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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:07  英语通

  【指挥】在西方,人们之间谈话时要注意避免私人性的话题,比如非亲朋好友之间不该询问年龄、住址、婚否、收入、“你到哪儿去?”、“你在干什么?”等。所以谈话时最安全的就是以天气为开场白,既不支持一方,又不反对一方,更不会伤害任何人,由此而抛砖引玉进入正题。OK!Let's begin!


  1. What's the weather like today? / How is the weather today? / How is it today ? 今天天气怎么样?

  2. What's the weather like in...? / How's the weather in...? ……的天气怎么样?(介词in后跟表示地点的名词,还可用于月份、季节名词前)如:

  How is the weather in Beijing in October? 你觉得北京10月份的天气怎么样?

  What's the weather like in Chicago in winter? 芝加哥冬天的天气怎么样?

  3. Does it often rain here in July? 七月份这里经常下雨吗?

  4. I'd like to know what it's going to be like on Sunday ? 我想知道星期日的天气怎么样?

  5. What does the weather report say? 天气预报是怎样说的?

  6. What's the temperature today? 今天的气温是多少?


  1. I think there will be a strong wind to Shanghai. 我想上海会有大风。

  2. It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨了。

  3. I don't think the rain / snow /wind will last long. 我看这场雨/ 雪/ 风不会下/ 刮很久的。

  4. It seems to be clearing up. 天气似乎在转晴。

  5. It's going to be fine / rainy tomorrow. 明天将是个好天气/ 将要下雨。

  6. Let's hope it keeps fine for the weekend. 但愿到周末一直都是好天气。


  1. It's fine / cloudy / windy / rainy. 天晴/ 多云/ 有风/ 有雨。

  2. It's getting warm/ cold/ hot today. 今天变得暖和/ 冷/ 热。

  3. It's raining cats and dogs.正下着倾盆大雨。

  4. The wind is getting stronger and stronger. 风越刮越大。

  5. The temperature is above / below zero today.今天气温在零度以上/ 以下。

  6. Nice and sunny. 阳光明媚。

  描述天气“协奏词”还有:cool凉的/ scorching灼热的/ freezing冰冷的/ overcast阴天的/ shower阵雨/ frost霜/ fog雾/ thunder雷/ lightning闪电/ snowstorm暴风雪/ typhoon台风/ heavy rain大雨/ light rain小雨/ rain with snow雨夹雪/ fine, later cloudy晴转多云,等等。


  1. What a lovely day! 多好的天气啊!

  2. It's a nice day, isn't it?天气不错,是吧?

  3. Cold today, isn't it?今天天气冷,对吧?

  4. Yes, it's beautiful weather we're having. 是的,我们遇上好天气了。

  5. It's better today than yesterday. 今天天气比昨天好。

  6. It's hot at this time of year, don't you think so? 每年的这个时候天气都热,对吧?

  7. It's boiling today.今天天气热得要命。

  8. What bad weather!多糟糕的天气啊!

  9. It is always as cold as this. 天气总是这样冷!



  A: The weather is getting warm. Isn't it so, Mr Smith?

  B: Yes, I think so. What's the weather like in your country?

  A: In summer, it is very hot in the south and in winter, it is extremely (特别) cold in the north.

  B: How is the weather in your hometown then?

  A: It's always very hot in summer but not too cold in winter. It seldom (很少) snows.

  B: What are the temperatures in summer?

  A: Quite high. They can reach 42 degrees centigrade (摄氏度). If you go there, you'd better go in spring or autumn. The city is at its best then. The temperature is just right.

  B: Thank you.

  A: You are welcome.



  A: Did you hear the weather (1)_________ this morning?

  B: Yes, I (2)_________.

  A: (3)_________ is the weather today?

  B: It's windy and rainy.

  A: (4)_________ bad weather! I don't like it at all.

  B: Yes, it's very bad.

  A: Will it (5)_________ long?

  B: No, it (6)_________. I think it will get better soon.

  A: I hope (7)_________ . What does the radio (8)_________?

  B: It says the rain will stop later(9)_________.

  A: That's great. We can go out to(10)_________ basketball.


  (1) report (2) did (3) How (4) What (5) last (6) won't (7) so (8) say (9) on (10) play



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