Tough-结构、Tough-谓词与Tough-句型 | 2005/02/02 14:09 英语辅导报 |
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英语Tough-结构(Tough Structure)是一种特殊的语意结构。Tough-谓词起源于tough, difficult 和 easy 等形容词谓词。Tough-句型则指任何包括Tough-谓词的句型,但句型中不一定包含Tough-结构。 请看如下包含了Tough-结构的几个Tough-句型: (1) The problem is hard to answer. 问题难回答。 (2) John is easy to please. 约翰易讨好。 (3) The door is difficult to open. 门难关。 大学生的作文中往往会出现把Tough-结构变成pseudo-tough-结构(伪Tough-结构)的典型错误,如: (4) I am difficult to learn English. (5) Asian Americans are not easy to become managers. (6) Foreigners are easy to be misunderstood. 如上三例是学生的误用,不符合Tough-结构的语法。下面我们简要分析一下Tough-结构的语义构成。 1. Tough-结构的语义构成 简单地说,Tough-结构是涉及到Tough-谓词,并用不定式主动式表示被动含义,句子的主语同时充当不定式结构的宾语。需要指出的是,Tough-谓词构成的Tough-句型或变形未必都是Tough-结构,Tough-结构专指上述定义下的结构。 要进一步理解Tough-结构的语义构成,让我们来看包含了Tough-结构的一个典型例句John is easy to please.的变形: (7) To please John is easy. (8) It is easy to please John. (9) John is easily pleased. 以上(7)—(9),固然它们所表达的意思略微有差别,但都合乎语法。这几个句子在语义上启发我们:对于John is easy to please.这句话,John既充当了该句的主语,同时也起到修饰限定不定式短语to please的作用,同时用主动形式 to please表示被动含义。若表述成 John is easy to be pleased.则是错句子,因为语法上, John不能做to be pleased 的宾语。 下面介绍Tough-谓词的两种分法,并主要从句法学的分类上深化我们对Tough-谓词的理解,同时了解丰富多彩的Tough-句型。 2. Tough-谓词的分类 首先,Tough-谓词用来指代难易程度(the degree of difficulty)如easy, hard, difficult, simple时,可以有肯定含义和否定含义。 当Tough-谓词表示否定 (negative)意义时,则不定式通常可以用""句型来代替。例如: (10) The problem is hard to answer. (问题难回答。) hard是表示"艰难,困难"意义的Tough-谓词,含否定意义,所以,这个句子可变形为 The problem is too hard to answer. (11) The door is tough to open。 (门难开。)可变形为 The door is too tough to open. 当Tough-谓词表示肯定(affirmative)意义时,则不定式通常可以改做"be + adj. + enough + to do ".例如: (12) The question is easy to explain. (问题好解答。)easy 是表示"简单,容易"的谓词,表达肯定含义。所以,这个句子可变形为 The question is easy enough to explain. (13) John is simple to deal with. (约翰容易交往。) 同样可以变形为 John is simple enough to deal with. 其次,Tough-谓词按照句法学上的意义可以分五类。 第一类:Tough-谓词不描述主语的属性,但描述不定式动作的特性。因此,这样的句型不可省略不定式。如: (14)The grass is easy to cut. (割草容易。) 不可以变形为 The grass is easy. 但是可以变形为 It is easy to cut the grass. 和 To cut the grass is easy. 第二类: Tough-谓词描述主语的属性,不描述不定式动作的特性。因此,这样的句子可以省略不定式,在语法上说得通。如: (15) The river is narrow to sail up. (河道窄,难于航行。)可以变形为 The river is narrow,但不可以变形为It is narrow to sail up the river 或 To sail up the river is narrow. 第三类:Tough-谓词描述态度(attitude)、意愿(willingness ) 或计划(plans),比如:afraid, anxious, careful, curious, determined, keen, willing和prepared 等。 第四类:Tough-谓词为限定形容词(qualification adjectives),如:possible, likely和probable,等等。值得指出的是,在第三、四类的句型中,不能用主动表示被动。 如: (16) John is eager to be allowed to join the sketching party.(约翰很急切地等待被允许加入写生画派对。) 此句子不能把被动变成主动。另外,此句子不能改写成It is eager to be allowed to join the sketching party 或 To be allowed to join the sketching party is eager. (17) She is likely to be praised. (她可能受到表扬。) 此句子也不能把被动变成主动。She is likely to praise.表示她可能表扬别人,而不是她可能受到表扬。同样,也不能把这个句子改成 It is likely to be praised. 或 For her to be praised is likely. 第五类:Tough-谓词用来表达建议(suggestion)、必需(necessities)或义务(obligations),如 advisable, important, necessary和vital 等等。在这样的结构里,我们要采用" It be + adjective + infinitive / gerund"的句型或者 "It be + adjective + that clause"。另外,不能把句子变成 "Noun (phrase) + be + adjective + infinitive"的形式。如: (18) It is important to reply to her letter. (给她回信是件重要的事情。) (19) It is important that we (should) reply to her letter. 但是我们不能说 Her letter is important to reply. 现在我们对于Tough-结构和Tough-句型应该有一个初步的认识了。回过头来,我们再简要分析一下学生曾写过的(4)-(6)的句子。 (4)句不是Tough-结构,也不是Tough-句型的正确使用。应该改成 English is difficult to learn. 或者It is difficult for me to learn English. 或To learn English is difficult.句意是"(我)学英语不轻松"。 (5)句不是Tough-结构,同样是Tough-句型的错用。此句不宜采纳Tough-结构,但可改为It is not easy for Asian Americans to become managers.或For Asian Americans, to become managers are not easy.句意是"亚裔美国人当上经理不容易"。 (6)句应该写成Tough-结构,用主动形式表示被动含义:Foreigners are easy to misunderstand. 也可以写成Tough-句型:It is easy to misunderstand foreigners. 或 To misunderstand foreigners is easy.句意是"外国人容易被误解"。 以上小结了Tough-结构的语义特点,Tough-谓词的分类,以及Tough-句型及其变化形式。希望读者读了此文以后,在今后的写作中遇到此类表达时,不会望而却步。 (文/张建光 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第17、18期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |