents决定like的数,因此用复数形式。

  12. D本题考查动词词意辨析。根据句意,说话人认为孩子们应该学会与人分享。

  13. D address(讲话)是整体名词,表示整体的一大部分不可数,该用much代替。

  14. D protect...from意为“保护……不受伤害”;prevent...from意为“阻止……发生”。

  15. D grow out of在此表示“因年岁增大而改掉”的意思。

  练习 四十八

  1. When I left, mother ___ me that I should take care of myself while I was in the countryside.

  A. remembered B. reminded C. was reminded D. asked

  2. Realizing how serious the situation is, our government has _____ to stop SARS from spreading widely .

  A. made steps B. taken steps C. made measures D. done steps

  3. Do you know many man-satellites _____ space by our scientists since the middle of the twentieth century?

  A. have sent into B. were carried into C. have been sent into D. have been brought into

  4. What you said is too much for her. It ____ her deeply.

  A. hurted B. hurt C. injured D. wounded

  5. His written work is still ____ satisfaction.

  A. a far way from B. out of the way of C. by way of D. a long way from

  6. The working people have never stopped their struggle ____ unfair treatment.

  A. against B. for C. from D. to

  7.When we watched the national flag ___ in the Olympic Games on TV , we ____ a cheer.

  A. risen; rose B. being risen; lifted

  C. raised; let out D. being raised; raised

  8. —Don’t forget to take the message to my aunt.


  A. Yes, I will B. No, I won’t C. Yes, I would D. No, I wouldn’t

  9. —Whom would you rather have ____ with you, Mary or Jane?


  A. to go; Either B. go; Either C. gone; Neither D. going; Anyone

  10. My command of Chinese is not yours.

  A. as half as B. so half good as C. good as half as D. half so good as

  11. Miss Smith is a friend of .

  A. Mary’s mother’s B. Mary’s mother C. Mary mother’s D. mother’s of Mary

  12. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he in the mud all morning.

  A. has played B. is playing C. has been playing D. was playing

  13. After ling in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town___ he grew up as a child.

  A. which B. where C. that D. when

  14. The school ___ a 20-classroom building which was put up last year lies near the town.

  A. as B. where C. with D. in which

  15. —Will somebody go and get Dr. white?

  —He’s already been ____.

  A. asked for B. sent for C. called for D. looked for


  1. B remind sb. sth.为固定搭配,意思是“提醒某人某事”。其它选项搭配和意义不符合要求。

  2. B take steps to do sth.也可以说take measures to do sth.,意思是“采取措施做某事”。

  3.C 从后面的since短语判断,应该是现在完成时。send sth. into意思是“将……发射进入……”。

  4. B 词义辨析题。hurt, wound, injure都有“伤害”的意思。hurt既可以指肉体的伤害,也可以指感情的伤害;injure多指肉体的伤害,尤其指扭伤等;wound多指刀枪伤等。

  5. D a long way from在这里表示否定,意思是“一点也不”,有时可以用far from,如:Our work is far from perfect. (我们的工作离完美还差得远。)

  6. A struggle against意思是“同……做斗争”,而struggle for意思是“为了……而斗争”。

  7. C raise是及物动词。“把……举起,使……升起”,本题raised放在感官动词后面做宾语补足语,let out是发出的意思。

  8. B 题干是祈使句:Don’t forget to take the message to my aunt. “不要忘了捎信给我姑妈。”判断为将来时,故回答应该用将来时, 但要注意答语中的yes是“不”的意思,no则表示“对;是的”。故B为最佳答案。

  9. B 此题考查would rather have sb. do sth., 句型中的sb. 即是句前的疑问词whom; either是指两者中的任何一个。

  10. D 表示倍数的词应放在so+形容词+as或as+形容词+as结构的前面,so+形容词+as用于否定句。

  11. A a friend of Mary’s mother’s玛丽妈妈的一位朋友,在of后要加名词所有格,应注意英语这种双重所属的用法。

  12. C 从is dirty from head to foot和all morning判断应用C表示一直在玩。现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态都是说明动作由过去开始,该动作延续到现在。但现在完成进行时态强调动作持续一直在进行,在句中常有表示一段时间的时间状语,如all day ,all morning,用于现在完成进行时态的动词,应是表示延续的动词。用于现在完成时态的动词不限于此。

  13. B 该题考查定语从句和状语从句的基本用法。the small town是先行词, 而he grew up as a child 是定语从句,所以用关系副词where。

  14. C 此题考查学生对句子结构的分析。此句主语是the school,谓语是lies。 The school后有两个定语,一是which was put up last year 的定语从句, 另外是a20-classroom building的名词短语,故不用连词,而用with的介词短语结构。

  15. B ask for意为“要求得到”;send for意为“派人去请”;call for 意思广泛,有“需要”、“要求”“去(人家等)取某物或接某人共同前往某处”之意等; look for意为“寻找(丢失)之物”之意 。分析题干和派人去请Dr White,看来答案B 是正确的。

  练习 四十九

  1. She has made up her mind that she will make _____ as her sister has made.

  A. as beautiful a kite as B. so beautiful a kite as

  C. as a beautiful kite as D. so a beautiful kite

  2. We __ each other the best of luck in the examination.

  A. hoped B. wanted C. expected D. wished

  3. — ______ Lin Tao has failed in the exam.

