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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:26  英语通


  1. dic, dict(=to speak,说)主要构成:

  dictate(v. 口述, 使听写, 指示, 规定)由dict+-ate(动词后缀)构成。→dictator(n. 独裁者, 发号施令者),dictatorship(n.专政);

  contradict(v. 同……矛盾, 同……抵触)由contra-(反对)+dict构成。→contradiction (n. 矛盾),contradictory(adj. 反驳的, 反对的, 抗辩的);

  indicate(v. 指出, 显示, 预示)由in-(进入)+dic+-ate(动词后缀)构成。→indication(n. 指出, 迹象, 暗示),indicative(adj. 指示的, 预示的, 可表示的);

  predict(v. 预知, 预言, 预报)由pre-(在……之前)+dict 构成。→prediction(n. 预言, 预报),predictive(adj. 预言性的, 成为前兆的)。

  2. fess(=to speak,说)主要构成:

  confess(v. 承认, 坦白, 忏悔)由con-(加强意义)+fess 构成。→confession(n. 供认, 承认),confessional(adj. 自白的, 忏悔的);

  profess(v. 表示)由pro-(向前)+fess 构成。→profession(n. 职业, 表白, 宣布),professional(adj. 职业性的, 业务的)。

  3. log(=to speak,说)主要构成:

  eulogy(n. 赞词, 颂词)由eu-(好)+log+-y(名词后缀)构成。→eulogize(v. 称赞, 颂扬);

  apology(n. 道歉, 认错, 谢罪)由apo-(远离)+log+-y(名词后缀)构成。→apologize(v. 道歉, 辩白),apologetic(adj. 道歉的, 认错的, 辩护的)。

  4. locu, loqu(=to speak,说)主要构成:

  eloquence(n. 雄辩, 口才)由e-(出来)+loqu+-ence(名词后缀)构成。→eloquent(adj.雄辩的, 有口才的);

  loquacious(adj.多话的, 饶舌的)由loqu+-acious(形容词后缀)构成。→loquacity(n. 多话, 饶舌);

  colloquy(n. 谈话, 会话)由col-(一起)+loqu+-y(名词后缀)构成。→colloquial(adj. 口语的, 通俗的),colloquialism(n. 俗语, 口语)。

  5. fabl, fabul (=to speak,说)主要构成:

  fabulous(adj. 寓言般的,惊人的,奇异的)由fabul+-ous(……的)构成。→fabulosity (n. 寓言性质);

  effable(adj. 能被说出的,可表达的)由ef-(出)+fabl构成。

  6. or(=to speak,说)主要构成:

  orate(v. 演说)由or+-ate(动词后缀)构成。→oration(n. 演说,讲演),orator (n. 演说者, 雄辩家);

  exorable(adj. 可说服的)由ex-(表示out)+or+-able(可……的)构成。→inexorable(adj. 不易说服的,无情的)。

  7. nounc, nunci(=to speak,言,说) 主要构成:

  announce(v. 正式宣布, 发表)由an-(加强意义)+nounc构成。→announcement(n. 宣告, 公告),announcer(n. 广播员, 告知者);

  renounce(v. 断绝关系)由re-(再,又)+nounc构成。→renunciation(n. 放弃, 弃权, 脱离关系);

  denounce(v. 公开指责, 公然抨击)由de-(向下)+nounc构成。→denunciation(n. 谴责, 告发)。

  8. leg(=to read,读)主要构成:

  legible(adj. 清晰的, 易读的)由leg+-ible(形容词后缀)构成。→legibility(n. 易读性, 易辨认, 易理解),illegible(adj. 难辨认的, 字迹模糊的);

  legend(n. 传说; 传奇)由leg+-end(名词后缀)构成。→legendary(adj. 传说中的,传奇的)。

  9. pet(=to ask, to seek,请求) 主要构成:

  compete(v. 比赛, 竞争)由com-(一起)+pet构成。→competent(adj. 有能力的, 胜任的),competence(n. 能力, 胜任),competitive(adj. 竞争的);

  appetite(n. 食欲, 胃口, 欲望)由ap-(朝,向)+pet+-ite(名词后缀)构成;

  perpetual(adj. 永久的, 永恒的)由per-(贯穿)+pet+-al(形容词后缀)构成。→perpetuity(n. 永恒),perpetuate(v. 使永存, 使不朽)。

  10. rog(=to ask,询问) 主要构成:

  rogation(n. 祈祷, 祷告)由rog+-ation(名词后缀)构成;

  derogate(v. 贬损, 毁损)由de-(向下)+rog+-ate(动词后缀)构成。→derogatory(adj. 贬损的);

  interrogate(v. 审问, 询问)由inter-(在……之间)+rog+-ate(动词后缀)构成。→interrogatory(adj. 质问的, 疑问的),interro-gation(n. 审问, 问号)。


  I. Multiple Choice.

  1. Einstein's achievements earned him the ________ of the entire scientific community.

  (a) acclaim (b) revocation

  (c) denunciation (d) annunciation

  2. In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our foe no ________.

  (a) advocate (b) invocation

  (c) acclamation (d) provocation

  3. The ________ told people that the king's daughter was to be married.

  (a) proclamation (b) vociferate

  (c) enunciation (d) invocation

  4. I tried to ________ her from investing her money in stocks and shares, because it is too dangerous.

  (a) encourage (b) dissuade

  (c) persuade (d) convince

  5. Several organizations ________ the government for the release of the political prisoners.

  (a) boycotted (b) demonstrated

  (c) lobbied (d) petitioned

  6. The treaty will give an ________ to trade between the two countries, in order to stimulate the economic development.

  (a) impetus (b) request

  (c) inquiry (d) description

  7. The Washington Monument was built to ________ the memory of a great man.

  (a) ignore (b) propose

  (c) transmit (d) perpetuate

  8. She lacks the necessary ________ for learning languages.

  (a) competence (b) arrogation

  (c) arrogance (d) ignorance

  9. A middle school course is a usual________ to college work.

  (a) preparation (b) vision

  (c) prerequisite (d) revision

  10. His chief aim in going to the U.S. is the ________ of knowledge.

  (a) pursuit (b) ascription

  (c) epigram (d) acquisition

  II. Write down the word according to its meaning.

  1. c________: of the nature of, or being a contradiction

  2. c________: acknowledge belief or faith in

  3. e________: praise or commendation

  4. l________: very talkative; garrulous

  5. f________: barely credible; astonishing

  6. e________: easy to be persuaded

  7. r________: that can be withdrawn, canceled,or revoked

  8. d________: condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible

  9. i________: unreadable

  10. a________: desire for food

  11. i________: curious and inquiring

  12. i________: examine by questioning formally or officially

  13. p________: lasting for eternity

  14. e________: characterized by persuasive,powerful discourse

  15. p________: stir to action or feeling


  I. 1—5 (a) (d) (a) (b) (d) 6—10 (a) (d)(a) (c) (d)

  II. 1. contradictory 2. confess 3. eulo-gy 4. loquacious 5. fabulous 6. exorable 7. revocable 8. denounce 9. illegible 10. appetite 11. inquisitive 12. interrogate 13. perpetual 14. eloquent 15. provoke



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