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教师教学参考:与 water 有关的习语或谚语
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/24 08:56  英语辅导报

  1. fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼

  2. go over the water 被充军,被流放

  3. in deep water(s) 在水深火热中,陷入困境

  4. in low water 拮据,缺钱,不如意

  5. in smooth water 圆滑地,顺利地,处于顺境之中

  6. hold water (言论等)合理,有理,站得住脚

  7. like water (用钱)如水,(血流)如注

  8. like a fish out of water 如鱼离开水,感到不适应

  9. a cup of cold water 施舍的象征

  10. be in (get into) hot water (由于言行失检等)处于困境中

  11. be dead in the water 彻底失败,无可挽回

  12. above water 脱离困境,摆脱债务

  13. of the first water 第一流的

  14. go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

  15. in rough (或troubled) water 很困难

  16. make sb's mouth water (或bring the water to sb's mouth) 使垂涎三尺,使渴望

  17. cast water into the Thames 徒劳,白费力气

  18. cast (或throw) one's bread upon the waters 做好事,行善

  19. keep one's head (或oneself) above water 免遭灭顶,避免破产,设法保住地位

  20. leave sb. dead in the water 让……望尘莫及

  21. between wind and water 在船的水线处,在最易受打击的地方,在要害处

  22. water down 冲淡

  23. written in water 昙花一现的,转眼即逝的

  24. spend money like water 挥金如土

  25. throw (或pour) cold water on 对……泼冷水,打击别人的热情

  26. water dog 水性好的人,会泅水的狗,水獭(动物)

  27. Water-Splashing Festival 泼水节

  28. Still waters run deep. (或Smooth water runs deep.)[谚]静水流深。(或外表淡漠而内心深 情。)

  29. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.[谚]井干方知水可贵。

  30. Draw water with a sieve. (或Pour water into a sieve.)[谚]竹蓝子打水一场空。

  31. No safe wading in an unknown water.[谚]不知深浅,切莫下水。

  32. Too much water drowned the miller.[谚]太多反为害。

  33. Don't throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh. [谚]清水未来,莫泼脏水。



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