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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/22 11:39  国际在线

  Allen Iverson woke up Sunday feeling woozy and lightheaded — classic symptoms of altitude sickness in the thin air of Denver.

  Several hours later, he was hoisting the Most Valuable Player trophy from the All-Star game, proving that even when he's not at his best, he's pretty darn good. The Answer proved to be just that again for the East All-Stars — finishing with 15 points, nine assists and five steals in a 125-115 victory. He has been selected MVP in the last two East wins — this year and in 2001.

  Next up, he's expecting some razzing from his teammates.

  "I said at halftime, my teammates were going to joke with me because I never get tired," he said. "I felt tired today."

  Unlike most nights with the struggling 76ers, Iverson didn't need to take over the game from a shooting standpoint. No need to pour in 60 points like he did earlier this season. Just play some defense, shoot a little and distribute. If only it were this easy every night.

  "I didn't get double teamed all night," he said. "I didn't get the attention I usually get and it just makes it that much easier on me."

  With teammates like Shaq and LeBron James catching his passes, all those assists were, indeed, much easier. He threw the ball behind his head, hit James and O'Neal for alley-oops, threw bounce passes between his legs. His best assist of the night didn't even count; it was a save on the baseline and a toss to O'Neal who jammed, but it was nullified when referee Jack Nies said he had stepped on the line.

  This MVP effort didn't carry the same drama as his last one, in 2001. Then, he scored 15 points over the last nine minutes to lead the East to a 111-110 victory after trailing by 21.

  But Iverson is more mature now, doesn't feel the need to completely take over games, and never had to on this night.

  "LeBron James is on top of the world," Iverson said. "I just told him to never forget that the guys who put you on the top of the world can put you under, too."

  As for his own life — well, things have changed, and maybe his game has, too.

  "I'm older. It's simple as that," Iverson said. "You can't expect me to stay 25, 26 years old forever."






  赛后记者询问艾弗森对于新星勒布朗-詹姆斯在未来的发展方面有何建议时,艾弗森语重心长地表示:“他已经站在世界最高点了。但我要说的是,你永远不要忘了那些将你托起到世界高峰的队友,他们也可以将你打入深渊。”对于自己的未来,艾弗森看得很淡,他说:“我已经老了。就这么简单。我不能总是保持在25、26岁的年纪。” (文/张海山)


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