新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 《华氏911》:布什上台一千天故事

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/23 11:03  新浪教育

  B also I was watching the Fahenheit 9/11, what do you make of that movie?


  N I haven’t seen it yet.

  B did you ever heard of it?

  N well, obviously, this is a point of view movie『类型电影、观点电影』.

  B is it a fair『公平的』 movie?

  N well, of course, that’s his point of movie, the Michael Moore movie.

  【注】Michael Moore,该片导演。

  B did you watch the movie?

  N yes.

  B how do you make of it?

  N he showed some things that we really need to focus on.

  B like what?

  N well like that seven minutes President Bush took to get up after he was told the country was under attack.


  B maybe he was thinking, getting his thoughts together.

  N I don’t think so. I don’t accept that.

  B why.

  N excuse me, brian , we are living in the nuclear age『核武器时代』. A guy didn’t come up to him and say, sir, the British fleet is leaving England『英国舰队已经离开了英格兰』, they’ll be here in three months『他们将于三个月后达到』. We are living in the nuclear age where ICBMs『洲际导弹』 take less than half an hour to travel thousands of miles.

  B so this is not an age where a president can take seven minutes.

  N yes.

  B Americans will not accept that.

  N I don’t know, I just know that this is very important to the election.

  N Brian, you seem to watch a lot of movies.

  B well, yes, I like different kinds of movies.


  B let’s just talk about another area.

  N ok.

  B what do you think about the prison scandal? 『(伊拉克)监狱丑闻』

  N I think it’s bad.

  B yes.

  N I think the scandal really exposes『暴露』 some of the key lies『重大谎言』 that we’ve been telling ourselves about terrorism.

  B should put things straight.

  N yes, somebody has to get out the fact『是的,人们应该找出真相』.

  B do you believe that Colin Powell will stay? 『你认为科林.鲍威尔会连任么?』

  N well, I don’t know.

  B just from your point of view, one American’s point of view『从一个美国人的角度』?

  N maybe.

  B do you like him?

  N yes, I think he is a hero.

  B you think he’s being a good soldier?

  N he is a terrific soldier and I think he’s a terrific patriot『爱国主义者』.

  B I think you’re very intelligent『聪明的、才智的』 and very knowledgeable『有见识的』.

  N thank you. I don’t know if I am intelligent.

  B thank you, nikky.

  N 

  B I get go out having dinner.

  N have a big dinner.

  B I will.

  N see you.

  B bye.



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