  —Yes, he is always very lazy .

  A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told

  4. —Do you think your meeting room can____ 500 people?

  —I think so.

  A. hold B. sit C. manage D. take

  5. She is beautiful and kind . She is really fit ___ you to get married ____.

  A. for;/ B. /; to C. for; to D. for; with

  6. Many kinds of plants and animals in the world ___ every year.

  A. are died B. are died out C. die out D. have been died out

  7. Not only ___ interested in football but ____ beginning to show an interest in it.

  A. the teacher himself is...all his students are

  B. the teacher himself is...are all his students

  C. is the teacher himself...are all his students

  D. is the teacher himself...all his students are

  8. —Shall I tell John about it ?

  —No, you ____ . I’ve told him already.

  A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

  9. —Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

  —I don’t know, ____.

  A. nor don’t I care B. nor do I care

  C. I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also

  10. I remember this used to be a quiet village.

  A. when B. how C. where D. what

  11. Anne looks in red while green clothes are nice _____ Helen.

  A. good; on B. well; in C. good; at D. well; for

  12. I advised that he to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he___ quite well then.

  A. be sent; was feeling B. was sent; felt C. be sent; feel D. should be sent; should feel

  13. Seventy percent of traffic accidents ____ because the drivers drink too much.

  A. is caused B. have caused C. are caused D. has caused

  14. This medicine is very dangerous, so you must keep it ____.

  A. out of children’s reach B. in children’s reach

  C. out of children reaching D. from children’s reach

  15. The branches of trees and telephone poles ____ in the storm should be cleared at once.

  A. falling B. having fallen C. having been fallen D. fallen


  1. A 本题考查as…as的用法。因为是在肯定句中,排除B, D。as…as中间如果是可数名词单数有形容词修饰,要将形容词放在不定冠词的前面。

  2. D 表达“祝愿”的有hope和wish两个。hope后面可以跟名词或从句作宾语,也可以用hope for的形式。然而hope后面不可以跟宾补。如不可以说I hope you to come early tomorrow. 而wish后面可以跟宾补。在本句中the best of luck…为名词短语作宾补。

  3. A 本题考查现在完成时的被动语态。首先判断用被动语态。I’m told是现在的情况,而told是终止性动词,因此答案为A,表示“我现在已经知道”这种结果。

  4. A hold在这里是“容纳”的意思,也可以用seat。

  5. C 第一空考查了be fit for sb. to do sth.的搭配;第二空运用get married to作定语,修饰she,she为get married to的逻辑宾语。

  6.C die out的意思是“灭绝;消失”,为不及物动词词组,因此没有被动语态。在这里运用一般现在时表达现在的情况。

  7. D 该题考查not only...but also引导两个并列分句的用法,not only. . . but also...可用来连接两个并列成份,或者连接两个并列分句, 当其连接并列分句时,not only...部分的分句要用倒装语序。

  8. A 根据上下语境,表示“没有必要做某事”,应用needn’t。

  9. B 该题通过一组对话考查学生对倒装句的掌握情况。 当第二句表示“也不”或“更不”时,通常要用部分倒装。并同第一分句的时态保持一致。

  10. A when引导宾语从句,表示“那时,这是个僻静的村庄”。village已有quiet修饰,不能再用how引导从句,C、D不合题意。

  11. A look good看起来很美,look是系动词。taste, sound, feel, look, smell与形容词连用表示某人或某物的一种状态、性质。这五个动词是系动词,故这几个动词没有被动语态形式,只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。

  12. A advise引导宾语从句,从句中谓语动词不管什么人称都应用should do; should也可以省去,只用动词原形表述事实。

  13. C 本题考查主谓一致和语态。seventy percent后的主语是复数名词,因此谓语用复数形式;cause与accidents间为被动关系,因此用被动语态。

  14. A out of one’s reach意思是“让某人够不着”。

  15. B 本题考查非谓语动词的使用。fallen为过去分词作定语,表达完成的动作;falling为现在分词,表示正在进行的动作;having fallen为现在分词的完成时,多作时间状语。因此其它选项不合题意。

  练习 五十

  1. All the students went to see with her.

  A. what the matter was B. what was the matter

  C. what wrong was D. what was the wrong

  2. A lot of the buildings along that road will be ___ to make room for the new highway.

  A. torn away B. torn down C. torn up D. torn apart

  3.—Have you all decided to go for a picnic for the weekend?

