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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/05 10:47  国际在线
近日,西班牙政府正在积极筹备2005年《堂-吉珂德》问世400年的庆祝活动。届时,西班牙将举办展览会、公众读书日、电影展和读者讨论会等庆祝活动。《堂-吉珂德》自1605年问世以来,一直被认为是文学史上最伟大的著作之一。西班牙政府希望通过此次纪念活动来进一步推动西班牙文化在国内外的发展。 据英国《卫报》12月31日援引西班牙文化部长卡门-卡尔沃的话说:“2005年,西班牙国内所有的公共图书馆都将举行各类的庆祝活动,但我想大家对《堂-吉珂德》最好的礼物还是将该书再读一遍。”卡尔沃女士还表示,她希望能够鼓励更多的西班牙人去阅读《堂-吉珂德》这本举世闻名的著作。 西班牙作家塞万提斯的小说《堂-吉珂德》一直享有“欧洲第一部伟大小说”、“现代文学的开篇之作”以及“拉美小说的鼻祖”等美誉。美国文学评论家莱昂内尔-特里林曾在1950年发表文章说:“《堂-吉珂德》之后的所有小说都是在延伸着它的主题。”2002年,包括萨曼-拉什迪、纳丁-戈迪默、沃尔-索因卡和诺曼-梅勒等在内的世界百名知名作家一致评选《堂-吉珂德》为文学史上最经典的小说。 报道说,西班牙国家广播电台将在未来的一年里举办“名人读书”活动,每天都将邀请社会名人为听众读一段《堂-吉珂德》中的内容。除了开展读书活动和讨论会外,西班牙文化部还鼓励大众创作有关《堂-吉珂德》的音乐、戏剧、电影和舞蹈等形式的作品。同时,西班牙政府还将对所有支持这些活动的公司实行减免赋税的优惠政策。(蒋黎黎) The Spanish government is preparing to celebrate the 400th anniversary in 2005 of its country's most famous literary character, with exhibitions, public readings, films, debates. The first part of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes was first published in 1605. The novel is widely considered among the greatest works of literature, and ministers plan to use the anniversary to promote Spanish culture abroad and literacy at home. "This celebration will reach every public library in every corner of Spain," said Carmen Calvo, the culture minister. She hopes to encourage more Spaniards to open a book that is far more well-known than it is well-read. "The most important tribute you can pay the book is to read it," she said. Don Quixote has been variously described as the first great European novel, the first work of modern literature and the foundation of Latin American fiction. In 2002, the novel was voted the best book of all time by a group of 100 writers, including Salman Rushdie, Nadine Gordimer, Wole Soyinka and Norman Mailer, in a survey organised by editors at the Norwegian Book Club in Oslo. This week, Ms Calvo and officials have launched a consortium to promote anniversary events and encourage public and private organisations to participate. The public broadcaster, RTVE, will air documentaries on the theme throughout the year. It has recruited celebrities and members of the public from across the Spanish-speaking world to read a section of the book each day. Besides organising readings and debates, the ministry of culture will promote new works of music, theatre, film and dance based on Don Quixote. Companies that sponsor such events in the coming year will receive a tax break from the government.


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