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高中英语课外辅导:Giving advice(提建议)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/27 08:47  英语辅导报


  Extremely short dialogues(超短对话)

  1. —I put my bike outside the supermarket just now, but now it's gone. 我刚才把自行车放在这个超市的外面,但现在不见了。

  —I think you'd better call the police. 我想你最好报警。

  2. —I'd like your advice about my present work. 我想请你对我目前的工作提些意见。

  —Generally speaking, your work is well done, but you must work even harder. 总的来说,你的工作做得很好,但你必须再接再厉。

  3. —Could you give me some advice on how to learn English? 你能就如何学英语给我提些建议吗?

  —With pleasure. Practice makes perfect. You must practise listening, speaking, reading and writing whenever you can. 十分愿意。熟能生巧。无论何时只要有可能,你都必须练习听说读写。

  4. —Could I ask you for some advice on reviewing? 我可以请你对我的复习提些建议吗?

  —In my opinion, you should make a plan first, and then go over the lessons you have learned. Don't forget to do some related exercises. 依我看,你应该先制定个计划,然后复习所学的课文。不要忘记做些相关的练习。

  5. —I'm afraid I'm putting on weight. 恐怕我现在体重增加了。

  —Why don't you go to an exercise class? 为什么不去健美班呢?

  6. —I have some difficulty in understanding my English teacher in class. 我课堂上听不懂英语老师的讲解。

  —Have you ever thought of learning useful classroom English? It's a good method. 你想过学学常用英语课堂用语吗?这个方法不错。

  7. —I want to be a teacher in the future. 将来我想做名教师。

  —In my opinion, since you have a beautiful voice, you can be a singer. 依我看,既然你嗓音这么好,你可以做一名歌手。

  8. —I have made many friends on the net. 我交了许多网上朋友。

  —I don't think you should trust them. Many of them are not reliable. 我认为你不应该相信他们。他们中多数是不可靠的。

  9. —I'd like to surf the Internet in a cyber bar. 我想到网吧上网。

  —It's up to you, but I wouldn't do it. It's a waste of time. 随你,但我不会的。那是在浪费时间。

  10. —You'd better give up your bad habits. 你最好改掉坏习惯。

  —Thank you. I'll take your advice. 谢谢,我听你的。

  (文/高加勇; 英语辅导报高一版 04~05学年度第16期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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