  —No, only ____ students agreed to, so we had to give it up.

  A. handful of B. a handful of C. number of D. the number of

  4. —Would you go swimming with us?

  —I___, but I must finish my homework first.

  A. would love B. would love to C. would love it D. would love so

  5. —Will you go and attend the party?

  —No, ____.

  A. even thought invited to B. even if invite

  C. if not invited D. unless being invited to go

  6. I’d like to take my picture __ a high tower.

  A. where stands B. which stands C. there stands D. that standing

  7. My brother ____ come to your party tonight because he ____ prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

  A. can’t; should B. mustn’t; can C. can’t ; must D. mustn’t; had to

  8. In some parts of the world, tea ____ with milk and sugar.

  A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served

  9. Can you believe that in ____ a rich country there should be ___ many poor people?

  A. such, such B. such, so C. so, so D. so, such

  10. I don’t know the restaurant , but it’s ___ to be quite a good one.

  A. said B. told C. spoken D. talked

  11. —Which ____ have , tea or coffee ?

  —Neither. Just give me a glass of water.

  A. had you better B. would you like C. would you rather D. do you feel like

  12. Is ___ necessary to tell his father everything ?

  A. it B. that C. what D. he

  13. Whether he can go or not ____ his parents’ wishes.

  A. treats B. keeps back C. depends on D. judges

  14. Several friends ____ during the day, but only a few stayed for dinner.

  A. dropped in. B. cleared up C. went off D. lost their sight

  15. —When will you leave for Paris for a visit?

  — next month.

  A. Until B. After C. At D. In


  1. B what was the matter(with)和what was wrong(with)作宾语从句时语序不变。注意what was the matter和what the matter was含义不同,后者意为“这是什么物质”。

  2. B tear down在这里是“弄倒,拆除”。如:They’re tearing down these old houses to build a new office block .

  3. B a handful of意思是“少数,少量”,如a handful of people。D有一定干扰性。the number of意思是“……的数量”。显然不合题意。

  4. B 此处的意思为“我很想去,但是……”。是一种拒绝的委婉说法, 注意不可省略to。

  5. A 答语是省略句。该句补全为 “No, even though ( if) I am invited to attend the party.”。C项invited 后应加to,不定式的省略要保留to。

  6. A where引导地点状语从句,从句中是倒装语序, 该句意为“我想耸立着一座高塔的地方照一张相片”。

  7. C 第一空表示“许可”, 因此用can’t;第二空表示“必须”,因此用mustn’t。

  8. B 本题考查的是动词serve的用法。serve可以有及物与不及物两种用法;作不及物动词时是“服役,当兵”,作及物动词是“(餐馆)提供服务,可供饭菜”。例:Today we serve toast duck.今天我们菜普中有烤鸭可供选用。 在本题中的serve即为“与奶和糖一起提供”之意。 另一个词组“为人民服务”在英语中是 serve the people,不是serve for the people 。

  9. B本题考查的目的很显然。是考such与so两词的用法。such是形容词,后跟名词,可以是可数名词或复数,也可以是不可数名词。当such修饰单数可数名词时,与so可换用,因so与另外三个副词how, as, too 用于一种特殊结构: “so (how, as, too)+adj. +a (an)+单数可数名词”在替换时要特别注意不定冠词的位置。用such时不定冠词紧跟其后,也就是本题考查的第一个空白内容;当后接复数可数名词或不可数名词时,一般情况只能用such,但这些名词前有many, much , few 或little修饰语时,则需用so, 这也是第二空白考查的内容。

  10. A 本题考查It’s said to的用法。speak或talk为不及物动词,因此C,D错误。tell为及物动词,然而运用被动语态时主语多为sb.。

  11. C本题考查词意辨析。had better意思是“最好”,后跟动词原形,如You’d better go there now. 你最好现在就去;would like意思是“想;打算”,后跟不定式,如Would one would you like to have ? 你喜欢要哪一个;would rather意思是“宁愿”,后跟动词原形,I would rather go there on foot. 我宁愿步行去那里。

  12. A 本题考查的是代词在句中的用法。it的用法是代词中比较复杂的,但在本句中却很明确。英语中可以在语法上代一个语法结构的代词,只能是it,其它代词没有这种功能。无论是代不定式,动名词,还是代一个从句,都是用it来代。这时候的it本身没有实际意义,只是在句子结构上起一种调整句子的作用。如本题就是作形式主语,使句子结构平衡。

  13. C 本句话的意思是“他是否能出去要看他父母的愿望而定。”depend on的意思是“以……而定”。

  14. A drop in在这里的意思是“走访;拜访”,为不及物动词。

  15. B next month是时间点,不是时间段,“after+时间点”可用于将来时,表示某一特定时间之后。此处如果不用介词,则表示“下个月”;用了after,则表示“下个月以后”。until在肯定句中要与持续动词连用。

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